Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1824: Hide too deep


Dashou Tombman's face was sour and purple, he didn't want to admit: "It's impossible, how can our Lu Shen Yiguo have the best-quality moonstone? It can't be conceived at all."

Xia Qingchen said mercilessly: "I can't give birth to it? Ha ha, don't the Dashou tombmen know that there is a moonstone mine under your Linlang Island?"

Xia Qingchen said with a smile: "I would like to thank the Lord of Langlang Island, so that I am fortunate to get a trace of the best moonstone, which can launch the teleportation array."


Is it from Linlang Island?

Dashou Tombman's chest violently fluctuated, and an old blood spewed out instantly, turning into blood mist: "You deceive people, if we have the best moonstones in Linlang Island, how can I not know?"

Xia Qingchen chuckled: "Otherwise, why do you think that the Kraken tribe came to your Linlang Island? It's for the Silver Sun Holy Bamboo they planted."

"It is very unfortunate that Yinri Shengzhu has absorbed a large amount of moonlight on Linlang Island, which has led to the long-term condensation of moonlight and the formation of moonstones.

The Dashou Tombman had long wondered the purpose of the Kraken Royal Family's visit to Little Linlang Island, and learned that Xia Qingchen explained that he could not help but spit out another old blood: "Hello, ruthless, has been hiding."

Xia Qingchen shrugged: "I don't hide, do you tell you, then you just take them back with integrity?"

"No, it's not true!" Dashou Tombman spurted blood out of anger.

Xia Qingchen actually completed the trip to the Kingdom of God with his superb moonstone from Linlang Island!

This is a great irony!

"Unfortunately, this is absolutely true." Xia Qingchen smiled and took a step forward to take out this silky superlunite and insert it into his eyes.


The formation that has been stopped turns around again, releasing a bright light.

Xia Qingchen jumped up, and the rest surrounded Xia Qingchen tightly, preparing to ride the teleportation array for the second time.

"You are not allowed to go, you are not allowed to go!!" The Dashou Tombman's eyes were split, struggling to stop Xia Qingchen.


He broke the tombkeeper into pieces, and went to the Kingdom of God with the best moonstones belonging to the tombkeeper, without any revenge.

He is not reconciled, not reconciled!

Xia Qingchen said indifferently and ruthlessly: "There is a dark cell in the underground of the Six Fan Palaces in Liangzhou City. You sent him to be held there, and you will not be allowed to release it for a lifetime."

There was a place where Tian Henchen was once held, no matter how powerful you are, you can't get rid of the dungeon of the Six Fan Palace.

"No! I don't want to! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" The Dashou Tombman was dragged to the ground by the demon clan strongmen.

When the murky voice dissipated, the formation started again to the last moment.

The energy is violent, the airflow is great, and everyone is blown by a strong wind.

Tian Henchen's voice was solemn: "You guys, tell you a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

What are you doing?

It's almost time to send, and this one again?

"Say good news first!" Xia Qingchen didn't have a good airway.

Tian Henchen said: "The good news is that we all have to send it to the Kingdom of God."

Is this unknown?

What a nonsense!

"The bad news is that we may have difficulty landing in the same place in the Kingdom of God."


Everyone was taken aback.

Tian Henchen said: "Xia Qingchen's superb lunar crystal has only a trace, which is enough to support us to reach the Kingdom of God, but it cannot guarantee that we will fall together. It is likely that someone will fall out halfway and scattered to the various kingdoms of God. Office."

"Ah? I don't want it!"

"I don't want to be alone in the Kingdom of God."

"Did everyone lose contact then?"


In a panic, Tian Henchen laughed bitterly: "I can't help it. I didn't say it just now, I was afraid you wouldn't dare to come."

"Now, you are too late to repent!"

King Zhongyun was so angry he scolded: "Damn...I can't spare...you!"

The wind was so extreme that I couldn't even speak.

Everyone scolded the mother.

Is this too **** pitted?

What should they do in the future after they are lost in the Great Kingdom?

For a few months, the strong ones are okay. What about those with average strength, such as Fu Yaoguang?

What's more, there is a supreme sound that falls into a coma!

If you add bad luck and fall in a dangerous place, isn’t it...

Tian Henchen's envoy shouted with all his might: "If you don't want to be too far away from Xia Qingchen, try to be next to Xia Qingchen..."

"Additionally..." Tian Hengchen's voice was particularly weak in the increasingly powerful wind: "A year later...God gather..."

After the speech, the whole formation burst into a loud noise like an earthquake.

Everyone felt a shock, and then both feet left the ground, drifting out of focus.

At the same time, a huge beam of light, three centimeters in diameter, burst into the sky from the array, swallowing them all up, and then the beam of light fell into the cloud of Jiuxiao!

The whole process lasted a whole tea time, and the whole continent could see the huge beam of light rising from the sky.

Finally, the beam of light gradually dimmed and gradually dissipated.

No one in the formation was seen.

At that time.

Lin Lang Island.

The ninth prince of Siren's royal family, he sat cross-legged at the very top of Linlang Island and looked at the dissipated beam of light.

"It's an accident that I still have a large teleportation array." The ninth prince of the sea monster said: "I remember the records of the royal family. The land of Lu Shen was beaten by the gods thousands of years ago, right?"

"Under that divine power, the teleportation array has not been damaged?" The ninth prince of the sea demon revealed his thoughtful look: "Or, someone has shot and kept this teleportation array?"

Shen Shen Lu Shen thousands of years ago, how terrifying was that, and what kind of destruction and destruction?

The prosperous martial arts sanctuary that is not lost to the Kingdom of God, the sea of ​​silence overnight, countless martial arts inheritance, and civilization quickly declined into a barbaric zone.

Over 90% of the territory of the entire continent has sunk into the sea.

The remaining 10% of the mainland has also experienced vicissitudes of the sea and the upheavals of the mainland's movement.

Now all the forces are rebuilt after the catastrophe thousands of years ago.

Everything that was once reduced to ruins.

Just ask, why is that giant teleportation array safe and sound?

So the ninth prince of the Kraken concluded that someone must have secretly protected the teleportation array.

"In the catastrophe of the gods' annihilation, it is only the gods who can protect the invincible teleporters, but they don't know which one is shooting." The ninth sea monster thought so.

After pondering for a long while, he shook his head slightly: "Well, still concentrate on cultivating my silver sun sacred bamboo, as long as the silver sun sacred fruit is produced, I can find an opportunity to break through the sun."

"As a result, I will be able to compete with the demons of the demons and the myth of the human races!"

The Siren Royal family also has younger generations. The Ninth Prince is not the most powerful among the princes. However, if you get the Silver Sun Holy Fruit, then it is possible to surpass the other princes and eventually become the first of the Siren. Heir!