Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1781: Persuade you to forgive

"Really? I try too!"

"Wow! I think the effect is much stronger than normal Qi Qi."

"I also feel that it is warm all over now, and I have never been so comfortable."

"The Qi Qi given by the gods is really different!"

The cool king's face is somber, what's different is the psychological effect!

But he could only watch, the temple shrewd the world unscrupulously.

One of the lame warriors walked in front of him, and the cool king stopped him, saying, "Why, didn't the temple give you the magic medicine to restore your residual limb?"

The warrior was holding a bottle of Qi.

Say everyone has a magical medicine to complement the body?

There was no complaint on the warrior’s face, but he was full of longing and hope: "The temple said that I am not yet pious enough that the gods can hardly perceive my loyalty, so I cannot assign the magic medicine to me."

"As long as I am pious enough in the future, the gods will give me magic medicine to let me walk again."

Liang Wang sneered!

He knew it would be like this!

The mouth is sounding magnificent, and will give all the disabled people a magic medicine, but when it is really time to give, they will set up various conditions and evade them for countless reasons.

If godliness can be given to **** medicine, what kind of godliness is enough? How long is piety enough?

The temple did not say, but it is conceivable that this lame warrior would never think of the so-called magic medicine for his whole life.

Throughout his life, with emptiness of hope, he worshipped the God of Ningshuang devotedly.

"You don't have to wait." The cool king took out a quasi elixir and said, "Give you a healing medicine to restore your right leg. You can guarantee that you can walk on both legs again after ten days."

"However, I have a premise that you must promote it for me..."

However, before the words were finished, the warrior 1 refused indifferently.

He shook his head and said: "The temple said that it must be religious. If it is restored by external force, I will still lose it one day."

"The God-given divine medicine is really a good medicine to relieve the root of suffering, and all the foreign things are false."

He said, with his **** stump attached to his face, he walked step by step in front of Liang King.


Liang Wang clenched his fists, his heart angry.

Look, this is the temple!

After his brainwashing, he was finally finally a god, and he didn't want anyone to give him a good medicine for healing.

This is where the gods should do, clearly a group of foolish ambitions.

However, looking at the mighty warriors around the fairy mountain seeking the magic medicine, the cool king was helpless.

There was something sad in his heart.

The current 100,000 strong men are still willing to follow his family martial arts, but as a result, the temple let them leave one sentence after another.

In the great cold environment, apart from the army, as a king, he could not command anyone.

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking of Xia Qingchen.

If the God of War is still there, will the numerous tribes who come forward and believe in the God of War resist the charm of the temple?

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were filled with determination.

The temple, he can't control it, and he dare not manage it.

But the Yu family, the flying tube must be!


He took out her nirvana and sent a signal to the sky to call the moat.


The army of millions of fortresses on standby poured into the city from all directions, gathered in the streets near Yufu, and surrounded the water in all directions.

"The army listens to orders!" The Liangwang can't get the support of families of all sizes, so he has to come by himself!

"Blade Yu's veins, one will not stay!"


The mighty army was ordered to immediately stop the team and march towards the Yu family.

However, the fairy mountain nestled in the ruins of Yujia sent out misty words: "Humans, why must we hate each other?"

"God said that the world should be peaceful, beautiful and bright, and hatred, jealousy and greed should be rejected."

"If you insist on killing, the gods will cry."

Thousands of troops, many soldiers stopped their pace. When they came, they had seen the towering fairy mountain. They listened to the fairy mountain and seemed to be swayed by the ethereal and unreal words of the gods.

The cold king scolded harshly: "Don't listen to the demon words, you are soldiers, there is only one mission, execute the order!"

Only those soldiers withdrew their minds. After all, they were experienced soldiers, not ordinary family strongmen.


The soldiers started the attack again!

In the fairy mountain, a soft sigh: "World, please put down your weapons, don't kill, and use your love to influence the world!"

A holy light mask was slowly released from the inside of Immortal Mountain and enveloped all the nearby Yu Family.

The soldiers rushed past, unable to shake for a while.

"The cool king is a unique formation of the temple. It is not as strong as the devil's mask. It takes more than three days to break open." A general hurriedly returned.

Three days?

For three days, with the charm of the temple, I am afraid that millions of troops would lose their concentration due to their preaching and join the temple instead.

Never wait three days!

Liang Wang flew to the shrine and his eyes were cold: "Yu's veins collused with the demons, loyal to the demons for 20 years, and released them into Liangzhou City, causing thousands of creatures to be robbed."

"Some of them have lost their parents, some have lost their love, some have lost their children, and some of the whole family are destroyed, and one is not left."

"The culprit of everything is the Yu Family!"

"Your shrine, the **** guardian family, just want to say, collusion with the demons, do you also have a share?"

Liangwang tried to use the voice of doubt to awaken the bewildered family powerhouses and let them rejoin their own party.

But sophistry, who can compare with the temple?

In the fairy mountain, the misty and illusory voice came out: "Mortal, you are still too persistent, the inner anger can not be resolved."

Ha ha!

Still angry!

Why, how many people of the Yu family still need to be destroyed, causing them a painful life, and they can’t hate yet?

Once there is hatred, is there a grudge?

"God said that a person can live forever, why not prosecute sinners with forgiveness, and warm sinners with a tolerant heart? Let them be influenced and reformed from now on?"


Cool King smiled!

Can the Yu family's extremely sinful family be influenced?

What's more, why do people who are suffering have to forgive and tolerate?

They warmed the Yu's family. Who will warm them with holes?

"In terms of taking 10,000 steps back, what would you get if you killed the Yu family? Can the dead be brought back to life and the tragedy gone?"


"Instead of this, why not give them the opportunity to spend the rest of their lives to pay off the debt?"

Really, the cool king has to admit that the people in the temple are too good to talk!

The truth is one after another, and with the illusory voice, it is even more profound and full of life truths.