Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v1 Chapter 38: Waiting for you for a long time

But just after jumping, Xia Qingchen flew into the air with a high speed of 20 feet, and his long legs swept.

"Fire Phoenix Day!"

He controlled his strength a little, making Fire Phoenix's power only about 70%.

Rao is so, sweeping, still sweeping Lin Tianyou like a sandbag, flying backwards in the air, and then hit the ground and vomit blood.

"Ah! Brother Lin!" Xiao Fenyu screamed and ran over to visit.

It was found that Lin Tianyou had been comatose by one leg, his limbs twitched continuously, and he was ugly.

"You!" Xiao Fenyu screamed and rushed like a ghost: "How dare you hurt Brother Lin?"

Xia Qingchen disagreed.

What is it that he hurt Lin Tianyou?

It was Lin Tianyou who attacked first, was inferior in skill, and went crazy and retaliated.

Is it necessary for Xia Qingchen to stand still and be injured by Lin Tianyou in order to meet her wishes?

Under normal circumstances, she should be ashamed of Lin Tianyou's despicable behavior, and come to apologize.

Actually, the wicked sued first, and continued to commit murder.

"Go!" Xia Qingchen said lazy and quite unreasonable women, and swept away a phoenix day.

Lin Tianyou is still difficult to parry, not to mention her?

Immediately being kicked on the cheek, the fierce Mars left a hot mark on the beautiful cheek.

The class A and D class students who came over took a breath.

Xiao Fenyu is a famous flower of Wu Ge this year, many young people's dream lover.

He was willing to give up his hands next time and hurt his face?

Xiao Fenyu fell to the ground, covering her face, hating Xia Qingchen with resentment: "Dare you dare to hit me?"

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "I'm not your father, why should I get used to your bad things!"

The unreasonable trouble of children, only those who are fathers and mothers will be infinitely tolerant.

Unfortunately, Xia Qingchen is not.

"You!" Xiao Fenyu was angry and hated, but he dared not dare to be extravagant.

Xia Qingchen is very powerful, beyond the imagination.

Lin Tianyou, the strongest in this year, and her have been swept away by one stroke.

And he has no pity for Xiangyu, she really dare not provoke any more.

Xia Qingchen turned his gaze, looked at the class A students, and smiled slightly: "It was a little rough, so everyone laughed. Does anyone need to compete with me?"

When he was swept away, a group of class A students with high eyes all looked away.

For fear of seeing Xia Qingchen, he was mistaken for a challenge.

So, there was a brief silence on the field.

"Isn't it alright? Everyone is quiet, how good is coexistence?" Xia Qingchen said indifferently.

When he finished speaking, he returned to the campfire and set up his own hut.

A campfire party ended.

Contrary to the tremendous loss of Class A, the students of Class D have an unprecedented surge in spirit and are uplifted.

In the evening, they also shouted and practiced.

Because Xia Qingchen swept the standing of Class A, it really inspired their fighting intent.

"That, I'm sorry, I used to have a bad tone, so..." Liu Yiyi came to Xia Qingchen, ten fingers twisted together, and apologized with a blushing face.

She sincerely apologized.

Before that, how many angry words did Xia Qingchen say?

If Xia Qingchen is the one who must report flaws, he will be beaten long ago, and Xiao Fenyu will end.

But Xia Qingchen was exceptionally forgiving, and obviously had such a strong strength, but he never retaliated with force.

This kind of generous and upright person, she can't even admire her heart.

Xia Qingchen didn't take it seriously and turned back and smiled indifferently: "I'm not angry anymore, what apologize? However, you have to be arrogant and arrogant in the future, so as to make great progress in Budo."

"Thank you Brother Xia for teaching." Liu Yiyi said embarrassedly.

Ding class students who saw this scene from afar were coaxing.

Liu Yiyi blushed and stared at them in shame.

In the coquettish laughter, Xia Qingchen quickly got along with them.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


The starry sky is lonely and the lake is quiet.

Only the crackling of firewood, and occasionally exploded.

Everything is as quiet as a picture in a poem.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, which came inadvertently.

Xia Qingchen's hut was silently opened by a steel knife.

The cold steel knife reveals the cool tone of death in the night.

One, no, two masked figures, quietly drilling in along the slit.

Their eyes suffocated with a cold and fierce light, and one hand held a steel knife to wipe Xia Qingchen's neck.

The other pinched the linen bag and covered Xia Qingchen's mouth.

They will quietly kill Xia Qingchen in the hut.

The steel knife is approaching!

Three feet!

Two feet!

One foot!

The masked man fiercely Yu Sheng, the steel knife in his hand suddenly wiped down, to seal the throat with a knife.

But at this moment, Xia Qingchen, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.

The eyes are full of sober colors.

The icy starlight burst out.

"Waiting for you for a long time!" Xia Qingchen said coldly, his finger already prepared a hook!


The sound of countless silk threads shuddering, ringing through the hut.

"Hands on!" The two masked men were taken aback, immediately speeded up and wiped off with a knife.

However, when the steel knife was only half a foot away from Xia Qingchen's neck, the steel knife couldn't be pressed down.

As if there is something invisible and tough, stop the cold blade.

That is golden silk.

Before going to bed, Xia Qingchen densely covered the golden silk half a foot away from her upper body, tightly sealed.

No sharp blade can split the golden silk screen.

"He's guarded!" The swordsman's face changed slightly, and he sighed, "Use martial arts!"

He gave up the steel knife very decisively and switched to martial arts.

Xia Qingchen's eyes were cold, his fingers flicked, and there were several invisible golden silks in the snorting sound, which popped from the side of the hut as if it were an institution.

The masked man holding the burlap bag suddenly tightened his waist, thighs, and neck, and was held back by several silk threads. He pulled back to the side of the bead and tied it tightly.

The rest of the masked people were still half hesitant when they saw it. On the spot, it was a tremendous vigour, and they shot towards Xia Qingchen's chest.

"Wild Elephant Chiye!"

Xia Qingchen also struck a long-awaited blow.


A thunderous sound suddenly burst into the hut.

This blow was like a wild game with a wild power and a domineering look.

The masked man was caught off guard and was swiped upside down by a palm and smashed into the hut.

But he cultivated well and was not seriously injured.

Just turned a few rolls in the same place, and stood up quickly.

He wanted to break into the hut again, and when Xia Qingchen was resolved, it was too late.

Because of the huge movement, the whole camp was awakened.

Qin Lin near Xia Qingchen reacted first and rushed out with a roar.

The masked man gritted his teeth and jumped into the dark lake of Pinghu, leaving only a large splash of water, and no one was seen.

Qin Lin has a heart to chase, but he is more concerned about Xia Qingchen and breaks apart the collapsed hut.

Xia Qingchen found no harm, Chang Song breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, he found the masked man bound by Xia Qingchen, and pulled out his mask coldly: "Who sent you?"

The masked man looked fierce and said, "No one, I'm jealous of Xia Qingchen, so I move to kill."
