Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1096: Take Rou Gang (second more)

A thick aura of half a meter in diameter floats up and down around the seal.

A trace of sparks spattered from the seal.

As long as the rune is burning, it can detonate this huge air mass. At that time, Mo said that Yu Tingtong was injured, fearing that everything in the entire pavilion area would be blown into the sky.

Yu Tingtong stared at Xia Qingchen's aura in amazement, then looked at herself again, confused.

It seems to be doubting whether he is dreaming.

"Lone Cloud Covers the Moon" is the unique inheritance of the Yu Family. It is impossible to learn elsewhere. How could Xia Qingchen?

Moreover, the exhibition was completed successfully, which is more sophisticated than the homeowner Yuhua Long, and it seems to be reaching the realm.

Xia Qingchen was one of a kind, and Fu Yin flew into the sky, exploding at the height of Baizhang, emitting huge fire.

Looking down at Yu Tingtong, he said indifferently: "Just what it does?"

Yu Tingtong was deeply stimulated, she simply withdrew her martial arts, lotus feet a little, and her body was as fast as she was.

His body style is quite good, reaching 1,300 feet in one step, and he quickly catches up with Xia Qingchen before practicing "Buddha Evil Bone".


The three fingers of her right hand condensed a ray of tenacious star power, pointing at Xia Qingchen's upper body.

Xia Qingchen's body flashed lightly, easily avoiding his fingering.

However, Yu Tingtong didn't know when to make a fist in his left hand, changed to a fist, and hammered towards Xia Qingchen's back.

Xia Qingchen didn't return his head, and raised his elbow to block his fist.


Yu Tingtong only felt that the left fist was hitting on the sharp iron block, which was extremely painful.

But her attack did not stop, and she took a hook on her right foot and kicked Xia Qingchen's lower body.

In just a few moments, fingering, boxing and footing are exhibited!

And they are coherent with each other.

In close combat, there is no disadvantage in the same rank, and few people can be enemies.

However, she met Xia Qingchen.

Xia Qingchen clipped his legs with a pinch of his legs, and finally put his hands behind him.

Grab the left hand, hold the left fist that is about to retract, and hold the neck with the back hand and lift it up.

The two of them formed a rather weird posture. Xia Qingchen turned his back to Yu Tingtong, but completely subdued it, making Yu Tingtong unable to move.

However, instead of catching without restraint, Yu Tingtong caught a contempt in the corner of his mouth.

His red lips suddenly opened, and he spit out a long knife from his mouth.

From her mouth to Xia Qingchen's neck, it was only less than two inches. At such a close distance, it would be difficult for the Fairy Da Luo to react.

The pupils of the onlookers Yan Yujun and others shrank, and at this moment, they were too late to scream and remind them, only to watch the unexpected knife and shoot into Xia Qingchen's neck.

However, at the moment of the moment, Xia Qingchen turned his head strangely and bit him with a knife that he spit out!

The other side of the knife is still in Yu Tingtong's mouth...

The two seem to have something in common, plus strange gestures, how ambiguous and ambiguous each other's state is.

The Lord Yanyu looked in his eyes and silently looked away, his eyes flickering.

Xia Qingchen loosened her legs, slammed her elbow, and hit her in the abdomen, causing Yu Tingtong to bend her waist in pain, and let her mouth loose, letting go of the knife.

Xia Qingchen spit hard, and the knife flew backwards, inserted into the ground.

"The martial arts are average, the combat skills are sparse and ordinary, and the comprehensive strength is very ordinary. It seems that the Yu family did not seriously teach you." Xia Qingchen commented.

Yu Tingtong should not only have this strength if he carefully cultivates with the background of the Yu family.

Xia Qingchen thought of a scar on her chest when she changed Yu Tingtong's clothes.

"Don't be complacent! Wait for me to practice well, and then compete with you!" Yu Tingtong endured the pain.

Who knows, Xia Qingchen held his fist indifferently: "Who told you that the account between us is done?"

After a word, it was a fist.

Yu Tingtong resisted the pain and raised his fist to attack frontally, but how could Xia Qingchen's physique be able to resist Yu Tingtong?

His Xiuquan immediately received irresistible heavy pressure. Not only was the fist pushed back, but even the elbow joint was dislocated due to the great force, making a soft click.

With more than one punch, Xia Qingchen kicked back on his chest.

A row of broken ribs in the click!

Xia Qingchen's figure flickered like electricity as he fell, flying from the bottom to the top with his knees!

Another crisp click, Yu Tingtong's spine was broken!


She fell to the ground helplessly, groaning, and the small face under the mask was full of pain.

Only, she clenched her teeth, not frowning, but said hardly: "All... give it back to you..."

The enmity that pushed him down the cliff that day and saved his life, all offset!

Yu Gugong and Zhang Xiaofeng endlessly, Xia Qingchen is too cruel?

People who look at him very generously on weekdays, why are such flaws reported today, and their actions are venomous?

Xia Qingchen gave a cold look to Yu Tingtong, who was lying on the ground, unable to move anymore, and said to the Yanyu County Master and others: "As you can see, it will end up with the strong and powerful!"

The barbarians are strong and arrogant. If five days later, they respond like Yu Tingtong, and the end will be just like her now.

Zhang Xiaofeng concentrated his thoughts and said seriously: "I urge Brother Xia to give me advice."

Yu Gugong also clenched his fists deeply.

Xia Qingchen said: "If you want to deal with the barbarians, the secret is only four words!"

The three of them concentrated and focused, and even Yu Tingtong on the ground couldn't help listening carefully.

She swears secretly that Xia Qingchen must be comfortable when she learns how to restrain herself.

"Yike Ronggang!" Xia Qingchen looked at the water outside the pavilion and punched him across the air.

With the strength of Xia Qingchen's physique, the power of a punch in the air is not trivial, but hitting the soft water, just hitting a shallow puddle.

If everyone understands, they just don't know how to use it.

"I will give you a basic mental technique of using star power. If you are willing to learn, if you don't want to say it, I don't say it." Xia Qingchen wrote a martial art called "Yunwu Yin" on the spot.

Generally speaking, few people are willing to spend time and energy to learn the basic mental methods of using the star power when they reach the big star position.

Do you have the energy to practice more offensive martial arts or improve it?

Who wants to learn the use of star power?

The three of them were also somewhat disappointed. They thought Xia Qingchen was teaching martial arts with great power, and the result was basic martial arts.

However, holding is Xia Qingchen's guidance, certainly not wrong attitude, they try to accept.

"Practice now." Xia Qingchen passed on the martial arts to them one by one, instructing them to practice skills and methods with great care.

It was originally a try mentality, but the more they practiced, the more they felt the subtlety of martial arts.

The master of Yanyu County pressed a palm on the diamond coffee table, the surface of the coffee table was not broken, but you could knock on the coffee table to see that all the inside was cracked!

"Xia Gongzi, didn't you say that practicing this is the brute force that restrains the barbarians? How can we make our star power become so tyrannical?" The Master Yanyu surprised.

Okay, what about Yirou Kegang? How do you practice harder?

Yu Tingtong lying on the ground, with anxiety in her face, felt that she had realized something, but because her limbs were seriously damaged, she could not demonstrate in person, and could only drill in her mind over and over again.

Yu Gugong and Zhang Xiaofeng also found that their star power, under the influence of that martial arts movement route, became extremely overbearing.

(Continue to update at night)