Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1701: Back to Heaven

However, the real nightmare is coming!

The sky inspector's face was pale, and his lips quivered, staring at the magic field.

A terrifying scene is reflected in their pupils!

A whole field of magic qi in the field of magic qi started to surge, and it became more and more violent!

At the beginning, if the dark clouds rolled, it would soon seem to be surging!

It seems that there is a horrible trend under the field of magic energy, which stirs the solidified magic energy!

However, the change of devil qi is more and more intense, and the devil qi is not only flowing, but it starts to shake!

Yes, shaking!

Extremely rhythmic and constantly shaking! !

Jitter is caused by the vigorous movement of a large number of creatures.

The earth that can be a hundred miles in diameter is all shaking, this... how many creatures should this cause?

I am afraid that it is far from ten million!

"Doesn't it send?" The two birds met in midair, and the inspector on one bird said to the other.

His face was pale, without any color, and his lips were trembling.

Another ombudsman knew exactly what the other party meant by "send or not send".

The other party said, do you want to issue a level 3 alert! !

Level 3 alarms have only been envisaged. The high level has never really considered them, and there will be more enemies than level 2 alarms.

In their expectations, 10 million is the limit.

This is not the limit of the Demon Race. No one knows how big the Devil Realm is and how many Devil Races are.

This is the limit of humanity!

The number of demons that humans can cope with is up to 10 million, and it is still based on the ideal state of one-on-one.

But the actual situation is that the comparison between the devil and human beings of the same level is three to one!

The 7 million human army can actually deal with no more than 2.5 million demons.

The army of ten million demons has already made people desperate, and there are hundreds of millions more, I am afraid that it will destroy everyone's will in an instant.

Therefore, the top level of the alliance has never envisaged a three-level alarm.

It's just a symbolic mention.

Now this historic decision is in their hands.

Level 3 alarm, do you want to send it!

If it happens, the human army might collapse directly?

"Can't you send it?" the inspector asked again.

The latter gritted his teeth and said, "Our duty is! Send!!!!"

As he said, he took out a red ninja and urged him against the sky,


With a soft sound, a cloud of orange smoke rushed to the sky, and quickly formed a huge fog of ten miles, which could be clearly seen by people all over the place.

Tombkeeper's camp.

There was no one inside. Several tomb keeper were suspended in midair, staring at the orange mist with empty eyes.

"If you remember correctly, orange represents a level 3 alarm?" The four guards murmured dumbly.

His heart is constantly comforting himself, that is the wrong signal, or he remembers it wrong.

Unfortunately, neither is.

Dashou Tombstone also stared blankly at the sky, unable to believe his eyes: "I was just talking, did they get the wrong signal?"

In this regard, the head of the three guards in charge of intelligence shook his head gently: "No!"

"There are three levels in the orange alert. Each level will prompt the corresponding level, and they will not release the error message."

It is understandable to mistake the nirvana, but it will remind you exactly three times during the opening process.

Unless the other party is maliciously creating confusion, this low-level error will not occur.

"God, die my human race!"

A gravekeeper uttered a sad and desolate cry.

A level 3 alert means that there will be an army of demons that all humans can't contend with.

Humanity has lost the meaning of resistance!

This is still true of the grave keeper, and the reactions of the other parties can be imagined.

Lord Huang and Lord Ye were silently waiting for the moment of the decisive battle. They looked up silently at the orange smoke, and their eyes were bitter.

The Huang family master grinned: "It seems that we can't wait for the decisive battle."

In this battle, mankind has lost.

It has been completely lost before one battle!

Even if they are all powerful, it is difficult to reverse the defeat.

The flanking army, King Zhongyun.

He sat in the center of the two million army, isolated on the high platform, and stared at the orange mist in the distance, staring blankly.

For a long time, it took a long time to sigh: "Return to the sky."

Even if he defeated his army, it would be difficult to reverse the decline.

His eyes could not help moving to the direction of the logistics headquarters. After a pause, he regretfully sighed: "Become a cocoon!"

If such a huge army of demons can be defeated, then only Xia Qingchen is it?

Its army has a glorious tradition of one enemy to one hundred, and it is the only one that can win.

It is a pity that the grave keeper uses the most powerful force for logistics for his own benefit. At present, there are only 100,000 troops in the southern army.

The number of people is too small.

What's more, he just feels that there is only hope for victory, and what the winning rate is, only God laughs.

Logistics headquarters, camp accounts.

Xia Qingchen stood in front of the camp account, looking up at the orange mist, with a little confusion.

"Is the number up to 100 million?" Xia Qingchen murmured: "Why is it seriously inconsistent with intelligence?"

According to the information obtained at the beginning, the number of the Demon Army is up to two million.

Moreover, he probably glanced at that time, judging from the number of camps of the demon garrison, there should not be hundreds of millions.

After contemplating for a long time, Xia Qingchen said: "General Cheng, prepare the special supplies of the Ling Palace, follow me!"

Cheng Feifan stood behind him and said, "Yes!"

After a pause, he came to his side and said in a low voice: "Adult, there is no order from the gravekeeper, it is against the military order, and may become the handle."

Xia Qingchen said lightly: "It may not be, it must be!"

In a state of complete separation between him and the tomb-keeper, the soldiers were hurriedly dispatched, and the tomb-keeper would certainly take this trouble.

"Then you still?" Cheng Feifan didn't understand.

Xia Qingchen grabbed the hilt and stepped into the realm of magical energy, saying, "The lips die cold! No country, how come?"

To be precise, without humans, why do they live alone?

This is by no means a time to care about personal gains and losses.

Cheng Feifan paid a respectful respect, and couldn't help but send a standard military salute to Xia Qingchen's back.


One hundred thousand troops, silent one after another, salute their highest commander with the highest respect.

Looking at the top level of the Human Alliance, how many people can override the interests of humanity above their own interests?

Only Xia Qingchen is one person!

"I Cheng Feifan didn't follow the wrong person!" He burst into tears under his eyes.

The soldier died for his soulmate.

Lou Nan's army is so powerful, although there are two sets of combined strikes, can it be more Xia Qingchen?

Because of faith, he condenses beside him and becomes his most powerful sharp knife.

"Brothers! Go!"

All soldiers, all generals, all high-level leaders have lost their fighting spirit, and are waiting for the fate to come.

The Lounan army with only 100,000 soldiers was full of war, following their king, and going upstream against the enemy of the demon world!


"I finally found the feeling of following Master Xia!"

"Thinking back then, how magnificent our Zizi Tiantuan defeated a million enemies with one hundred kills?"

"Today, I will eventually follow Lord Xia's charge and get into battle again!"

The blood of countless soldiers is burning, boiling, and exploding.

What kind of demons, what is the danger of extinction, as long as the commander is Xia Qingchen, then everything can be destroyed!

They firmly believe that the God of War is invincible!

At that time!

Around the magic field, the million-strong army responsible for defense retreated. (Updated at noon tomorrow)