Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1943: Insider threat

"Star City Police Hall creates a miracle!" 》

"The mystery of the Star City Police Hall continues, and the nightmare of the Hainan year 40 years ago was broken in one fell swoop! 》

"Nightmare is no longer a nightmare, the Star City Police Hall escorts the lives! 》

"Only visit the main lord of the Star Palace Police Hall, a man who has been legendary all his life! 》

"God-like man! Solve the nightmare alone! 》

"The embodiment of justice, the nemesis of evil-the master of the Star Palace Police Palace! 》

Overwhelming, all are news, from front page to second page, all are related news, at least occupying 90% of the news of the day.

Xia Qingchen looked at them one by one, and there was indeed no word mentioning his name.

What made him so intolerable was that the vast majority of the description in this case was that the ninth detachment led by the main hall of the police hall cracked the case overnight.


Lord Qian Dian broke it!

All of the credit goes to Lord Qian.

Overnight, he became a godlike man and a man who continued to create miracles!

The number of front page headlines reached 300 million readings, while the number of comments exceeded 30 million!

And this is only one hour reported by the news, and there are eleven hours, the number of readers will continue to skyrocket! .

Not surprisingly, the front page news will become a phenomenal news with more than one billion reading!

Regarding Qian Dianzhu’s interview news, the reading volume is also amazing. So far, there have been 80 million views and 8 million comments!

The warriors rated it extremely high!

"Master Qian Dian is so amazing!"

"It's unbelievable. For the case 40 years ago, Qian Qianzhu was able to break through, but that is the unsolved unsolved case of the Kingdom of God."

"It is worthy of being the boss of our Star City Police Hall. This case is enough to establish his legendary status in the police circle."

"What a god-like man!"

"If he is younger, I must marry him!"

"You dream, this legendary man, how many people can't get married."


The popularity of Qian Dianzhu is a complete explosion.

There are many institutions in Star City, and the police hall is only one of them. Ordinary people may not care about who the hall master is.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the master of the palace has not yet had a high profile of the head of the station in their area.

But today's overwhelming publicity can be regarded as a household name for Lord Qian.

As for Xia Qingchen, hehe, who knows?

"Am I so disgusting?" Xia Qingchen laughed at herself.

No matter how hard it is, how talented it is and how it performs well, the main hall of the police hall regards him as a stain on the hall, and even his name is unwilling to mention it once.

In this case, all his honor should be deprived.

In an instant, he was disheartened.

Not all hard work can get results, there are many potential rules in this world, no matter you are gold, it is difficult to shine the light it deserves!

He silently took off the six stars on his shoulders and put them in the palm of his hand for a long time, then he slowly closed his palms, a burst of blue smoke emerged, and the six stars became powder.

"The farce is over, it's time to concentrate on your business." Xia Qingchen murmured.

The initial entry into the police hall was caused by a little grudge between Lin Qiu-nian and him.

Although in the middle, he had also moved Lin Qiu-Nian's perseverance, sincerely wanted to solve the case and do a career for the police hall.

But the reality is that his real heart is just a corpse of dogs in the eyes of the police hall senior!

Why should he continue to waste his time?

Rather than doing this, is it bad for him to retreat to practice and improve his cultivation?

Ding Ding——

Suddenly, the sky signal sounded, looking down at Lin Qiu-nian's news.

"come out!"

Xia Qingchen was silent for a moment, and said, "Thank you, Captain Lin. It's all over. Please turn to the Hall of Alarm. Xia resigned from the position of deputy captain and concentrated on the star teacher."

Afterwards, the antenna was shut down completely, and no contact could come in.

Police hall.

In the office area of ​​the ninth detachment, Vice-President Zhang, Lin Qiu-nian, the three deputy captains and most of the police officers were on the scene.

Xia Qingchen's words spread clearly in everyone's ears.

Vice-President Zhang's face was gloomy and said, "Tell him quickly, we will find a way."

Lin Qiu-Nian shook his head: "The Skytron has been turned off."

Everyone's heart suddenly sank.

"Damn it!" Vice Captain Qiu hammered his fist on the desk beside him, inadvertently exerting force, smashing the desk completely.

"We finally persuaded Xiaoxia to stay, but what happened? He left anyway!"

Deputy Captain Ye said: "You can't blame Xiao Xia, and instead of being me, he will only be more angry than him. Only one case will be broken, and the two cases will be anonymous without publicity."

"The third case is still not publicized, and he took away his credit and put it on his head. If it were me, I would go crazy!"

Deputy Captain Xie smiled: "A person who finally took a look at the scene became the credit for the case, and the person who worked hard to solve the case didn't even have a name!"

He looked at Lin Qiu-nian and questioned, "Captain Lin, please tell us why this is happening? Why did all the credit become the master?"

This is something that no one can understand, and the dignified master actually snatched the credit of a small vice captain.

Isn't he afraid of laughter?

Lin Qiu-nian's eyes were cold and solemn: "Master Qian Qian wanted me to do the work, but I didn't want it."

The credit belongs to Xia Qingchen. How could Lin Qiu-Nian **** it?

Vice-President Zhang also said at this time: "He found the captain of my other detachment, and no one was willing to take credit."

It is a matter of great importance. Once it is found to be a cause of fraud, the captain's career as a police officer is over, so no one dares to take the lead despite their temptations.

As for Vice-President Zhang and Vice-President Qin, they are more aware of the stakes and will not get the credit.

In desperation, the lord decided to let himself take credit.

So all the reports are describing that the ninth detachment led by Qian Dian personally solved the case.

"In addition, Master Qian Dian's internal notification to the ninth detachment in the middle of the night, I believe you all received it?" Vice-Master Zhang said with a calm face.

The members of the ninth detachment, except for Xia Qingchen, all received the voice communication from the main lord of the palace, or the kind that automatically destroyed after listening, leaving no handle.

The voice content is all the same, there is only one sentence-all who leaked the news will be expelled!

After this case, I believe there will be countless editors coming to interview.

Among them are not only Star City, but also editors from various cities of the Maple Leaf Kingdom, and even editors of the Maple Leaf Kingdom.

If anyone creates different news, the godlike image of the man created by Qian Dian will be destroyed and destroyed.

Moreover, it is his career that is affected.

"Deputy Hall Master, what should we do?" Deputy Captain Xie asked.

Now, they are all in a huge daze, I do not know what to do.

Deputy Master Zhang, as their backbone, must stand up and say a few words.

"What do you want to do?" Vice-President Zhang said: "Did you give up your career?"