Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 627: Battle of Fate (three more)

   Qingyang Yu got up.

   A silver armor creaked.

  Golden spear, exuding a ruthless edge.

  He came to the center of the field.

  Looking at the white lotus maiden, like a clear lotus without muddy stains, walking happily.

   His eyes filled with a trace of complexity.

   He hated the maiden Bailian, hated her change of heart, hated her for losing her dignity.

   However, all hatred is born by love.

  Do not love someone, where is there hate?

   "Jiang Xuexin, have you ever regretted it?" He released his eight-point cultivation base which is far superior to Xia Qingchen.

   Today, Xia Qingchen will die in his hands.

  Jiang Xuexin knew that he had made great strides, but did he ever regret it?

   "No." Jiang Xuexin bowed her head slightly.

   She silently added a sentence in her heart, even thanking Yue Mingzhu for arranging an unforgettable memory for her.

   Although, this memory will soon say goodbye.

  Yu Qingyang's heart burst into anger.

   star power surged, startled thousands of air currents, lifted the ink hair of Saint White Lotus.

   "What good is he?" Yu Qingyang sighed.

  Bai Lian saint smiled lightly: "He is good at everything."

   Seeing that smile, Yu Qingyang felt something was broken in her heart.

   He never knew that it turned out that the White Lotus Saint would laugh.

   has no emotion in her memory.

   No sorrow and no joy.

   is not sad.

   But she smiled for a dying person.

   Yu Qingyang knew that he had completely lost Jiang Xuexin.

   can never be recovered.

   "Remember what I once said?" Yu Qingyang pulled out the golden gun behind him.

  Bai Lian was silent, she pulled out her waist soft sword, and calmly and firmly pointed to Yu Qingyang.

   "Marry Xia Qingchen, I do not regret it, die, nor."


  Yu Qingyang was irritated and shouted, "Then I will fulfill you!"

   "Jin Wu Guan Ri!" Yu Qingyang growled, and the spear in his hand burst into a dazzling golden light, pointing directly at the chest of Saint Bai Lian.

   He wanted to kill this woman who betrayed him with one shot!

  The white lotus maiden held the sword calmly, without fear or regret!


   Just before the two are about to touch, the soft sword in the hands of the white lotus maiden jumps off.

   She stretched her arms and stabbed at the golden spear.

  Yu Qingyang's complexion changed, her wrist flickered, and the gun passed the arm of Bai Lian Sheng Nu.

   Poo ——

   On the ground, there were remnants of golden mansions, and the hole penetrated a large gap.

   If you point it on a person, you will definitely die!

   "Are you looking for death?" Yu Qingyang stared at Saint Bai Lian.

   She was clearly seeking to die under her gun.

  Bai Lian saint said plainly: "Yes! Everything is my fault, you can kill me, please let Xia Qingchen, please?"

   Yu Qingyang heart colic.

   Know for many years.

   For the first time he saw Bai Lian Sheng Nuo begging.

   would rather sacrifice himself than save the man!

  He was inexplicably angry in his heart and gritted his teeth: "I will never! He, he must die!!"

  Yu Qingyang's almost roaring roar.

   The more princess White Lotus pleaded for him, the more he hated.

  Withdrew the golden gun, Yu Qingyang turned and walked down the ring.

   didn't look back, and said indifferently: "I will let him die in front of you!"

   Sister White Lotus sighed slightly and returned silently to Lord Nebula.

  Yue Mingzhu watched her, and her red lips bite.

   can already confirm that this ice fairy who does not eat human fireworks is really emotional...

   Brother Qingchen, you can trust me...

   The battle on the side of the Nebula Holy Land comes to an end.

   is awesome and amazing.

   is the battle between Saint Bai Lian and Yu Qingyang, all revealing intriguing stories.

   is not a covenant of life and death, only the Saint White Lotus.

   There must be a life-and-death battle between the two.

   Next, Bidou continued.

   However, there is no more exciting than before.

