Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 1976: Soar

When all the data is updated, it is almost another minute.

"A new round of data is coming out."

"Isn't the visit to Xia Qingchen's increase at night more than 70 million?"

"It's not possible with high probability. I guess that the previous big increase is probably related to those abnormal data. All the data missed from the front page headlines have been added to have such an exaggerated increase."

"Now, it's all made up and there shouldn't be any big increase."

"The analysis makes sense! The increase at the beginning of the hour is the true level of the front page headlines. Its later growth is weak and will not be too good."


The screen flashed and the data of the first news was updated.

With the last lesson, they looked at the title first, then the data.

"The prince's recruitment of staff is 250 million, an increase of 40 million!!!"

"I rely on it! It's too fierce, the last increase was 30 million, this time directly 40 million!"

"Should I be so fierce!"

"Super phenomenal news is promising!"

"It's crazy!"

"This increase is invincible!"

"Hahaha! I seem to have seen Xiaoyuan running without clothes on the street!"

"Hey, Xiaoyuan, you have to do it!"


Everyone was also immersed in the excitement of this news, the data of the second news came out.

"I'm coming!"

"Visit Xia Qingchen at night, historical reading is... it's two... 240 million!!!"

"Lying trough! Lying trough! Lying trough!"

"240 million!!!"


"Am I blinded with both eyes?"

"You are not blind!"

"One billion, one million, ten million, ten million... two hundred and forty million!!!"

"Lying trough!!! Two hundred and forty million, which is the top news!"

"I went to his mother and became the editor of most of my life, and this is the first time I have encountered such a strange explosion!"


"Long insight!"

"Looking at all the news agencies in Maple Leaf Country, no such thing happened!"

"It's really shocking! Just this outbreak can become a piece of news!"

Shocked, overwhelming the audience!

Everyone was overwhelmed by the crazy skyrocketing!

Including the top of the news agency!

They have never encountered this situation!

"Socialist, do you want to temporarily stop updating and find out the problem first?" the deputy socialist wiped coldly.

"If we go on like this, we will all be in chaos!"

The owner of the club, Meiyu, had already twisted it together, and went to the background with a negative hand: "You control the audience!"

She decided to intervene in person to find out the problem.

The deputy owner hurriedly bowed, and he was relieved in his heart.

The owner of the club came forward in person, which meant that there would be a result.

Whether the abnormal data is deleted or affirmed will be finalized.

"Did you see it? The owner went to the backstage personally!"

"I'm so guilty that the boss is so suffocated that I would have been killed in the background to see what the waste was doing!"

"Time and time again, the data is so abnormal!"

"I'm guessing, the owner is already furious in the background!"

"This group of stupid things deserves to be severely punished by the owner, it is better to punish their annual salary!"

"Hey! Wait until the data is updated."

"The poor prince's excellent news is almost overtaken by a low-level news! It's annoying to think about it!"

"Good articles have the honor they deserve! This is the most basic respect for news!"

"It's almost time, let's show it!"


Time passed slowly, a minute of time passed slowly.

A pair of eyes are focused on the huge central screen, waiting for a new data update!


The screen jumped, and new data came out!


"Let's show it!"

"The No. 1 News... Night Visit to Xia Qingchen!!!"

"The first is... visit Xia Qingchen at night?"

"This...this...how is it to visit Xia Qingchen at night? Is the prince recruiting staff? Lost?"

"Isn't the owner going to the backstage, why is this still the case?"

"Lying trough! Lying trough! Look at the data!"

"My Grandpa Sunny! How much is that, you have to look at it, I dare not confirm!"

"Three...340 million! The data skyrocketed by 100 million?"

"A hundred million in one minute?"

"What fairy data is this!"

"The owner? Where did the owner go?"

"Isn't she in the background?"

At this time, a figure came out from the rear, and suddenly was the owner of the negative hand.

Her expression was a little weird, unlike the calmness of ordinary times, he was a little disorganized at the pace of his expressionless expression.

His eyes are more profound than before, but there are a few fluctuations that are difficult to conceal.

"The owner! Come and see, there is a big problem!"

"Yeah, boss, you see where the backstage collapsed!"

"Is there any way to stabilize the background?"


The crazy questions from the crowd made the owner calm down instead.

She came to the bottom of the central screen and pressed her hand to the crowd: "Quiet! One thing needs to be announced to everyone."

Everyone calmed down and was surprised to find that the screen temporarily stopped updating.

"Things, I have completely figured out the reason by asking the background and contacting the official of Tianxun."

Everyone listened, but didn't quite understand it. What could be the reason?

Isn't it a problem of improper handling in the background?

"Things originated from the delay of the Skytron!" said the socialist.

Everyone thinks about it, there will rarely be a delay in the antenna, and it will often be instantaneous, and it will basically have no effect.

Why does the owner say that it is the delay of the antenna?

"You click on the headline news commentary to understand what is going on."


Speaking of them, they only pay attention to the data, and have really not read the comments under the news.

After hearing the words, they took out their own telecom devices and checked the news of Star City.

"Huh! What's going on, is my Skytron broken? Why can't we see the front page headlines on the Star City News page?"

"No way?"

"Come and see."

"Strange, how is the position of the headline blank?"

"No, mine can see it!"

"Your antenna is broken?"

"Huh! Why can't I see the front page headlines?"

"Not even mine!"

"Mine can't see it!"

"me too!"

"How can I do it?"


In surprise, they were surprised to find that nearly half of the people on the scene could not see the front page headlines.

"Look at the comments, we seem to have a lot of cases."

Everyone opened one after another to look at the past, and a comment on the top quickly caught their eye!

"Today's Star City news is so weird, the front page headline even vacant for more than an hour, and only appeared when standing!"

Millions of followers!

"Are you the same?"

"Strange, I couldn't see it in the morning, it only appeared suddenly not long ago!"