Heaven Official’s Blessing

Chapter 41: 极乐坊 with Jun asked Xianle 3

The boy didn't seem to know what the "white clothes wrecked" was. He only looked at the pity with ignorance. Suddenly, he yelled "Ah!", and the original pity grabbed his shoulder unconsciously. The grip is hard. When he called, thanked the pity and returned to God, and quickly let go, said: "I'm sorry."

Huacheng Shen Sheng said: "You are too tired, take a rest."

His voice just fell, a small door on the side of the main hall, Tingting came in two girls, took the boy down. He frequently turned back and thanked him: "It's okay, I will go find you later."

Huacheng turned to him and said: "You should sit down and rest, don't see him for a while. If you want to ask something, I will open his mouth."

The phrase "open his mouth" is a bit horrible. He said with a hurry: "No need. If he can't say anything, just forget it. Come slowly."

Huacheng sat next to him and said, "What are you going to do with this boy?"

Thanks for thinking, said: "Leave him with me first, and bring it with you."

Huacheng Road: "He is a ghost, you might as well leave him in a ghost city. I don't have a lot of food here."

Thank you, "Sara, thank you. But... I said that I want to bring him, not only to raise him."

The ghost city is indeed the site of Huacheng. If he is willing to cover it, no one can hurt the boy and he will not be hungry. But the most important thing is to slowly guide the boy and sort out his mind and words so that he can have a normal look. Although the ghost market is lively, it is not suitable for this. Except for myself, thank you for thinking that there are other people who are willing to spend a lot of patience to guide this boy. He said: "You have helped me find this boy. I am very grateful. The next thing can't bother you any more."

Huacheng seems to disagree, but not much to say, said: "No trouble. You are here, what you need to say is, where to go where you want to go."

Suddenly, thanking the pity and detecting the change, the machete at the waist of the flower city seems to have suddenly changed.

He looked down and saw it. It turned out that the handle of the scimitar was carved with a silver eye. The pattern of the eyes is composed of a few silver lines, but although simple, it is extremely expressive, if there is life. He didn't see it because the eye was originally closed and combined. At this point it opened his eyes, revealing a ruby-like bead, and the bones turned around.

Huacheng also noticed, Shen Sheng: "Brother, I will leave, come back soon.

Thanks to the pity: "Warning the police?" Could it be that the wind master and Qianqiu have the legal body in the ghost city? He also wants to get up, "I will go and see."

Huacheng gently pressed him back and said: "Reassured, not Taihua, they are. They can sit, don't have to go."

He said so, thank you for not having to go with it. Huacheng turned and walked outside the main hall, waving a hand far away, and the bead curtains were automatically separated on both sides. When he went out, the curtains of the jade that were full of curtains were smashed and smashed, and they burst into a crisp sound.

Xie Li sat on the jade couch for a moment, remembered the purpose of the trip, stood up, passed through the small door that the two girls retired, and saw a flowerbed. The corridors of the red flowers in the flower gardens are interspersed and empty.

Xie Li is thinking about where to go, but sees a black back flashing.

That back is exactly the next month!

Thanks to the curse on his wrist, he still cares a lot. Recalling this person's movements seems to be very taboo to be discovered. So, thankful and silently followed up.

Around the corner where the man disappeared, Xie pity pressed against the corner of the wall, and then quietly looked away, the man really acted very fast, and paid attention to the front and rear, it seems really vigilant, for fear of being discovered. Thank you for your pity: "This string month makes it a subordinate of Saburo. Why is it so sneaky when you go to Saburo's site?"

He suspected that this person might not be good, but also hide his body and follow up. The second quarter of the year made the seven bends and eight turns, and Xie pity always held his breath and followed him three or four feet behind him.

Turning into a promenade, at the end of the promenade is a gorgeous door, thank you for thinking: "If he turns around at this time, there is no place to hide."

Who knows, he just thought about it, he saw the next month and made a footstep, looking back.

