Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 843: Extremely guilty

  He was extremely wronged. The ten principalities in charge of Yinhui No.10 next door were very close to the Nebula Sect, and they were naturally very rich.

   How can he be in charge?

   "Don't make excuses for your incompetence!" You enshrined coldly.

  Tian Yuling was only promised, and heeded the rebuke.

   paused, especially enshrined and said: "Explain that you have taken high-quality young women, how is this done?"

   She came out and asked alone, showing the importance of women's resources.

   In fact, any wealth can be squandered and earned back.

  Only high-quality women resources can only be looted.

  Mash's most important resource is precisely a high-quality woman.

  Tian Yuling said: "Hui Yunyou enshrines, there have been 10,000 women sent, and the follow-up is on the road."

   He narrowed his neck, waiting for the blame from You Feng.

   However, You Feng was surprised and said: "Ten thousand already?"

  While she was passing through the rest of the place, almost no women's resources were collected because they were resisted by the local principality.

   Tian Yuling was the first to search for women's resources.

   "Yeah, there are still thirty thousand on the way, you can arrive tonight." Tian Yuling said quickly.

  Fu Yu's face finally showed a satisfied smile: "This is a good job! Get up!"

  Tian Yuling inspected and observed, immediately stood up, bowed to the waist and smiled and said: "Especially, I must say good things for me in front of the owner."

   He took out a small space ninja filled with various secret medicines, martial arts and materials.

  You received the consecration, and the smile on his face was more easy-going: "Oh, easy to say! You are doing well, I think the house owner will praise you."

  Tian Yuling finally understood that the old guy came off the horse as soon as he came, it turned out to be a rip off.

  However, he saw it but couldn't say it. His attitude became more respectful and said, "You enshrined, did you not summon to say that you will arrive two days later? Why did this come suddenly? This makes it difficult for us to honor you."

  You dedicate a smile to the face, and gradually converge to smile and restore seriousness.

  Tian Yuling thought that she was enraged again to worship, and immediately shrank her neck.

   "I specially came to charge you one thing." You enshrined Zheng Sedao.

   Tian Yuling's heart eased, it turned out not to reprimand him, but is there anything worth enshrining a special trip to come and tell?

   "Please enlighten me." Tian Yuling said.

   Youjin looked at the many high-quality women outside her eyes and said, "I ask you, are none of these women from the Principality of Shenxiu?"

   Tian Yuling shook his head blankly: "All from the Duchy of Iron Horse, there is no Duchy of God."

  You dedicate a slow breath: "That's good."

  Tian Yuling noticed something was wrong and asked, "You enshrined, is this what happened?"

  You enshrined solemnly nodded: "Well! The owner sent me an urgent message a few hours ago. The mediator dispatched by the military palace came from the Principality of Shenxiu under your rule!"


   Tian Yuling and his son were scared to death.

   "Shenxiu Principality is the hometown of mediators?" Tian Yuling shuddered.

   can be appointed as a mediator by the military palace, how respectable the status is, can be imagined by the toes.

  In case the mediator retaliated against him, Tian Yuling felt shuddering just thinking about it.

  The worship is very solemn and said: "How many resources did you plunder from the Principality of Shenxiu, all returned to me intact, don't **** a copper plate!"

   "In addition, you personally go to the Principality of Shenxiu to make an apology, appease the royal family, and try to obtain the royal family's understanding."

   Tian Yuling dared to hesitate a little bit and said, "I don't need any special dedication to say this, I will do it too!"

   matters, Tian Yuling dare not have the slightest care.

   He clenched his fists and said: "It's urgent, please forgive me for the misunderstanding. I will go to the Principality of Shenxiu now."

  Yu worship immediately nodded: "Well, don't worry about me, this matter is very urgent, go ahead and handle it."

   "Missed!" Tian Yuling was terrified.

   Master Yinhui immediately followed and said, "I will go too, by the way, Xia Qingchen's dog will be extinguished."

  The royal family really needs to apologize, but it does not mean that they can forgive the masters and demon pets.

  Who knows, especially the enshrined body shuddered and his eyes widened: "Wait, whose dog did you just talk about?"

   Young Master Yinhui froze for a while, especially the worship is talking to him?

   He quickly turned around and respectfully said: "Hui Youyou is a person named Xia Qingchen."

   Summer light dust?

  Yuyou hurriedly asked: "How old is he, what is his figure, what is his appearance?"

  She asked three times in a row, her tone was unusually rapid.

   Young Master Yinhui felt a little oppressed, staring staringly at You Jing, whose face was not right, and said: "Probably less than twenty, thin, and looking... maybe a little more handsome than me."

  You dedicate your heart to giggling, and quickly draw on the spot, draw a sketch, and point your finger at the portrait quickly: "Is he?"

  Although it is a sketch, all the five features are there, so Master Yinhui recognized it at a glance: "It's him!"

   After hearing the words, You Feng's face was immediately dark and dark, as if the sky was falling down.

   Her body trembled a little and said, "You just said that you want to kill this person's dog?"

   Young Master Yinhui felt something was wrong and hesitantly said, "That's what I said."

   "Have you had a holiday before?" You Feng asked again.

Master Yinhui concealed himself, but in the face of offering, he really didn't have this courage and nodded and said, "Yes, it was just his dog who bullied people first and killed Ganying. I didn't hurt him... …"

   "You're done!" Before Master Yinhui finished speaking, the offering was like a deflated ball, with a long sigh.

   Tian Yuling looked dignified, and his heart began to thump: "Dare to ask you to worship, is this Xia Qingchen, very promising?"

   had an ominous hunch in his heart.

  Yu Feng stood up and shattered all the palm portraits, so much more, he burned them.

   seems to be afraid of leaving his clues.

   When she looked at Tian Yuling again, she showed a trace of pity: "If your son didn't admit the wrong person, he would pick off the dog skin of the mediator."


   flashed like a thunder, and exploded in the minds of Master Tian Yuling and Master Yinhui.

  The former shuddered violently, while the latter was directly scared to the ground.

   "You... you mean, my son met the mediator?" Tian Yuling spit hardly.

  You enshrined with a sullen face: "Do you look at my face as if you are joking with you? I advise you to quickly ask what your stupid son has done and whether you have provoked the mediator."

   Tian Yuling, an excited spirit, immediately picked up Master Yinhui from the ground, and his hands were two big mouths: "Sinister! What did you do in the Principality of Shenxiu? Give me the truth!"

  Master Yinhui realized that he was in a big disaster, and said: "It's nothing. When asked for the selected women from the royal family of the Principality of Shenxiu, it happened to be met by the mediator."

(End of this chapter)