Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1099: Oh it's you

As the Lord of Yanyu County said, what kind of person Xia Qingchen is, she should find the answer by herself, instead of listening to the Yu family including Emperor Yiyi.

Xia Qingchen, after pointing everyone, came to the secret room of Lian Xing and others.

They had just digested the Tianying fruit donated by the Lord of Tiannan City, and their cultivation practices all broke through one level.

Qiu Qiu reached the six-star position of the big star position, but the star star did not change much. Tianyingguo was suitable for a breakthrough, but he did not necessarily increase his strength. Bai Xiaozhu broke through to the peak of the four star position of the big star position, and even the night Linglong broke through to the big star position. .

In short, everyone has huge gains.

The only exception is Mercy.

"Xia Lang, I'm not as good as a dead dog now." Lian Xing suffocated his face, looking grieved.

Moreover, even Bai Xiaozhu quickly caught up with her, which made Lian Xing somewhat unacceptable.

Qiu Qiu was lying on the ground chewing his bones, and he looked up and cast the dog's contempt: "When do you say you are better than me!"

"Dead dog, when will I be better than you?"

"Hey! Stinky girl, the dog doesn't show his power, do you think I'm a little dog?"

"Come on! Who is afraid of who!"

Xia Qingchen sat down when the two didn't agree with each other.

One person and one dog felt that Xia Qingchen was in a wrong mood, and immediately and honestly quietly, Xia Qingchen only said: "This place is not a military palace, there is no resource for Li Xing to enjoy unlimitedly. After returning to Liangzhou City, I will find resources for you again ."

Have to wait to return to Liangzhou City? Lian Xing's small face was aggrieved like a flooded balloon.

"In addition, Qiu Qiu has eaten this thing." Xia Qingchen threw Qiu Wanjin's monster essence into Qiu Qiu.

The enmity that was gnawing the bone was suddenly clever, and he could not help trembling.

That's it as a monster, it's instinctive reaction to the essence of monster.

He raised his head and stared at the purple crystal. The dog's eyes were filled with longing: "Master Chen, what is this? How do I feel that the blood is boiling in front of it?"

Visible to the naked eye, Qiu Qiu's snow-white dog hair was raised upright.

A trace of demon qi was uncontrollably emitted from the pores and was absorbed by the purple crystal.

Xia Qingchen said: "The essence of a monster that failed to break through the high moon position."


The audience was cold, Bai Xiaozhu shocked: "Is the legend of the high moon monster in Lounan Reality true?"

She once saw a secret in the Wen Palace. A monster close to Gaoyue was infested at the border between Lounan and Liangjing. Just exposed, it caused a forest fire and destroyed Wanqing Forest.

Lian Xing jealously said: "Xia Lang, don't this crystal make the dead dog a breakthrough again?"

Xia Qingchen shook his head, not waiting for Ping Xing to breathe. He said again: "Cultivation as a breakthrough is secondary. The important thing is that it can make Qiu Qiu change and evolve into a more advanced monster."

Lian Xing was jealous and squeezed his fist: "How can a dead dog change, or a dog? Is it possible to become a flying dog?"

Xia Qingchen's eyes revealed a gleam of light: "That may be! The direction of the change is related to the attributes of the master of the essence of the monster. If the other party is a flying monster, it is not impossible for the enemy to become a flying dog."

Hearing the words, Lian Xing jealously pulled Xia Qingchen's sleeve: "Xia Lang, I want it too!"

She and Qiu Qiu have always been in the same position. Now that Qiu Qiu is getting worse day by day, but she is still standing still. This kind of psychological gap is very painful.

Xia Qingchen said: "If you don't mind becoming a monster, you can give you half."

"Do not mind!" Lian Xing smiled.

Xia Qingchen repeated: "Then you want to be covered with scales, or covered with monster hair, or covered with poisonous pus?"

"I... no more!" Lian Xing thought about her image after becoming a monster, and shuddered: "I am so ugly, how can I deserve Xia Lang?"

He said, flung on Xia Qingchen's back, hugging his neck and said intimately: "Xia Lang, do you have the heart to look at the dead dog and be proud in front of me?"

As he said, he deliberately squeezed Xia Qingchen's back with his chest, and pretended to exhale.

Xia Qingchen pushed her away and said, "I have said it all, and I will wait until I return to Liangzhou City."

Good resources similar to the essence of monsters and beasts are hard to come by. Southern Xinjiang is unfamiliar and it is not easy to find similar resources.

"Take peace of mind, don't want to be so tall." Xia Qingchen got up and left, went to the barren forest to supervise the tribe's cultivation.

"Humph! Xia Lang doesn't love me anymore!" Lian Xing pursed her lips and grumbled.

However, she did not really complain.

Xia Qingchen has given her too much, she is not qualified to claim unlimitedly: "I will find a way myself!"

She hugged Bai Xiaozhu's shoulder: "Go! Let's go to Fangshi to inquire! This is the capital of southern Xinjiang, and there are many good things!"

"I...I'm going to practice..." Bai Xiaozhu stammered, she really didn't dare to wander around in an unfamiliar place like the southern capital.

"I'm afraid of anything, I have it!" Lian Xing said: "I don't want to cause Xia Lang trouble. He is already tired of the gambling game. I will practice myself."

Bai Xiaozhu looked helpless and was dragged away by Lian Xing.

At that time.

Outside the main house of Tiannan City, a carriage that was waiting to be placed turned around and left after Xia Qingchen left the mansion.

In the car, in addition to Wu Kun, the head of the Wu family, there was also his son, Wu Yan, who had a facial erosion.

"Yan'er, are you sure that the person hurting you is Xia Qingchen?" Wu Kun's face was more somber and somber.

Today, he came to visit Xia Qingchen with a heavy gift, hoping to establish a good relationship with him.

On this trip, Wu Yan also wanted to follow, wanting to take a closer look at the legendary Xia Qingchen in the carriage.

The visible results made Wu Yan angry.

The so-called Xia Qingchen turned out to be a mysterious young man on the platform who pumped his cheeks into erosion.

"I know him when he turns into gray!" Wu Yan's face was twisted and he hated it.

Now he is not a ghost or a ghost, and thanks to Xia Qingchen.

Wu Kun clenched his fists tightly: "It seems that we don't have the possibility to draw Xia Qingchen."

Such a great hatred has been settled, no matter how heavy the ceremony is, it cannot be resolved.

"Dad! You want to avenge me!" Wu Yan's face was fierce: "I want him to pay what he deserves!"

However, Wu Kun was extremely indifferent: "Forget revenge, forget it! From now on, you will not go out again."

"But my face..." Wu Yan shouted unwillingly.

Wu Kun stared at him coldly: "Is your face important, or is the Wu family up and down important? From southern Xinjiang to Tiannan city master, to Limin people, they are in awe of their influence, and their influence is comparable to Bai Zhantian. What is your revenge? he?"

He sighed deeply: "Quan should buy a lesson! Qiu, forget it all, don't mention it again! Unless, you want to be driven out of the Wu family like Wu Xiong."

Wu Yan immediately lowered his head: "Dare not dare."

It's just that in the corner that Wu Kun couldn't see, his eyes between his head bowed with deep resentment.