Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1890: Police Hall Arrest

Duan Zhanlong sighed: "Even if he fails the interview, I will treat him with courtesy. His talents cannot be denied in an interview!"

"But, why did he provoke the police hall?"

He is the city owner and the highest official of the Star City.

If it spreads, he will keep a wanted man in a police hall, the entire Maple Leaf country will know.

At that time, how would the senior officials of Maple Leaf treat him, and how would they be treated in the whole world?

Therefore, even if he had the intention to keep Xia Qingchen, he could do nothing.

Without any hesitation, Duan Zhanlong picked up the messenger, contacted his daughter Lou Xiaoqing on the spot, and issued a text message to him.

"Change the route and send Xia Qingchen to the police hall! It was announced that the city guards arrested the wanted criminal Xia Qingchen and sent them to the police hall."

Lou Xiaoqing, who was playing with the telescope, received his news and his eyes were straight.

"I rely on! What the hell?" Lou Xiaoqing exclaimed.

He looked at Xia Qingchen, who was beside him, and said, "Stop!"

Calling to stop the team, Lou Xiaoqing said: "You wait in the car for a while, I will come immediately."

"Well." Xia Qingchen didn't think much.

Lou Xiaoqing left the carriage, came to a remote place, and immediately contacted the upper Zhanlong. He opened his mouth angrily: "Daddy, what are you doing? Finally, please ask him, will you send me to the police hall?"

Duan Zhanlong's voice was heavy at the other end of the sky, and the interview result of the missionary hall was clear.

After listening, Lou Xiaoqing Petrochemical was on the spot.

"He, wanted by the police hall, disqualified from the assessment?"

Duan Zhanlong said: "It's a very moment now! Our city's main palace greets Xia Qingchen with great fanfare. As we all know, if we don't send it to the police hall, our city's main palace will inevitably end up covering the criminals."

"This is a fatal blow to the city's main palace, to your father and me, you know?"

Although Lou Xiaoqing was cynical, his political sensitivity was still there after the city master's long-term eyesight.

She immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

Once handled inadvertently, the city's main palace will be implicated by Xia Qingchen.

However, Xia Qingchen was sent to the police hall, Lou Xiaoqing was also difficult to do.

With a slight bite of her red lips, she returned to the carriage with a cold face, and sat down to Xia Qingchen. She stared at Xia Qingchen and said, "I ask you! Why do you want to know how to break the law?"

Xia Qingchen was stunned and said blankly: "What did I do?"

Was it unintentionally entering the secret realm of Tianxing Academy, was it discovered?

"Also pretend!" Lou Xiaoqing was angry: "You said, was it an illegal transaction?"

illegal trading?

To be honest, Xia Qingchen heard this ranking for the first time and couldn't help laughing: "How can the transaction be restricted by others?"


If others say so, Lou Xiaoqing will only feel that the other party is a rogue who commits a crime.

But Xia Qingchen said so, but she believed that Xia Qingchen was really unaware.

After all, Xia Qingchen doesn't even understand the common sense that is very popular in many realities. It is really possible that illegal transactions are not known.

"You really don't know?" Lou Xiaoqing asked suspiciously.

Xia Qingchen was funny: "When you trade, you trade, how can you break the law?"

Lou Xiaoqing said seriously: "You told me that recently, did you not go through the shop and traded something privately with people, and the amount is huge?"

Xia Qingchen put away his smile and was surprised, how did Lou Xiaoqing know?

His eyes flickered softly, and said, "Well, what happened to trading ten thousand gold coins?"

"God!" Lou Xiaoqing covered his face, his face helpless: "Brother, you broke the law, you know?"

Xia Qingchen was stunned. After careful inquiries, he realized that the **** had a crime of smuggling.

"For the purpose of taxation, it is mandatory that all transactions must go through formal shops?" Xia Qingchen finally understood why shop goods in Star City were so expensive.

It turned out that the entire Kingdom of God endorsed them, so that most of the world's objects had to go through the shops, so they were fearless.

"You can say that." Lou Xiaoqing is accustomed to the existence of the law, saying: "In short, you are in trouble now, the police hall has been staring at you, and looking you everywhere."

"And, with so many editors present, I am afraid that your illegal trading will spread throughout the Maple Leaf country."

"This stain will make you struggle backwards, and any work is particularly difficult."

Xia Qingchen was so angry and funny: "There are so many rules of the Kingdom of God!"

When do transactions between individuals have to be controlled by others?

The means by which the Kingdom of God squeezed the warriors actually opened Xia Qingchen's eyes.

"Don't care about the rules." Lou Xiaoqing quietly stared at Xia Qingchen: "Think about what to do in the future. As a friend, I will give you two suggestions."

"First, surrender, don't be caught by the police hall, in that case, you can also reduce the punishment, you can come out after four or five years."

"Second, run, never return to Maple Leaf Kingdom, let alone reveal your name."

Xia Qingchen was speechless!

When I first arrived in Maple Leaf Kingdom, my **** was still hot, so I was forced to be incognito?

Is it not?

Was arrested by the police hall and squatted to jail?

The laws of the Kingdom of God gave Xia Qingchen a new understanding.

The law here is true!

"If I leave, it will be bad for you and the main palace?" Xia Qingchen was like a mirror.

Even Lou Xiaoqing just contacted others on his back, and Xia Qingchen could guess one or two words.

Lou Xiaoqing lowered his head and said, "Don't worry about it, take care of yourself! It's just that I replied by copying your test paper."

After thinking for a while, Xia Qingchen took off the golden mask on his face and placed it in front of Lou Xiaoqing, saying: "Take this back and announce to the outside that I will escape halfway."

In this case, the city's main palace may be able to escape the doubts of the outside world.

Lou Xiaoqing's eyes lit up slightly, Xiao Yinyin took off the mask: "Although the effect is far worse than catching you to the police hall, it's not bad! Okay, let's go quickly."

Xia Qingchen suddenly thanked the little girl. If she felt a little indifferent, he would be taken away by the police hall today.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will repay you." Xia Qingchen clenched his fists and quit the carriage.

Lou Xiaoqing rubbed his nose and waved his hand: "If you want to go, just go, so long talk!"


Xia Qingchen nodded, smiled slightly, and left.

He thoughtlessly returned to the Tianxing VIP building.

Even if you want to run, you should bring Fu Yaoguang and Yin Yinshen.

Of course, before going back, he disguised himself and made his face unclear. After all, he was already a wanted man in the police hall.

In the room, Fu Yaoguang walked back and forth anxiously, his weak body, but the supreme voice behind his back.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, without saying a word, said: "You are worried about me, let's run."

She had already packed her things and was ready to run, which made Xia Qingchen stunned.