Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1366: One does not stay (two more)

At least, Gu Batong didn't make him lose face.

And Han Xiangdong, this is the second time in the near future that the father who is the father of the Yuan has been embarrassed.

The audience also tweeted a lot of wows.

"This... Beiyuan Jianzun personally seeks the moon pith for Han Xiangdong?"

"It's unheard of!"

"It seems that we overestimated Han Gongzi."

"Thinking of the Northern Yuan Jianzun Tangyuanyuan, before going to Wangyuelou to pay apology to lead the son, and later personally shot for the son to find the moon pith, the face is nothing!"

"It's really an uneasy son, pity Beiyuan Jianzun."


The voice of discussion made Han Xiangdong clenched his fists, and it was extremely shameful.

"Xia Qingchen!" Han Xiangdong poured humiliating anger to Xia Qingchen.

Hearing his ears, the emperor Dongyuan looked down on him even more. He was clearly clever but was mistaken, relying on his father to support him, and demanded the Sea Eagle No. 10.

Today, he blames Xia Qingchen for embarrassing him.

People who can't face themselves always will never find the true path of martial arts.

Because, his failure will be blamed on others, rather than looking for reasons from himself...


A group of sea eagles chased the waves in the distance, Yun Huaxin took the lead and emerged from the dust.

The flock of eagles for many years has caused the lunar pith to be excavated off the coast, only in the distance, so flying farther, the possibility of obtaining the lunar pith is higher.

And whoever comes first will seize the opportunity.

"Miss Yun, please be merciful and leave some to us." The participants behind pleaded.

Yun Huaxin turned his head and smiled lightly: "Ordinary moon pith, I won't want it, rest assured."

The voice just fell, and suddenly a strong wind blew across the top of his head.

She hurried to see it, but no one on the sea eagle could see clearly, and the sea eagle disappeared without a trace.

Yun Huaxin was taken aback, "Where is the Sea Eagle?"

The opponent's sea eagle is almost three times faster than her!

She rose to catch up, but soon the other party disappeared at the end of her sight.

Xia Qingchen took control of the No. 9 sea eagle and took the lead, catching up with the sea wolf still on low tide.


Suddenly, the sea eagle seemed to feel, swooping down, hovering over a piece of mud buried half a shipwreck, and screaming.

Did you find something?

Xia Qingchen pulled out the Dayan sword, a little more space!

The strong sword gas reached the mud, exploding all the black mud that was ten feet deep and one foot deep.

The black mud flying all over the sky is still covered with various black debris in the mud.

Only the size of a pigeon's egg, the crystal beads that radiate the moonlight are very different.

Moon pith!

Xia Qingchen put a hand in the air and grabbed the moon pith into his palm.

If you look closely, the moon pith is like crystal, the texture is hard, and the inside is full of silk, which is undoubtedly the legendary moon pith.

With the help of the power of Yuehua, the star warrior at the top of the star can break through the shackles and step into the moon.

It's just that the power of Yuehua inside is too thin for Xia Qingchen to break through.

"It's just a product, the grade is too inferior." Xia Qingchen shook his head, and threw the moon pith into the space ninja.

Moon pith also has high and low points, and the grade is determined according to how much the power of Moon China is contained in it.

One product is the lowest and nine products is the highest.

"Go!" Xia Qingchen took out a pill of pill and threw it into Haiying's mouth.

Once again, I tasted the taste of the pill, and the sea eagle screamed with excitement, searching harder for the pith.

It is strengthened by the medullary pill and its flight speed is greatly increased, almost chasing the retreating tide.

Once a lunar pith appears, with its enhanced perception, it can be discovered for the first time.

Often in the time of incense sticks, you will find a moon pith hidden under the mud.

Sometimes even three are found nearby.

When the two hours passed, Xia Qingchen had already harvested a full of twenty moon piths. Unfortunately, none of them could satisfy Xia Qingchen.

He had no waste of the moon pith, and he threw it into the space ninja.

"Continue to search." Xia Qingchen gave Haiying a pill of pill, and there was a trace of worry.

I don't know if I can find a lunar princess that is satisfactory this time.

He was not yet satisfied, and how sorrowful the contestants behind him could be imagined.

At first, the cloud painting heart with full confidence was even more dignified. She looked at the scenes that had been dug under her feet, and her heart was very deep.

Now, Mo said that the best moon pith is ordinary, and she has not found one.

All the lunar princesses are the first to get on their way.

"It's over, there is only one hour left, and the tide will rise back, but we haven't found it for a month!"

"So far, none of the contestants have been awarded the moon pith. This has never happened!"

"Who is so cruel, and does not leave us with a moon pith?"


However, complaining back to complaining, no one can say anything, because there is no rule, a person can only dig a lunar pith.

Looking for the moon's marrow is based on luck and ability.

Since others have the ability to dig up all the moon's marrow, that is his ability and should not be blamed.

Yun Huaxin calmed down: "Come on, find one is one."

She doesn't want to get the best moon pill now, she can find an ordinary one, she is satisfied.

But the reality is extremely cruel.

After half an hour.

They still have nothing to gain, and the way, but where there is a lunar pith, all are dug, and one is not left.

"Why the **** did I go to our goddess before us?"

"He is more powerful than the sky. I am afraid that it is the Yuan masters who are coming, and they dare not pack the tickets. Can they find the moon essence along the way?"

"It's unbelievable, how did he do it?"

There was no omission on the way! !

Yun Hua was really nervous. Was she really going home empty-handed?

Only half an hour is left before the ebb tide, when the sea water will rise back at a faster rate.


Suddenly, the sea eagles gathered together, screaming anxiously, looking very scared.

Then the air shuddered, and the contestants felt, and looked behind them.

But seeing a cloud and light sword shadow, Beiyuan Jianzun held a sick sea eagle, flying in the air.

The sea eagle could not fly, so he took the sea eagle to fly!

As long as the sea eagle has a sense of the moon pith!

"North...Beiyuan Sword Sovereign?" Everyone was trembling with fright, and the dazzling Beiyuan Sword Sovereign came to find the moon pith in person!

Beiyuan Jianzun is also empty-handed. His sharp eyes like a stalk sharp sword pierce people's hearts: "You haven't found the lunar pith?"

Yun Huaxin stood up and bowed his head in a bow: "Return to Senior, some people take a step first and dig away all the lunar pith."

Her eyes flashed with anticipation, hoping that Beiyuan Jianzun could take the lead for them.

"It's over." Beiyuan Jianzun's eyes cast into the distance, and said something lightly.

Wen Yan, Yun Hua's heart is happy, it seems that Beiyuan Jianzun is about to shoot!

After finishing his words, Beiyuan Jianzun's method of body suddenly accelerated and hurried away towards Xia Qingchen.