Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1439: Surprise mysterious mine (two more)

Holding the crystal statue in his hand, Xia Qingchen tried to walk a few steps around, and was surprised to find that if he walked to the east, the statue would become hotter and hotter, but when he walked back, it became more and more calm.

"Look at the past." According to the induction of the crystal figurine, Xia Qingchen came to the eastern corner of the emperor's mausoleum.

The power of Moonlight here is extremely thin, only twice that outside the cemetery!

After others come here, they will give up and leave.

"What's wrong with the underground?" Yue Mingzhu glanced around, and patted the ground with a small slap. The soil immediately cracked, revealing a natural cave below.

Caves are not uncommon on Linlang Island.

After all, it is an island in the sea. The bottom of the island has been eroded by seawater for a long time, and some caves will inevitably appear.

After the opening of the cave, the crystal figurine is even hotter!

Xia Qingchen's eyes turned slightly and said, "You are waiting here, let me take a look."

After jumping down, Xia Qingchen found that the power of Yuehua here was suffocating.

He took a free breath, and the nasal cavity was full of vaporized Yuehua force, so he had to close his breath tightly to prevent Yuehua force from entering too much and hurting Xingquan.

The strength of Yuehua here is five times that of the outside of the tomb, which is comparable to the best cultivation position of the tomb of the emperor.

Xia Qingchen can successfully break through here!

However, this is just the corner of the cave.

He continued to go forward. The cave is a giant cave that is one person tall and can accommodate a carriage. It goes all the way to the bottom of the island.

And the further down, Yuehua is more abundant.

When halfway through, Yuehua's richness has begun to liquefy into droplets and float in the air.

Its richness is no less than the tomb of Emperor Zhou Xu!

"What's going on?" Xia Qingchen continued to search towards the bottom.

After half an hour, finally reached the bottom.

The location of this place is already below sea level, at the very bottom of the island.

If the cave is deeper, the island may have to be cut through!

At the bottom of the cave is a watery pond the size of a pond.

But it is not sea water that flows inside, but...Liquefaction Moonlight! !

Xia Qingchen looked around, only to find that the stone walls around the bottom were all transparent crystals.

Moonlight shines into the seawater, and through the crystal, it falls to the bottom of the cave, causing Yuehua to settle here.

This place is extremely secretive, and it is difficult to discover the existence of the pool from the outside world, resulting in no one to destroy.

After thousands of years of accumulation, this liquid moonlight finally emerged.

Xia Qingchen rejoices that there is a liquid moon, what other cultivation position is needed?

Just find a place and swallow a liquid moonflower to start a breakthrough.

And so many Yuehua can provide tens of thousands of people with a month of use! !

How could Xia Qingchen be polite, immediately take out an empty ninja and draw all the liquid moonflower into it, leaving no drop left.

Moreover, the surprise is that when Yue Huaquan in the pool is taken away, there is a layer of moon pill lying on the bottom! !

Moon pulp varies in size, but the smallest has six grade moon pulp, and the largest has eight grades!

As many as thousands!

Xia Qingchen couldn't help smiling: "The natives of Linlang Island, who broke their blood for the sake of a moon pith, didn't even know that there were thousands of top-grade moon pith hidden in the island under their feet."

To them, Xia Qingchen also cleanly politely cleaned up, leaving no one left.

Digging the moon pith cleanly, Xia Qingchen was about to leave, but in the afterglow, he suddenly glimpsed what light was digging through the digging deep pit.


Didn't the moon pith have been dug out?

His long sword shook, and a ray of sword gas swept past, striking the surrounding soil.

A crystal-clear crystal clear ore, crystal-like ore appeared in the eyes.

This is not the moon.


Xia Qingchen couldn't help shrinking his pupils, flew past, stooped down and picked them up.

He murmured unbelievably: "Moonstone!"

It is exactly moonstone!

An ore that absolutely does not exist on the mainland!

It is often born only in places where the essence of the sun and the moon is extremely strong, and the birth conditions are extremely harsh.

In addition to the huge and enormous Yuehua, which will take a long time to settle, it will take at least 10,000 years to take shape.

If it is affected in the middle, it is likely to fail.

Unexpectedly, at the bottom of Linlang Island, this secret land that has never been disturbed, there will be a moonstone!

Xia Qingchen couldn't help but think of Gu Qianhen.

Gu Qianhen once asked Xia Qingchen's advice with a inferior moonstone.

At that time, Xia Qingchen had also been surprised, where is the ancient moonstone.

Now it seems that it should be the moonstone that was born here, somehow fell into the sea, and then got it by the ancient thousand marks.

Thinking of this, Xia Qingchen's eyes swallowed a little anticipation, staring at the bottom of the deep pit.

Moonstone has another characteristic.

It is born, often not just one, but a moonstone mine!

Xia Qingchen immediately continued to dig down. As expected, he dug three inches and dug a large piece of moonstone mine!

The ore extends in all directions, far from the point that Xia Qingchen excavated.

Xia Qingchen withdrew the Dayan sword, took out the shovel, and dug up all the dust at the bottom of the cave!


At the bottom of the whole cave, the underground is a small natural crystal mine!

It exudes soft moonlight, and a trace of lunar crystals escaping.

"Unexpected harvest!" Xia Qingchen couldn't help laughing.

Such a small moonstone mine is beyond imagination. I am afraid that it will not be a moonstone mine for 100 years of wealth on the mainland and Linlang Island.

Although all of them are inferior moonstones, only the small moon strong can break through one level, but the value is still immeasurable!

Xia Qingchen stretched out his arms and grabbed the corner of the small mine, preparing to dig it up completely.

However, just when it touched, there was a clear sound inside the mine.

A crack also appeared in due course, dividing the small moonstone mine into two halves from the middle.

Xia Qingchen couldn't help but wonder. Moonstone is an extremely hard stone. How can it easily crack?

He broke the crack, and his pupils shrank to find that there was a piece of fist in the center of the crack, showing dark red ore.

"Mid-grade moonstone!!" Xia Qingchen was surprised.

Generally speaking, only medium and large-scale moonstone mines will condense medium-grade moonstone.

At present, the moonstone mine can only be regarded as a miniature at most, not even a small one, and even a middle-grade moonstone can be born!

He took a long sword and picked out the fist-sized middle-grade moonstone.

According to the weight of a moonstone, one pound of moonstone is counted as one.

The middle-grade moonstones at the moment are twenty pounds, which is equivalent to 20 middle-grade moonstones. It can allow 20 middle-aged moonstones to break through a level!

"Good harvest." Xia Qingchen weighed it, satisfied.

But it was rubble again, the middle-grade moonstone cracked, and exposed a purple moonstone of eye size inside!