When the man stepped forward, he felt that it was not good. In a hurry, if the evil flies out, he wraps around the wooden beam above the top for a few laps, lifting his whole person high and sticking it to the top.

The second quarter of the month made no return to people, and did not expect to look up and look carefully, finally turned and continued to move forward.

However, she still didn't dare to put herself down so quickly, maintaining her position on the ceiling, moving forward gently and silently, and feeling like a gecko. Fortunately, the other party did not walk for a long time, then stopped in front of the gorgeous door, he did not move, wait and see.

There is a statue of a woman in front of the gate of this small building. Of course, from the perspective of pity, the only thing that can be seen clearly is her round head and the round jade plate held by her hand. The second quarter of the month did not open the door first, but turned to the statue of the woman, raising her hand and throwing something into the jade plate. Just listening to the "jingle" two crisp sounds, thank you for speculating: "骰子?"

This voice he listened to many times today, I am afraid that I will not forget it for a long time. Sure enough, the lower chord makes the hand move away. There are two scorpions in the jade plate, and both are bright red six points.

The next quarter makes this take up the dice and open the door. The door didn't even have a lock. After he entered, he closed the door and thanked him for not hearing the lock or the lock. After waiting for a moment, he floated to the ground like a piece of paper and studied the door with his arm.

It is reasonable to say that this room does not seem to be big, and there should be some voices coming out of what is being done inside. However, after the closing of the string, the door was closed, and there was no sound in the room. Thanks for making a decisive move.

Sure enough, after opening the door, there was no one in the room, and it was a gorgeous little room that was ordinary. The furnishings in the house are clear at a glance, and there is no possibility of hiding the secret passage.

Thanks for closing the door, looking thoughtfully at the statue of the virgin, and the jade plate in her hand.

It seems that the mystery lies in the two scorpions in this jade plate.

The house is still locked, but it is not a real lock, but a spell lock.

To open this lock you need a key, or a password. Use the dice to throw two "six" on the plate and open the door to see the real destination.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to throw two "six" on the spot. Xie pity only had to look at the house and sigh, and turned around in front of the door for a while, pulling away and going back. After a while, I suddenly stopped. On the head, a long-haired red man with a slender silver scimitar hanging from his waist is the flower city.

He held his arm and walked and said: "Brother, you can call me to find."

What did he look like when he went out, and what it was like when he came back, but the scimitar that had been hung on his waist was already sheathed, hanging with the scabbard on the bright red hem, and walking along the way, it was Arrogant. The silvery eye on the knives of the occupant was closed. Xie pity calmly said: "I wanted to see the child, who knows that your house is too big, and you are on the road."

He originally wanted to tell the flower city what he had encountered, but when he spoke, he turned and swallowed.

He came here to the ghost market to explore the whereabouts of the missing official. All the clues can't be let go, maybe the missing official is locked in this room.

Or first find a way to enter this door to see. If these two things have nothing to do, immediately tell Huacheng his change under this genus; and if it is related...

Huacheng took him back and said: "If you still want to see him, I will send someone to send him over, and I don't have to look for it myself."

It’s probably because there are ghosts in my heart. Thanks to the voice of Huacheng, I can’t help but soften it. “Well...have you finished the matter so quickly?”

Huacheng Road: "The treatment is over. But it is another group of wastes that are shameful."

When he heard that he said "waste", his tone was very familiar. Xie pity guessed: "Is it a green ghost to make trouble?"

Huacheng smiled and said: "Yes. I didn't say it. Who cares about this place? The waste is not a year or two, but he can only think about it at most. The eyes are so tight, so often Send some waste that is worse than him. It’s no wonder. Don’t worry, I just have a place to let my brother see, can my brother be willing to take a face with me?”

Thanks for the joy: "Nature."

The two passed through several promenades, and the flower city took him to a large hall.

The door of the main hall seems to be made of steel, engraved with ferocious beasts, which makes people feel chilly. Flower City walked into the past, the beasts automatically separated and opened the door. Xie Li has not yet entered, he feels a murderous face, and his hands are blue-eyed, if the evil is ready to go.

