Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v2 Chapter 906: Disapproval

   Soon, his figure disappeared in the wind and snow.

   "Keep up!" Fang Cuihong, who changed equipment, waved his hand and led the soldiers of the Yunlan regiment to quickly follow.

   Along the way, raised the sky snowflakes, covered the sky and earth.

   The top of the mine in the distance is lit by lights.

  Yuan Chongluan and two other generals of the Northland Corps are discussing in front of a warm stove.

   "The commander came to ask us to strengthen our defense and beware of fraud in the middle of the cloud after the immortal chess game." Northland Corps, General of the Fire Dragon Military Region.

   was next to the Northland Corps, the general of the Bingfeng Military Region, rubbed his hands, and said: "Fairy Devil Chess, if Zhongyun Realm wins, it will not refuse to stop.

  The newly discovered mine is very large, and it is the largest ermine mine excavated so far.

   It is impossible for Zhongyunjing to give up.

   General Fire Dragon and General Bingfeng set their sights on Yuan Chongluan: "Your team has patrolled the nearby snow mountains recently. Have you ever found an anomaly?"

   The three military regions agreed to send one party to patrol the group, to wander around continuously, and to investigate the enemy's situation.

   "Of course not! Snow mountain zone, but I sent heavy soldiers to patrol, don't even want to fly a fly." Yuan Chongluan shot his chest seriously.

   The fact is that he is simply perfunctory.

   This time he was dispatched from southern Xinjiang to the northern mine to assist the two military regions in front of him.

   If you make a credit, it is also the credit of their two military regions. He has at most only the merit of assistance.

   Therefore, Yuan Chongluan was passive in the world.

   is the attitude as a superior, how can the soldiers below seriously complete the patrol mission, needless to say?

   Plus they are soldiers from the south, rarely experience the severe cold environment in the north, so they are more portable.

   only occasionally dispatched a few soldiers, walked around the snowy mountains and came down.

   Never cruising seriously!

   That's why, the two spies in the middle of the cloud were able to probe their situation in the nearby snowy mountains.

   What's more, Xia Qingchen's army of 7,000 soldiers and horses came to Snow Mountain, and they never even noticed it.

   "So we can rest assured." General Fire Dragon and General Bingfeng nodded and toasted him a glass of wine: "Come on, General Yuan and his subordinates have worked hard."

  Yuan Chongluan didn't blush and didn't jump, and said boldly: "Wherever we are, we are all for the Cool King, regardless of each other!"

   "Come on, do it!"

   Three people drunk freely, but the three soldiers ran in one after another. They were the confidants of the three generals, each whispering in front of the ears of their respective generals.

  After hearing the words, the eyes of General Fire Dragon and General Bingfeng fluttered to Yuan Chongluan, with a few strange colors in their eyes.

   Their heart was to pass the soldiers' news from the foot of the mountain. A surnamed Wan Xiaoqi led a war group to the foot of the mine and named Yuan Chongluan to roll down.

   And, very arrogantly gave the time limit-Yi Yixiang!

   Look at the tone, the comers are not good!

   "Master Yuan, do you need us to coordinate one or two?" General Fire Dragon said.

   He didn't quite understand. Where did Wan Xiaoqi come to trouble Yuan Chongluan?

  Yuan Chongluan waved his hand in disapproval: "A little thing, where do you need two to come forward? I'll let someone pass."

   said, he casually recruited his next Wan Xiaoqi and said, "Dan Ziyang, ask what is going on, remember, be polite."

   When talking, a flash of hotness flashed in his eyes.

  Dan Ziyang was his confidant, very keenly capturing the meaning of this ray of eyes, and he nodded in his heart: "Yes, my subordinates will do it."

   He immediately left the camp and found two Qian Xiaoqi, and said fiercely: "Go, give this little surname a look at Xia! Mom's bazi, dare to disrespect Master Yuan and get bored!"

  The three of them went down the mine all the way and came to the foot of the mountain to see that they were all female soldiers.

  Only the monster headed by a young robe in a green robe lying cross-legged.

   He meditated with his eyes closed, and placed a small incense burner in front of his knees, which contained a incense that burned over 30%.

   "Are you the leader?" Shan Ziyang said fiercely: "Lao Tzu talks to you, let me get down!"

  But no one ignored him.

   Xia Qingchen didn't. The thousand soldiers also didn't. He didn't even have a few eyes to look at him.

   All the soldiers stood upright, looking indifferently at the snowy mine, as if counting the time silently.

   The strange silence made Shan Ziyang secretly startled.

   This team is too well-trained, right?

  The ordinary war group was provoked by some people, and some people could not help uttering their voices or showing their expressions.

   But the war group in front of him was calm and cold and terrible.

   Such a battle group, there are few in the military palace.

  However, it was determined that they were all female soldiers, and they despised them. They must have been women of honor guards, so they were well-trained.

   "Whip to me!" Shan Ziyang stretched out his palm, and Qian Xiaoqi next to him immediately took off the cowhide whip around his waist and gave it to him.

   Shan Ziyang's fierce light flashed, and he lifted his leather whip to Xia Qingchen for a moment, and he also scolded in his mouth: "Mom, I will teach you how to talk to people first!"

   Unexpectedly, the whip just lifted up, and a red explosive arrow crossbow fired.

   He grunted, and with a whip in his hand, he quickly and accurately hit the arrow crossbow.


   The arrow crossbow was crushed on the spot, but it also exploded immediately, and a bright spark burst in the air.

   "Explosive Arrow Crossbow?" Shan Ziyang was really surprised.

  Explosive arrow crossbow, only equipped to the elite division of the military palace, many military areas are not assigned.

   The battle group in front is actually there!

  Can't wait for Ziyang to think, and his eyes are filled with dense explosive arrows.

   Single Ziyang scalp numbness!

   With so many explosive arrows, Satsuki might be blown to death halfway.

   Fortunately, he cultivated well, and achieved five consciousness of the big star position. It was quite easy to avoid, and scolded: "Which team are you, dare to order troubles in the mines that the King of War has personally ordered?"

   Xia Qingchen slowly opened her eyes, but instead of looking at Shan Ziyang, she looked at the incense burner on her knees and said indifferently: "It's me who let the Liangwang garrison here!"

   It was because Xia Qingchen concluded that the area was rich in Yimo mines, and Liangwang would transfer a military region in southern Xinjiang.

  Shan Ziyang laughed endlessly. The only advice he could give to the Cool King was the staff around him and the rare Zun.

  What is Xia Qingchen?

  He really has this ability, will appear in this wild country ridge to perform missions?

   "There is a newspaper with the banner, I would like to ask your general how to teach you Wan Xiaoqi!" Shan Ziyang pinched the leather whip.

   Xia Qingchen closed his eyes again and said indifferently: "Fulfill him."

   Fang Cuihong took off her cloak, stood up from the back of the monster, and there were ninety-nine others standing up together.

   "Which team are we? Well, let me tell you now." Fang Cuihong's toes are a little bit, and they jumped into the sky with fifty-nine feet! !

   Then they emerged from their formations, and a huge beam of light came from the formations!

   The beam of light is thunderous, almost to the extreme, and does not give any reaction time at all.

  Dan Ziyang was shocked, said a word in horror, and was swallowed by the beam of light.

(End of this chapter)