Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1712: Peerless and invincible (two more)

"He... he's not dead!"

"No! He's going to break the iceberg and get out of it."

"How is it possible? He can no longer move, why can he break the iceberg?"

Under the shrunken pupils of Dashou Tombman, I saw many things that ordinary people could not see.

He clearly found that a sound wave erupted in the pores of Yinmo.

It is this sound wave that quickly destroys the iceberg.

"Think it out?" Master Huang went up and pulled the long whip in his hand.

Many masters are puzzled, and now attacking the iceberg, will not only accelerate the other party's escape?

However, a magical scene appeared. When the whip went down, when the whip touched the iceberg, it passed through like a shadow, without any harm to the iceberg.

The Dashou Tombman was surprised: "Well, is it the inheritance divine whip left by the ancestors of the Huang family, the shadowless whip?"

According to legend, the Wuying whip is a whip left by the ancestors of the Huang family, and it is extremely powerful, illusory, materialized, and ever-changing.


The whip passed through the iceberg and pumped **** Yinmo's body.

This scene is exciting.

After finally attacking the sound demons, if this whip goes down, he will take off his skin if he doesn't die?

What makes people look stagnant is that even the slightest trace of the sound on the powerful body of the demons never leaves.

They only pay attention to Yinmo's powerful sonic attack methods, but ignore whether he is a demon, or a demon in the demon, and his body is far stronger than ordinary people.

It is extremely difficult to hurt him with a whip!

"Hold it hard, are you tickling?" Yinmo was provocative.

The iceberg around him finally burst!

The three guards gravemen snorted coldly, their eyes as arrows, and snorted in the mouth: "Hey!

The ice floating around Yinmo's body was controlled by unknown forces and gathered together again, trapping Yinmo in the center!

It's just that the frozen ice has grown from a few miles earlier to only about one foot thick.

However, under the influence of mysterious forces, this iceberg can't trap the sound demons!

"Space Xuanshu?" Yin Moxian was a little surprised: "In humans, there are still some good seedlings, this lost ancient art city!"

Space metaphysics is not a legendary space martial art.

It is an innate talent that very few monsters and beasts can possess. It is difficult to produce one in humans for about a thousand years.

The mystery of space metaphysics lies in its ability to extend its power beyond a hundred miles to the enemy.

Now the three guardians of the tomb are projecting their moon power near Yinmo, and controlling the ice to freeze it again.

"However, you are too weak to trap me!" Yin Mo snorted!

His body trembled violently, accompanied by hundreds of sound waves, and instantly broke the ice.


With a scream, the power of the three guardians was broken up, and I was involved in some sort of way. Wow a spit of blood!

The attack of two people in a row can't help Yinmo.

Seeing that he was about to get out of trouble again, he would start an endless sonic attack. Suddenly, the shadow on the right side of Yinmo's body appeared!

Awesome is the gravekeeper!

In a moment of great deal, he finally shot!

He wears a weird pair of gloves on his right hand, with unknown scales on the back of the glove, and a greasy beast head on the palm of his hand.

With a snap, his right hand slapped fiercely on Yinmo's head.

The Dashou Tomb, as the powerhouses in the later period of Dayuewei, gave a full shot, what a terrible power?

It is the late strongman of the same rank who was beaten violently and his head must be broken!

However, after this slap, the Dashou tombmen only felt that they were not photographing the heads of creatures, as if they were patting the Tongren with their palms during their mortal period.

His palm suddenly hurts!

The far-sighted human strongman all breathed a sigh of relief. Is this guy too hard?

Dashou Tombman's palm was unharmed!

He is still the case, so any of their attacks, I am afraid that it is really as the Devil said, just tickle it!

How do you fight this?

Can I still fight?

"Oh, the strongest man, but that's it!" Yin Mo sneered.

However, the Dashou tombs were expressionless: "Really? Then try this again."


The black glove on his hand, the grisly beast head, came to life violently, and his mouth spouted a purple-black flame.

The flames quickly swallowed the demons from head to toe!

There was a fearless sound demons, and suddenly a scream: "Dark magic fire of the demon world!"

He hurriedly got rid of the Dashou Tombman, rolled forward, and then quickly slapped his body, but there was no sign of stopping.

"Humph!" Yin Mo raised his hand, grabbed his scalp, and then pulled it fiercely under the creepy eyes of all humans!


His skin was torn from head to toe, revealing a vague body! ! !

A person can ruin his skin completely, which subverts the human understanding of the Devil.

"Hiss!" Yinmo was covered with blood, and a drop of black blood was ticking down on the ground. He took a breath, but did not shout a pain.

There was always a flash of anger in the contemptuous eyes.

"Congratulations, success has angered me!" Yinmo revealed his murderousness.

At the next moment, his figure disappeared, and he heard only the sound of a sonic boom between heaven and earth.

Dashou Tombman's hair fell upright and immediately flashed back, but his amazing way of doing things actually made him laugh!

Yinmo's body style is faster than him! !

With the invincible body, Yinmo caught up and punched at the head of the big guard tomb.

This punch is enough to smash the head of the Dashou Tombman like a watermelon.

Dashou Tombman also changed his face, lifted his right fist, the grimace of the beast head on the glove opened his mouth again, and sprayed a purple-black flame.

Yin Mo's eyes were cold, and his already-fast body style surged again, turning into a flash of lightning.

When the flames looked out, the person first struck and punched the beast head in the glove.

The purple-black flame sprayed out was immediately punched back into the mouth of the beast!

Powerful and unmatched, like a horrible meat grinder, it instantly shattered the gloves of unknown grade.

The power of Yu Wei disappeared into the body of Dashou Tomb.

Click, click, click--

Dashou Tombman’s right arm, broken and twisted, twisted and twisted like a twist in the blink of an eye!

That power was still madly pouring into him, wreaking havoc.

The Dashou Tombman was taken aback, and under the pain, he raised his left hand and severely cut his right shoulder armor, making the entire right arm cut off.

In this way, the strength of the arm did not invade his torso.

Rao is so. During the fall of his arm, the terrifying force still rushed out and hit the chest of the big guard.


As strong as a big tomb guard, his chest was directly dented, and a whimper spurted blood!

He responded very quickly and retreated to the masters of the Human League.