Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1708: The battle of weakness

Please enter the text. Because of the scattered formation, their threat to the monsters quickly decreased, making the monsters in the rear even more reckless.

For a time, there were screams everywhere, roars of despair, crying for help.

There was blood flowing all over the ground, boundless corpses, and that Abi hell!

Where is the march to war, it is simply a gluttonous feast of demons!

"Kill!" Fortunately, at this time, a melee army was dispatched, and three million troops rushed forward to fight to kill the ghoul.

The power of corpse worms is greater than the number, and the single threat is actually not great.

An ordinary human soldier is more than enough to deal with, not to mention that they are all equipped with the most elite equipment of all mankind.

Click, click--

They hold the third-order half nirvana, they are more than capable of killing ordinary corpse demon insects, and they can often hack to death or explode a demon insect with a ninja.

The impulse of the demons quickly eased!

The army of crossbow arrows and the defensive army were released, and they took the opportunity to retreat.

The defensive army casts new fortifications, and the crossbow arrows army is behind the melee army, attacking a large number of demon bugs assembled in the distance.

The once defeated occupation finally turned around.

Just follow the steps and get rid of the monsters sooner or later.

Of course, the casualties of melee soldiers are terrible.

They are not like defense armies, they have thick shields, and unlike crossbowmen, they can attack at long range.

Under melee, they suffered a frontal attack by the demon.

The casualties are almost a geometric multiple soaring!

One tea passed, the devil was destroyed by one-tenth, but the melee soldiers were no less than one hundred thousand casualties! !

If all demons are annihilated, at this rate, the casualties of melee soldiers are likely to reach as many as one million, and nearly one-third of melee soldiers lose their lives!

This price is too big, too big!

The melee commander had a terrible pain, his face gloomy little by little.

"Give me all the annihilation insects, one will not stay!" The melee commander issued a death order, and the evil insects caused them so heavy human casualties, it was a shame!

The three commanders' faces were particularly ugly.

This is just a bug controlled by the Demon Race, which almost gave them the disaster of extermination. If the Devil Army is close, is it even more precarious?

Therefore, we must make a quick decision to eliminate these threatening monsters, so that we can concentrate on dealing with the demons!


The shouting shook the sky, the defensive soldiers stepped forward and regained their positions, and the army of crossbows and arrows strongly suppressed the demon behind, to relieve the pressure on the melee soldiers.

Melee soldiers gritted their teeth, fought **** battles, and chopped off demons to their feet.

No accident, at most half an hour, the demons will be completely destroyed.

However, the Demon Race obviously will not give humans such an opportunity!


In the depths of the field of magic energy, the sound of deafness was heard again, and countless magic energy shook violently!

The two ombudsmen who saw this scene in the sky sank to the bottom.

One of the hearts jumped into his throat: "Will it be, is it a ghoul with hundreds of millions of scales?"

"God, do you open your eyes, will you give our humanity a chance?" another inspector shouted weakly with his head up.

With another 100 million corpse-eating insects, there is no need to fight this battle.

Humans can surrender and admit defeat.

But, heaven, has no eyes.

With the huge roar, an endless black tsunami swept out of the field of magic gas.

The tsunami is so high!

It is three times the main force of the previous corpse devil! !

The two inspectors stared straight at the corpse-eating insect tsunami, sitting weakly on the birds, motionless, and did not even send a warning.

It is not that they forget, but that it is not necessary.

Whether it is communicated or not, the ending is the same!

What's more, even if it is not communicated, will the human army that is fiercely fighting be invisible?

"What?" General Liu, who was almost annihilated by the whole army, was killing a giant corpse demon with a buffalo body.

The rest of the light glimpsed the end of the field of magic energy, the ten-foot-long black tsunami, the whole body was stiff, and the mind was blank.

The melee soldiers in the fierce battle also lost their hearts for a moment.

The three commanders stared blankly at the unprecedented corpse demon, and they developed a strong sense of powerlessness from body to heart.

Sacrifice millions of armies and kill hundreds of millions of corpse-eating insects. They can bear it.

As long as you can finally defeat the Demon Race, no amount of sacrifice is worth it.

However, how many hundreds of millions of corpse demon insects can bear?

Should we continue to fight this battle?

To fight, how to fight?

Mo said that they are not well-known, they are the famous generals in the army of Zhongyun Realm, all showing their powerless eyes.

This is not a war, but a unilateral massacre of the demon.

The difference in strength between the two sides is too great to be at a level.

Tombkeeper, silent.

Until the sound of Yu Ju's message came again and again.

It was the summons of the three commanders, and the content was surprisingly consistent.

"Dashou Tombman, order retreat!" The defensive commander said bluntly: "Persevere, just feed the devil."

The other two commanders have the same intention.

To continue, there is no chance of winning, but instead consumes the vitality of the human alliance.

Hearing the content of the summons, the camp was silent for a long time, and the three guardians of the tomb said slowly: "Deep guard, let's make a decision!"

The Dashou Tombman looked down at the giant tsunami in the distance, his face never declining.

The joy of the victory in the first battle not long ago was completely swept away, replaced by unwillingness and shame.

They are too happy!

What won the first battle, it is just a little temptation of the Demon Race, to see him they are happy.

It was just a joke that other people praised him.

What a wise leader, what arrangements are well-organized, all slapped in his face.

"Retreat, I'm not reconciled!" Dashou Tombman's fists could not help but clenched.

He then recommended himself, and as a matter of course became the supreme leader of the Human Alliance, who thought he could lead all humans to resist the Demon Race.

As a result, retreat from the beginning!

This retreat means that mankind will throw away the entire western Xinjiang mainland!

At that time, the Demon took the West Xinjiang mainland as a stronghold, and it continuously sent Demon soldiers to come, and finally the devil swallowed the world!

This retreat is the beginning of the failure of all mankind.

But if you do not retreat, humanity will perish faster!

"Deep guardian, make a decision!" The four guardians, together with the rest of the guardians, clenched their fists.

The face of the Dashou tomb is now struggling.

Retreating and not retreating, he will become a sinner in history.

The history book will leave a record of the lack of leadership of the tomb-keepers, which led to the annihilation of the entire human army and the fall of the demons within and outside the sea.

He will be scolded by future generations and will be stinky for years!

This decision, he did not want to make a decision!

Beep Beep--

Urgent summons from the battlefield, one after another.

The Demon Tsunami moves extremely fast. If you don't make a decision anymore, those fighting human forces will be reduced to a feast of corpse demon insects!

Dashou Tombman regretted it!

He regrets why he took on this important task!

Having had the victory experience in the last war between man and demon, he thought it was a cheap job, but now he discovered that cheap is not only difficult to pick up, but will also give up himself!