Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1740: Demon reproduction

He has never been very cold to the four tomb-keepers who like to study the Demon Race, and even a little repulsive, always attacking each other.

Seeing such a weird thing, I couldn't help but belittle it.

The four tomb-keepers stared at the four colors, their eyes constantly changing, and their expressions were dignified: "This is a special ninja for detecting air."

"What do the four colors represent?" Dashou Tombman asked.

Intuition tells him that the expression of the Sishou Tombman must have discovered something.

The gravekeepers of the four guards looked more and more dignified, saying: "The grayish white on the top layer is the impurities in the air."

"The second layer of moon white is Yuehua!"

"The light blue in the third floor is Aura!"

Dashou Tombman slowly nodded: "Well, how is the last layer black? Is this also an impurity?"

The tomb-keeper of the four guards shook his head, his eyes staring at the black surface without blinking, saying one word after another: "The black on the fourth floor is... it's magical energy!"


All the people present were stunned and surprised at random.

The three guards gravemen scoffed: "Are you sure it's devil qi? It's already far away from the west of Xinjiang, and it's almost coming to the cold city of the king, how could there be devil qi?"

"Yeah! The magic of West Xinjiang, it is impossible to float so far!"

"Fourth, have you made a mistake?"

"Your air detection ninja, isn't it accurate?"

However, the Dashou Tombman looked solemn, and he shouted: "He is right! In the air, there is really magic!"

He stretched out his hand and a ball of air twirled rapidly in his palm.

Yuehua, Aura, and impurities were all flung away in the whirl, and only a black airstream remained.

That airflow, just returned from the battlefield of the war between man and demon, will they feel strange?

The pupils of Sanshou Tomb shrink sharply: "It's really magical!"

"How is it possible?"

"How can the magic energy of the battlefield spread to Liangzhou City? This is absolutely impossible!"


In the silver flying boat, Race Day stood up suddenly, his face slightly whitish: "It is indeed impossible for the magic energy of West Xinjiang to be transmitted here."

"There is only one explanation...they come from Liangzhou City!"

Sai Tian's face is not ugly.

If this is the case, at least it shows that there are demons in Liangzhou City, and there are definitely a lot of them!

Otherwise, they are thousands of miles away from Liangzhou City, and the magic energy cannot float so far!

I'm afraid that the demons in Liangzhou City have already reached outrageous levels!

He was in a heavy mood.

I just communicated with my teacher at the forefoot, and vowed to ensure that the demons of the mainland have been wiped out and the war has subsided.

But on the back foot, there are actually undiscovered demons hiding in the hinterland of the mainland!

If this is not handled well, Luohe Academy, he really does not want to go back.

"Hurry up and check now!" Sai Tian prayed in his heart, don't be the worst case.

The Dashou tombman also felt extremely intractable and immediately ran away.

After a tea.

They stood outside the walls of Liangzhou City, their faces unspeakably ugly.

I saw that the entire Liangzhou city was backed up in the center by a black mask!

In the city, there are already blood flowing into the river, and the mountains are piled up!

Everywhere is the broken human body, the flowing blood river, and the demon soldiers searching around!

And farther away, groups of demons are fighting, pulling out hidden humans and killing them all!

The entire Liangzhou City has been reduced to a demon domain!

"How could this be?" Saitian's eyes disappeared for a moment, which was worse than expected.

The Mozu not only came, not only in large numbers, but also occupied the hinterland of the mainland and became their bases.

I believe that soon, they will continue to send more demons to come in.

At that time, with this place as the center, you can occupy the whole continent!

"Sir, let's withdraw first." Dashou Tombman said suddenly, his voice very solemn.

Sai Tian looked down his eyes and took a breath!

I saw the side of Liangzhou City, actually stationed a hundred flags.

A banner, representing a corps of 100,000 troops, a full of ten, means that there are millions of demons stationed.

In addition, the red-eye demons in the city are everywhere!

This is completely different from the battlefield in West Xinjiang!

The invading demons in West Xinjiang, except for the sound demons, there are not many strong ones. At most, more than a thousand red-eye demons protect the throne.

However, there are not many strong men among the soldiers.

It is different now.

In the Million Army, the ratio of the red-eye demons is as high as one-tenth!

In other words, it is likely that there are more than one hundred thousand scales of mid-month demons!

"Hiss!" Sai Tiandi took a breath.

Perhaps these movements have attracted the attention of the demons inside.

A demon with extremely sharp hearing immediately found them and screamed.

Suddenly, millions of demons sent out their movements one after another.

Groups of strong men rushed out of the black mask.

Most of them are red-eye demons, and there are two silver-eye demons!

Silver-eyed demons?

Dashou Tombmen's scalp numb!

How could he forget that Yinmo has the same eyes?

In other words, the other party is a terrifying existence whose strength is not inferior to Yinmo!

The most terrible thing is that the other party is not one, but two!

A big demon, almost killed the tomb-keeper, not to mention two whole?

And there are countless red-eye demons behind!

"What's going on? Why are there so many powerful Demon Races here?" Saitian yelled in disbelief.

The Dashou tombman turned pale and retreated while saying, "I'm afraid we are all wrong!"

"The main force of the demon invasion is never West Xinjiang, but here!"

Although I don’t know how the Mozu came in, what is certain is that the demon army here is several times stronger than Xijiang!

That one million army is definitely more terrible several times than the two million in Xinjiang!

This is the real main force of Mozu!

They were all cheated!

West Xinjiang is just a feint of the devil!

It is best to succeed in Western Xinjiang. If it is not successful, the main force has already taken the opportunity to enter the human mainland!

The passage of the demon into the world has never been a **** gate!

Within the cold environment, there is always one hidden!

The hands and feet of Sanshou Tomb were cold, breathing air.

"What should I do? What should I do?" His brain was blank, and he had been scared by two attacking monsters to lose his ability to think.

Dashou Tombman Li roared: "What else can I do? Hurry! Return to West Xinjiang and let the Human Alliance shoot!"

Throughout the mainland, the only thing that can resist the human race is the human alliance!

"Yes! Go back! After we go back, we will still be the leader of the Human Alliance. At that time, we can be a human-like alliance and continue to fight against the Devil Race!" said the three guards.

Saitian was a little reluctant. After all, he satirized the League of Humanities in the forefoot and went to find them on the back foot. This face, as a proud man, could not pull it down.