Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 487: Good intentions

"I have always wanted to repay Xia Qingchen." Bai Lian Sheng Nu said.

She has always been a person of inner justice.

When he found out that his fiance and his son suppressed and tortured Xia Qingchen and his son, he was determined to repay the debt.

Therefore, she and Xia Qingchen had no intersection.

However, he is willing to ask Yu Changshu for Xia Qingchen's sword, and is willing to seize the cultivation chamber for Xia Qingchen.

Everyone cares about Xia Qingchen.

Everything, as fiancee, repays debts on behalf of Qingyang!

"Is it ruining Mercury?" Yue Mingzhu doubted.

Saint Bai Lian calmly said: "Yes! If Xia Qingchen breaks through the middle star position, Fei Qingyang who feels threatened will definitely get rid of him."

"So, I told Yu Qingyang, the location of Xingshui, let him destroy, let him rest assured."

Moon Pearl shook his head: "However, there is no star water, and after three months of life and death, light dust brother will still die."

In the arms of Saint Bai Lian, she took out a starry water that was about to fade.

"So, please let Xia Qingchen secretly break through." The clear star water was stained with a little blood.

Dazzling and gorgeous.

This is the only flower Yu Qingyang left for her.

Hidden near the valley.

When she passed by, she quietly retrieved it and put it in her arms, preparing to let Yuemingzhu pass it to Xia Qingchen.

This is what she wanted to say to Yue Mingzhu.

Yue Mingzhu moved and caught Xingshui with both hands.

Her face is complex and somewhat frustrated: "I finally understand why Brother Qingchen only respects you."

A fair and selfless person who is not even partial to his fiancé.

How not to be respectable?

"You are the most important woman in Master's heart." Saint Bai Lian said, her voice was rare and gentle.

In the eyes, there are also blessings: "Hope, you can achieve what you want, and you can come together with the younger brother."

Moon Pearl heard the sound outside the string.

"Are you going?"

"Well, after one month, I married Yu Qingyang as scheduled." Saint Bai Lian calmly said.

As if telling someone else's marriage.

Don't care.

Moon Pearl said: "Yu Qingyang and his son are so despicable, can you bear to marry him?"

Taking the white lotus saint as a person is disdainful with people like Yu Qingyang.

"Given by the elder of the marriage contract, I obey it." Bai Lian Sheng Nu said.

Yue Mingzhu quickly asked: "Don't you want to marry someone you want?"

"What do you want?" Bai Lian Sheng Shao shook her head: "I have never been emotional with people."

There are only four words in her mind.

The world is fair!

Has been so selfless to even weak feelings.

"Brother Qingchen?" Yue Mingzhu asked.

She once thought that Bai Lian Sheng Nu was good for Xia Qingchen for no reason, because she liked him.

Saint Bailian's eyes were softer: "Senior Brother is a person worthy of my respect, nothing more."

Yue Mingzhu continued to ask: "Well, if you were asked to choose a marriage between Yu Qingyang and Qing Chen, who would you choose?"

Saint Bai Lian was silent for a while, clear and sure: "Brother!"

"Cough, I understand." Yue Mingzhu finally smiled relaxedly.

There was a hint of cunning in the smile.

She waved her small hand and urged: "Okay, let's go, get married!"

Saint Bai Lian silently stared at the pondering moon pearl.

There was a touch of tender compassion.

"Sister Pearl, don't stop here, see you again." She turned and walked outside the valley.

He walked a few steps and stopped again, without looking back: "If you have a chance, open your eyes and act blind all day. It should be tiring."

Yue Mingzhu's face changed slightly, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

Revealed a pair of extremely purple eyes.

She smiled: "I know I can't hide you!"

Saint Bai Lian engaged in the arrest of criminals all year round, her heart was as dusty as possible.

It has long been recognized that Yue Mingzhu is not blind.

It's just that there is no break.

"However, as long as you have concealed Brother Qing Chen," Yue Mingzhu chuckled.

Saint Lian Bailian put on a hat and said meaningfully: "Are you sure, did you really conceal the younger brother?"

After talking, he stepped into the sand.

Qianying walks alone.

There is no shadow.

Thinking of the Pearl of the Moon in Place.

Her purple eyes narrowed slowly, unsure: "Brother Qingchen noticed? Should...not?"

Back to the original place.

Xia Qingchen, Qiu Qiu and Lian Xing are looking around the valley.

See if there is any remaining star water.

It was a pity that the fire was too clean and left nothing.

Qiu Qiu Yaoya: "Don't find me, which **** did it! Otherwise, you must teach him to be a man!"

Lian Xing always complained about the maiden Bailian: "Isn't that woman yet? It's critical to hold back! I'm so angry!"

Xia Qingchen's eyes reflected the fire in the sky, feeling heavy.

There is only ten days to open the market.

In the remaining eight days, looking for a star water that happens to be in full bloom is no different from a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, he needs more than one flower.

Qiu Qiu, Moon Pearl and Bai Lian Sheng Nu all need star water.

On the occasion of contemplation.

Yue Mingzhu walked briskly and hummed back in cheerful minor.

"Sister?" Xia Qingchen glanced behind Yue Mingzhu.

"Because he was ashamed, he left." Yue Mingzhu said disapprovingly.

Xia Qingchen immediately got up and said, "Why not leave her?"

Yue Mingzhu spread her hands: "How can I stay with her feet on her?"

Xia Qingchen was helpless.

Even if you want to chase at this moment, it should be too late.

"Fortunately, the star water has been ruined here. She went elsewhere, maybe she has a chance." Xia Qingchen said to herself.

Moon Mingzhu smiled strangely and said, "Brother Qingchen, close your eyes and give you a gift."

Xia Qingchen smiled.

What the **** is she going to do?

However, Xia Qingchen still closed his eyes.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Xia Qingchen opened her eyes when she heard Wenyin, a **** star water, near her eyes.

He couldn't help but be surprised: "Where are you from?"

Yue Mingzhu smiled and said: "I found it on the ground and I will give it to you now."

Found it?

Is it the arsonist who accidentally dropped it?

Xia Qingchen was very emotional, but shook her head and refused: "Xingshui is hard to find. You picked one and it is your character. Use it yourself."

Yue Mingzhu seems to be laughing instead of laughing: "Xingshui, I will find a way myself, this one is not for you, but conditional."

Shen Yin film Xu.

Xia Qingchen asked: "What conditions?"

Moon Pearl is mysterious: "Temporarily kept secret."

Xia Qingchen frowned softly and said, "If it violates my principle, I will not agree!"

Yue Mingzhu patted her chest: "Relax, I promise you won't let you do anything against the chivalry."

Is that so?

Xia Qingchen pondered again and again: "Well, I can promise you, this multi-star water will be given to me temporarily. In the next days, I will try to help you find the star water."

With Xia Qingchen's promise, Yue Mingzhu smiled.

Plug Xingshui into Xia Qingchen's palm.

"So, after January, we will meet at Nebula Holy Land. At that time, you must show up and fulfill my request." Yue Mingzhu looked forward.