   Everything is done step by step.

   It was already noon at the end of the moon and sky.

   Zhao Yan took out the list and announced on the spot: "This time the moon list, the ranking record is as follows..."

   Indifferently dismissed his words.

   "Post the list, let them see for themselves!" Yu Qingyang is like a spear, exhaling a sharp breath: "I only care about why Xia Qingchen hasn't come yet!"

  Sky Moon Skywalk has ended.

   Xia Qingchen, it's time to come!

  Looking at the people around Lao Xiang, "Go, let Xia Qingchen come!"

at this time.

   The sky, gathering dark clouds for several days, is gloomy like ink.

   A cool raindrop fell from it.


  Xia Qingchen, who sat cross-legged on the cheek, landed in the other courtyard.

   Xia Qingchen slowly opened her eyes.

   looked up at the gradually falling raindrops and murmured: "Rain, it's raining!"

   He stood up.

  The raindrop fell three feet above his head and was bounced away by invisible force.

  Formed a splash of rain.

  His eyes, through the rain screen, looked at the venue: "War, here!"

   stepped on his footsteps, and the rain that fell on the ground retreated.

   Lian Xing took a deep breath and followed closely.

   The top of the mountain.

   The raindrops in the sparse, more and more dense.

   Finally, like a rain curtain hangs.

   Everyone in the stands was sheltering from the rain.

   frowned towards the old, said: "Not yet! Liang Mengjing, you go to urge!"

  Behind Liang Mengjing, hesitated.

   Xia Qingchen came a little late and lived a little longer.

   She really didn't want to urge Xia Qingchen to die.

   "No need to rush!" In the rain curtain, Yu Qingyang carried a spear and walked in the rain.

   He did not resist raindrops with star power.

   Instead, let the rain slide down and drench it wet.

   His eyes were firm and sharp, running through the cold rain curtain: "I, find him personally!"

   Today, no matter how strong the wind is, no matter how wild the rain is, he cannot stop his determination.

   Xia Qingchen, must die!

must! !



   Everyone heard a slight rumble.

  Under the umbrella cover, the temple hall master looked at the hot tea in front of him.

   The surface of the tea was rippled.

  'S eyes narrowed slowly.


   Another sound came!

   This vibration is more obvious!


   Third sound, fourth sound, fifth sound!

   The sense of shock is getting stronger and stronger.

   Every time, they touch their heart beat.

   It seems that it is stepping on their hearts.

   "It's Xia Qingchen!"

   No one made a move for Xia Qingchen and announced his arrival.

   But everyone knows that Xia Qingchen is here!

   dong dong dong ——

   The whole mountain began to tremble.

   On the ground, the rainwater converged and shocked popping waves.

  People stood up one after another.

   Quietly overlook the stairs.

   felt the trembling of the mountains beneath his feet, and his eyes were all surprised.

   That voice.

What is   ?

   has come to the middle, and went to urge Xia Qingchen's shrine.

   looked back in horror.

  He saw the turbulent river, which shot a huge wave of ten feet and twenty feet.

   The huge waves beat the mountains fiercely and shake them.

   looked away.

   On the broad surface of the river, a young man walked with his negative hand.

  Every step he took, the giant river set off shock waves.

   The calm river.

   Entering the sea at this moment, the waves are huge!

  The eyes of the shrine of the shrines were reflected in Xia Qingchen's back.

  When his right foot set foot on the mountain!

  Hundred Zhang's Yue, shocked!

   Eight sturdy chains suddenly tightened.

   uttered an overwhelmed churn!

   For a time!

   The waves are gigantic and the mountains are creeping!

  Like the king sweeping the world, the big battle horn sounded!

   Xia Qingchen's feet stepped on the stairs and said lightly: "I am here."


   The sound of the giant wave roared and sent its plain words to the nine days!

   Direct to the top of the mountain!

   Direct to people's hearts!

   (Tomorrow at 8 o'clock, continue!!)

(End of this chapter)