However, after seeing the situation inside the house, he blinked and the defense was unloaded instantly, and his legs automatically took him in.

Inside the main hall, all kinds of weapons are displayed on the walls, there are knives, swords, spears, shields, whip, hammers... actually a weapon library!

Whoever is, as long as it is a man, is in such a weapons arsenal, surrounded by all kinds of weapons in all directions, it must be in the heavens, blood boiling. Xie pity is no exception, wide-eyed, full of light. The last time he showed such a look, he was still in Junwu’s weapons arsenal.

He was still flat on the face, but his heart was already screaming and he clicked on it: "Can you... can you touch it?"

Huacheng smiled and said: "Brother is free."

Thanks to the pity of the hand, I touched it and lingered among the various weapon magic weapons. I was so drunk: "These are all treasures! This sword is good. In the battle of an enemy, it is inevitable to play God." Technology; this sword is also good! Wait, this knife is also very..."

Huacheng leaned against the door and stared at his flushed and unappealing look. "Brother, what do you think?"

Thank you for watching the weapons and I can’t bear to look back. “What?”

Huacheng Road: "Like?"

Thank you, "I like it."

Huacheng Road: "I like it?"

Thanks for your pity: "I like it very much!"

Huacheng seems to have snickered, but Xie has not noticed that his whole heart has accelerated, and he took a cold four-footed Qingfeng out of the scabbard and was amazed. Huacheng Road: "Can your brother have a good eye?"

Thanks for the glory and glory, "I can see it. I can see it."

Huacheng Road: "I originally wanted to say that my brother didn't have the weapon at hand. If I have a look at it, I will pick it up and play it. Since my brother said this, then I will give it to you." Already?"

Thank you for your help: "Don't stop, don't need it. I don't need any weapons."

Huacheng Road: "Is it? But I see my brother, I really like swords."

Thank you for your pity: "I don't have to get a hand. I haven't used it for many years. Just look at it and I am very happy. Then you give it to me, I have no place to put it."

Huacheng Road: "Simple. I will not give this room to you together."

Xie pity only when he was joking, said: "I can take it with such a big room."

Huacheng Road: "You don't have to take it away, the land is also for you. If you have time, come and see them."

Thanks to the pity: "Well, the weapons library still needs people to clean up and take care of them. I am afraid that I will treat them badly."

He carefully put the sword back on the shelf and missed the earthly: "I used to have such a weaponry, but it was burned down. These weapons are rare magic weapons, and Saburo should be cherished."

Huacheng Road: "It's also simple. If I have time, can I help my brother clean up the weapons library?"

Thanks and smiled: "Then I can ask you not to be able to. How dare you let the Lord Ghost King give me a mess?"

Suddenly, he remembered before the departure, Jun Wu’s warning to him: “The demon knife, the cursed blade, the ominous knife. This kind of evil soldier must have a very cruel sacrifice and **** determination to make it. Don’t touch it. And don't be hurt by it. Otherwise the consequences are unpredictable."

After thinking about it, Xie pity still said: "However, Saburo, these weapons, should not be comparable to your machete?"

Huacheng picked the left eyebrow and said: "Oh? Brother also heard about it? I have this knife."

Thanks to the pity: "Slightly heard."

Huacheng smirked and said: "I guess, it's not a good thing to hear. Is there someone telling you that this knife was made out of the blood sacrifice method of the evil door, and used the living as a sacrifice?"

As always, it is extremely sensitive. Thanks: "It's okay. Everyone has some bad rumors, but not everyone will believe it. I wonder if I am fortunate enough to see the legendary scimitar?"

Huacheng Road: "Brother, in fact, you have seen it already."

He walked a few steps to the pity, whispered: "Look. Brother, this is the sin."

The eyes on the sabre at his waist turned to the heart and bowed. I don't know if it is an illusion. Thanks to the pity, this silver eye squinted slightly. 2k novel reading network