Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1947: Invisible hand

Several people thought down and nodded secretly.

"It's just a matter of honestly being an audience, don't think about the ones that don't." Someone said.

"Yes, there is only one protagonist today, the Star City Police Hall!"


Suddenly, a crane screamed through the clouds, and in the distance, in the golden white clouds, large white cranes flew out neatly.

Standing on the back of each crane was a strong hero in a uniform dressed in a uniform.

Judging from the breath they exhaled, there are at least big month ranks, several of which are in later ranks.

And their number... countless.

Looking around, the densely packed are all cranes, the count is innumerable, the number of the strong cannot be counted.

Feeling the coercion that the strong can release, the principals of the major institutions of Star City are all in awe.

Such a strong legion will wipe out the Star City, fearing that no one can stop it.

After the fairy crane flew out, he heard a huge thick sound, but when he saw the huge white cloud, a huge and fierce head was found, with a rope in his mouth, pulling a huge golden car, and came out of the cloud!

The carriage was densely covered with delicate patterns, and a strong, forbidden breath flickered. Occasionally, lightning flashed away.

"Howling Heavenly Beast in the later stage of the Moon!" The lord of the Spirit Beast Hall swallowed hard.

Howling beast is a super monster that can evolve to the level of the sun. One of the 10,000 monsters can evolve successfully.

Such a strange beast, placed in the hands of any big power in Maple Leaf, is a treasure.

But for now, it's just the coolie of pulling a beast!

"A very powerful formation, at least able to bounce off the existence of the later stage of the big moon position, and even the power of the half-step solar environment, can block one or two." One of the principals who studied the formation, amazed the light.

"What you should pay attention to is the material of the carriage. This is forged by the Maple Leaf Kingdom's extinct Chao Shenmu. It is indestructible, and it comes with a repair function. There is almost no external force that can destroy it."

However, what is in front of them is just the beginning!

After the golden car leaped out, it was followed by tens of thousands of white flying boats.

They showed the tendency of the stars to arch the moon, firmly guarding the left, right, and rear of the golden carriage.

In the past, there were endless crane cranes, and howling beasts were horses. Tens of thousands of flying boats followed.

Such an appearance, looking at the big maple leaf country, only one force can do it!

That is, the royal family!

After the royal team, it is a national police hall, with a large airship of about 100 people, far behind the royal team.

Duan Zhanlong bowed and bowed, neither humble nor overbearing: "Welcome Your Highness Prince!"

Lord Qian Qian and all the powerful players in Star City bowed down to see him.

However, there was no sound in the carriage for a long time, and only the sky cranes and fierce beasts roared.


Duan Zhanlong was suspicious and bowed down again: "Duan Zhanlong, the master of Chen Tianxing City, perceives His Royal Highness."

Behind everyone repeated visits one after another.

There was still no one in the carriage.

Duan Zhanlong was surprised, and hesitated a little while he was about to fly over the sky. At the moment of welcome, a one-eyed swordsman embracing the ancient sword slowly came out of the beast car.

He said hoarsely: "His Royal Highness has been loaded into the city, and he will be inspected everywhere, waiting for his duties, waiting for the news of His Royal Highness."

Many people were shocked.

The Crown Prince has already entered the city early?

What does he want to do?

For a time, many senior executives of Star City have drummed in their hearts.

The old foxes who have been in the political field all the year round smell the unusual taste-it seems that the purpose of the prince's visit is not simply to award the Star City Police Hall.

If it is a simple award, just come with a big fan, why do you microvisit private visits?

He must have another purpose.

"Quick, quick messaging family, be sure to let the gang of wild boys converge."

"Restrain the tribes and all dependents, and act cautiously!"

"All types of businesses in the tribe have recently been shut down for rectification."


Various forces, large and small, have taken measures one after another, and they must not provoke the casual prince, or be dissatisfied by the prince.

In the assassination that ordinary people can't feel, the high-rise of Star City surged.

The only thing that is out of the question is the Star Academy in the outskirts of the Star City.

The dean and Yan Yuese exchanged discussions with several deputy deans.

"Oh, the national mission hall has approved our spiritual teaching." The dean pointed at the sheepskin roll hanging in mid-air.

The above is awesome from the national mission hall.

Vice President Chen Qian also showed a beam of joy: "It's really unexpected that I didn't expect such a smooth result."

As soon as this remark came out, the other two deputy deans slowly nodded.

"President, is there any inner feeling?" A female vice president who once supported Xia Qingchen, pondered, "Isn't it the suppression of Xia Qingchen?"

Another deputy dean Xu Xu nodded his head: "Dean, have you ever operated from it? With the belly of the hall master, it doesn't seem like you want to open it and pass the approval."

The dean smiled and shook the old head: "I am going to do some operations to find some connections in the country to lobby."

"However, I haven't started operations yet, and this approval has come down."


Chen Qian, deputy dean frowned: "It makes no sense! Does the main hall master don't know that the teacher who teaches the spirit is Xia Qingchen?"

The female deputy said: "Impossible! The nation's first spiritual lecture, such a major event, the main hall of the mission hall should be quite cautious, and it must have been discussed and discussed again and again."

"As the head of the main hall, do you not know who the lecturer is?"

Another vice president said: "That's weird. Was the hall master really suddenly open-minded and let Xia Qingchen pass?"

"But judging from the fact that the other party separately sent documents to His Royal Highness preaching to Star City and severely eliminated Xia Qingchen, he was not a broad-minded generation."

The three speculated.

The elders' eyes flashed with fine light, twisting their beards, saying: "I got some rumored rumours that it was a powerful figure in the capital who put pressure on the preaching hall before he had to open it."

The eyes of the three were calm, and this result was completely within expectation.

"Who helped us in the Star Academy?" Chen Qian, vice president, asked with a smile.

The dean shook his head: "I don't know."

Suddenly, there was a ray of worry in his old eyes: "But, I will know soon."

The deputy female dean looked amused: "Yu Yu must ask for it, and the powerful man will help us and will definitely ask us."

Vice President Chen Qian couldn't help but worry: "The pool of water in the capital is not a good place to go."

The country has always been a place of turmoil, and various levels of struggle are endless.

As academy, they just want to concentrate on the construction of the academy, and do not care about the struggle with major factions. Now it seems that the tentacles of some powerful figures in the country still reach the Star Academy.

"Let's watch its changes." The dean pondered for a long time, and slowly said something.

At that time.

Xia Qingchen is practicing deeply.