Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 773: Exchange hostages

   However, this is already the final condition that can be obtained.

   As long as she doesn't die, she still has hope of regaining her freedom.

"Okay, what you said in front of the whole army, you must be hard to eat." Miaoyin took out several secret letters from his arms and said: "These are a lot of confidential information that Zhou Bendao gave us. Compare the handwriting to confirm whether it was written by him."

Although there is no pen on the secret letter, it is difficult to imitate one's handwriting.

   Identify carefully, and I will be able to distinguish clearly.

  Li Forestry was overjoyed, took it apart, looked at the sunshine for a long time, and laughed: "It is indeed Zhou Wendao's handwriting!"

   He glared at Zhou Bendao and sneered, "Do you have anything to say?"

  Zhou Ben's Taoism is ashamed, and there are secret messages, so there is no possibility of sophistry.

   He raised his head and stared at Miaoyin, but not hate, but a boundless surprise: "Who are you? Secret letter, I wrote to a commander in Dusk, how can you be qualified to hold it?"

   Secretly believe that these confidential things can only be kept by the commander.

  What is the status of Miaoyin, why can you carry it with me, and it is not a copy!

   Miao Yin silently, quietly hiding behind Xia Qingchen.

  Zhou Bendao has already confirmed his destiny, he looks up at the sky and sighs: "My life is resting!"

  Finally, he fixed his eyes on Xia Qingchen, with a complex gaze: "I smiled all my life, and I didn't think it would end up in your junior's hands."

  If Xia Qingchen did not capture Miaoyin, there would be no absolute evidence in the military palace, and he might not die.

   All because of summer light dust, everything turned into soot.

   Xia Qingchen is not salty and not bland, saying: "The fire will eventually set itself on fire, the commander will count you, you will die sooner or later, even if there is no me today, there will be others tomorrow."

   Zhou Bendao smiled hoarsely.

   How could he not know?

  Even if there is insufficient evidence today, the commander will still try his best to make him try.

   It's just that Xia Qingchen made this process faster.

   "Young heroes come out." Zhou Bendao's small eyes gradually widened: "Thinking back then, I also wanted to build a career in the military palace like you, want to slay and kill the enemy, and serve the country faithfully."

   "But the reality is cruel, I speak lightly, and if I don't lean on the Yu family, there will never be a day when I will come out." Zhou Bendao said sadly.

  Which teenager is not aspiring to serve the country and is full of blood?

   It was just that the original intention was gradually eroded by the cruel reality, and became a generation following the crowd.

   And he, under the control of the Yu family, walked toward the abyss step by step.

   "Boy, I recognized it in your hand!" Zhou Bendao took out a plum-marked iron and threw it to Xia Qingchen.

  The latter's sleeve robe rolled up and caught it cautiously.

Zhou Bendao raised his neck and said, "If I die, the Yu family can help my family, this thing is useless! But if you are indifferent, you carry this thing, go to the northwest coffin shop of Liangzhou City, put it Give it to an old man with a coffin and he will surprise you."


  Xia Qingchen's eyes changed, and Li Forestry heard the meaning, and immediately said: "Check his body to prevent suicide!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Bendao's mouth spouted a large black blood, and his throat also rotted, and black blood erupted.

   It turned out that he knew that his destiny was approaching, and he died by himself.

  Li Forestry sighed and did not stop.

   Perhaps, this is the situation that the commander wants to see most.

   After all, Zhou Bendao was once trained by the commander-in-chief, how to patiently order to kill him?

  Li Linlin glanced at the plum blossom imprint in Xia Qingchen's hands, hesitated for a moment, then looked away, as if he had not seen it.

"Thanks to you this time, Zhou Bendao can be quickly convicted." Li Linlin looked at Xia Qingchen, and when his eyes moved to the woman behind him, his eyes rose sharply: "This woman, I still hope you are handed over to the military palace To dispose of."

   Xia Qingchen could obviously feel that Miao Yin's body trembled and pinched the shirt behind him.

After thinking for a while, Xia Qingchen shook his head: "No, I have promised to keep her life."

  Li Forestry said: "You should have heard Zhou Bendao's last words just now. This female identity is likely to be very unusual. If you shelter her, it may affect your future."

  Xia Qingchen disagreed, calmly saying: "If killing more than 100,000 enemies and only being offset by sheltering them once, I would rather not have such a military palace."

   If it were someone else, Li Linlin was much lazy and was too much speech, and ordered to win.

   Ke Xia Qingchen, he really appreciates it.

   pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay, this woman stays with you for the time being, but after returning to the moat, you must first ask the commander-in-chief for him to decide."

   "No problem." Xia Qingchen said first.

   Subsequently, Li Forestry counted thousands of elite soldiers. After the education of ordinary soldiers, the organization was reorganized, and all the leaders above Bai Xiaoqi were taken into custody and awaited review.

   This matter comes to an end.

   But at this time, the whistle alarm of his own came from the foot of the mine.

   It was not a battle alert, but the enemy's movement.


  Under the surveillance of hundreds of patrol soldiers, a soldier with the flag of Zhongyunjing behind him came to Li Linlin.

   "By the order of our army Qian Xiaoqi Chonglan, we will exchange hostages."


  Li Forestry was slightly surprised, but when the soldier took out a cane, his face finally changed: "Oops, how did she forget her?"

   Xia Qingchen is also a corner of the mouth.

   They are all busy fighting, and completely forget the Ouyang League leader and the two high-level League leaders!

  Ouyang's leader confirmed that the Yimo mine was true, he could not wait to go to the site for investigation.

   When the war broke out before, the army of Zhongyun Realm took the lead and the Ouyang confederate and his two companions under investigation had no time to escape and were captured on the spot.

   and was taken away by the deserters, until Zhongyunjing later confirmed their identity.

  Li Forestry's face is very dignified. The Ouyang leader is not only the leader of the Qimeng, but also the chief appraiser of the Yimo Mine in Liangwang Mansion.

   If she missed something, Liang Wang was furious, and the consequences were unbearable.

   "Who do you want to exchange?" Li Linlin asked with a blink of an eye.

  He was very surprised.

   It is impossible to understand the meaning of Zhongyun Realm. Ouyang Confederate's significance to the cold realm can be said to be a decisive figure in the identification of Yimo Mine.

   Zhongyunjing actually planned to put her back, just to exchange a hostage?

   The messenger glanced at the beautiful voice behind Xia Qingchen, but said: "Swap some prisoners."


   The messenger said: "The ten thousand and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and ten thousand and nine hundred and ten and nine hundred and ten and seven hundred and ten and nine hundred and ten and seven hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and ten and nine hundred and ten and nine hundred and ten and nine hundred and ten and nine hundred and ten and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and ten thousand and nine hundred and ten and one and a hundred and hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and ten and one hundred and nine hundred and nine hundred and ten and one and a hundred and one and two hundred and one and one hundred and hundred and one of them are our people.

  Li Forestry secretly rejoices that these captives are dispensable for the cold environment, and Zhongyun Realm is willing to use them to exchange the leader of the alliance, that is better.

   "Of course!" Li Forestry agreed.

   "Then ask the adults to lead the captives, we exchange hostages at the foot of the mine." The messenger breathed a sigh of relief.

  Li Forestry immediately brought back more than a hundred captives who had been taken into custody. When he looked at the beautiful voice beside Xia Qingchen, he said, "Is it okay to return her?"

(End of this chapter)