Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1461: Faceless judge (two more)

But what about this **** woman?

Does she read a little friendship?

No! !

Instead, he was deliberate and killed him!

The deepest betrayal is nothing more than that!

"Dig out my heart, I don't know, is it made of stone?" Yue Mingzhu sneered sarcastically.

There was no trace of regret in that expression.

"Okay! The old man succeeded you!" The eight guards took out a scimitar and stepped forward.

But, the second tomb-keeper stopped him and said, "Don't be fooled, she is discrediting our Linlang Island."

The tomb keeper, using such malicious means to execute a darkmoon saint, spreading it would only damage the reputation of Linlang Island.

The second tomb-keeper hummed: "Don't forget to harm people when they die!"

"You all retreat, the old man executed her personally." He took out a quaintly shaped machete, revealing the cold edge.

The rest of the tombkeepers recognized that it was the torture tool of the two tombkeepers who specifically punished the unholy people.

This torture tool allows prisoners to die gradually in the slowest time and the most painful process.

"Humph! Thousands of thousands of dollars are cheaper for her!" The Eight Shou Tombmen and others shrugged off their sleeves and left indignantly.

Only the second tomb-keeper is left.

With his strong momentum, he locked in all directions, making it difficult for Yue Mingzhu to escape.

"Do you regret it?" The second tombkeeper stepped forward with a cold scimitar and pressed it against his chin.

Yue Mingzhu gritted her teeth and shivered.

But she is not afraid.

But crying.

Crying for being sad.

A stream of tears, like a broken kite, keeps flowing out.

"I regret it," Ershou Tombman said lightly: "Concealing the fact that his corpse brain pill is about to erupt, and silently bear the crime of betrayal of Xia Qingchen, must I feel like a knife?"

Yue Mingzhu, who was inexplicably crying, suddenly opened her eyes.

She suddenly stood up and stared at the second tombkeeper coldly: "Who are you?"

Even the most intimate Xia Qingchen didn't know about the corpse brain pill, how did the second guardian know?


The two tombkeepers were silent, with dry palms, groping a hot iron card from the portable fire.

On the front is the word "judge".

The opposite is "no face".

"Faceless judge?" Yue Mingzhu was surprised and looked at the second tombkeeper in disbelief.

The members of the dark moon are divided into the bright and dark parts.

The members of the Ming Ministry openly deal with related matters, such as several respected elders, saints and assassination members.

The members of the secret department are incognito, lurking among the major forces and listening to all actions of the outside world.

For example, the former Nebula Zongxing meteorite elder was a member of the dark part, but the status was very low and belonged to a small member of the dark part.

Mingbei is already mysterious enough in the eyes of outsiders, and few people have heard of the members.

But the dark part is even more mysterious.

Outsiders may not even know that there is a dark part in Dark Moon.

For the entire dark moon, only Moon Zun knew the dark part, and the rest knew nothing about it.

Including the purple pupil demon girl who has been in the dark moon for many years.

Where is the dark part, who are the masters, what is the strength, and even gender is not known.

Only know that they are very large.

There are rumors that any force on the mainland, as small as the small mountain gate like the Nebula Sect, and as large as Linlang Island, have members of the Dark Department lurking.

The tentacles of the dark part are everywhere!

Even most of the time, the actions of the Ming Ministry are carried out by the news of the Dark Ministry.

It can be said that the dark part is the real core of the dark moon.

Yue Mingzhu had heard that Yue Zun had no intention of mentioning that the dark part was controlled by two super powers that were not inferior to her.

One of them is called Qianqianhou, and the legend can be ever-changing, and can be easily transformed into anyone, extremely mysterious.

The other is a faceless monarch. He is more mysterious than Qianqianhou because he is good at everything.

Moon Pearl never dreamed that the second tomb-keeper of Linlang Island was actually the legendary faceless king!

If this news comes out, I'm afraid Shi Shitian.

"The judge has no face, see Saint." Noface Jun smiled slightly.

In terms of identity, the saint is the heir to Yuezun, and may one day be the head of a faceless monarch.

His courtesy was justified.

"It turns out to be you." Yue Mingzhu regained her composure.

Faceless Jun smiles still: "Holy lady, you really want to disobey the order of Moon Lord, would you rather die of a corpse brain pill, would you rather kill Xia Qingchen?"

Yue Mingzhu's eyes gloomed: "Xia Qingchen is already poisoned and not far from death."

"However, you expelled him from the poison with the power of your purple pupil. He couldn't die, and he will recover soon." Wu Mianjun said indifferently.

How could he ignore the kiss that Yue Mingzhu gave Xia Qingchen before leaving?

It seems that it is just a farewell, but in fact Yue Mingzhu quietly used the power of his purple pupil.

"From the beginning, you haven't thought about killing him, right?" The old, deep face of Faceless Jun Cang saw through everything.

"You poisoned him by breaking your heart, and at first came to help Xia Qingchen put aside his relationship with you and escape the arrest of Linlang Island."

"Secondly, I don't want Xia Qingchen to be sad for you who are about to die, so pretend to betray him and let him hate you from now on."

Yue Mingzhu listened quietly, her heart, blood, eyes, and tears.


Why would she want to kill Xia Qingchen?

That is her favorite person!

Every bit of the past, the tenderness of the past, the common life and death, how could it be false?

When betrayal, Xia Qingchen suffered, why was she so heart-shattering?

If there is a choice, who wants to let those who love it hate themselves from now on?

But she is not like that. Will Lin Lang Island let Xia Qingchen pass?

Not so. Will Xia Qingchen spend the rest of her life calmly after her death?

"You joined Darkmoon just for the mystery of your life experience, and you have been attached to it all your life. I never thought that it would be a man willing to give up when things came to an end."

"Even, don't even have your own life!"

As long as Xia Qingchen is killed, she can complete the mission, get the antidote to the corpse brain pill, and get the mystery of her dream life experience.

As long as she is cruel, in fact, these are at your fingertips.

"Don't say it!" Yue Mingzhu wiped her tears and said in pain: "My own choice, no complaints!"

She stared at the two tomb-keepers silently, without trust as a dark moon, but full of coldness.

"Don't tell me, you reveal the identity of the dark part, just to tell me this." Yue Mingzhu said quietly.

The identity of the dark part will never be easily revealed.

Unless the insider is absolutely reliable.

The most reliable in the world is often the dead.

He, to kill Moon Pearl.

"Yuezun has orders, if the mission of the Virgin Pupil fails, the old man must cut the grass and eradicate the roots." The smile on Wu Mianjun's face slowly converged.

This point, Yue Mingzhu was not surprised.

There are too many secrets of a dark moon high-level figure who is about to explode.

If not handled in time, the secrets of Dark Moon may be shaken out.