Heavenly Book Evolution

Chapter 885: Pyramid of Dimensions

Chapter 885

The Pyramid of Dimensions, this is a consensus that has been circulated among the Emperor of Heaven.

The space-time dimension is like a pyramid. The heights and latitudes of each tower are like pyramids. Each tower is composed of many bricks. Each brick has a main world and countless subsidiary worlds.

Going from the lower level of the pyramid to the upper level is to complete a dimensional detachment.

The lower the dimensional pyramid, the more bricks that make up the pyramid, and the more worlds within the bricks. However, theoretically the dimensional roots of each layer of the dimensional pyramid are the same, so the more bricks, the more worlds there will be, and the corresponding dimensions The more the root causes are scattered.

Therefore, in a vast sea vortex, there are many subordinate dimensions similar to the destiny of the gods.

Therefore, under the Destiny God Realm, there is also a lower dimension of the Three Thousand Crystal Wall System.

This dimensional pyramid theory perfectly explains the relationship between the lower dimension and the upper dimension.

However, how many levels the Dimension Pyramid has, so far has not been conclusive.

The problem arises here. If you don’t know how many levels the Dimension Pyramid has, then you don’t know what the spire of the Dimension Pyramid looks like. According to Zhao Mu, the life that has the most detachment times he knows is detached by nine dimensions.

The fate of this life, in the end, makes people embarrassed.

This nine consecutive times of detachment had infinite ambition and courage, and was tortured and killed by the powerhouse of the higher dimension.

Compared with the lower dimension, the upper dimension always has innate suppression.

It’s like the earliest Blue Star universe, how difficult it is for mortals to become myths, but from the lower realm to the native land of the Destiny God Realm, even some fragile weeds and beasts are born myths. Will the roots of the vortex be seen everywhere? It is no longer difficult.

Two beings, one is a mortal born in the Blue Star Universe, and the other is the natural creation of the vast sea vortex.

Comparing the two beings like this, what's the feeling in the hearts of mortals in the Blue Star Universe?

Becoming strong is the instinct of all life. Children grow up slowly. It is a process of becoming stronger. Learning knowledge is a process of becoming stronger. Gaining power is a process of becoming stronger. Embarking on the transcendence is a process of becoming stronger. In the constant pursuit to make yourself stronger.

But when will it be strong enough to see the end?

There is a child who is not very smart from the depths of the mountain. He tried very hard to become the first in grade. He came to the big city in order to have better educational conditions. However, the first grade became the countdown. After that, he has been catching up all his life but forever. Someone with better grades than him.

The same is true on the path of transcendence, as long as there is an upper dimension, there is no fairness.

There are always people who are born to be stronger than you have gained for hundreds of millions of years of hard work, and there will always be people who are stronger than you and can decide your life and death at will. This is undoubtedly unwilling to the transcendence who once dominated the invincibility of one dimension. .

That strong man who was killed last nine times in transcendence has caused many beings to fear transcendence itself.

Since transcendence never ends, can it be okay not to transcend?

Wouldn't it be good to stay in the lower dimension without going to the upper dimension and asking for trouble?

The answer is no, there is actually an extremely secret rule in the dimensional pyramid.

That is, any life that reaches the pinnacle of a dimensionality, in the end, if you choose not to detach, it will fall.

There are many ways to fall, some of them are suddenly tired after living for countless years, some are killed by the transcendants of the lower dimension, and some are killed by the powerhouse of the higher dimension descending to the lower dimension. No one deliberately caused these existences to fall. , But they just can't escape the end of fall.

So the rule of the dimensional pyramid is that life has no value if it is not detached.

Since this rule was discovered, some strong people began to resist the dimensional pyramid.

Their approach is simple and straightforward, that is, to make the original nihility only exist in the dimensional pyramid in the conceptual sense.

After countless hard work, dimensional life came into being.

Dimensional beings can easily cross at least two levels and up to nine dimensional voids. With the help of dimensional beings, they continue to go to the lower dimensions. These beings eventually reach the lowest level of the dimensional pyramid that they can reach, and then begin to interfere with countless lives of countless civilizations that affect these dimensions.

They spread the concept of the dimensional pyramid as much as possible in countless worlds of each dimension.

Although it is impossible not to miss every world, the concept of dimensional pyramid is widely circulated in most worlds.

There is no way in the world, there will be a way if there are more people walking.

The thinking of life contains the power with unlimited potential. If there are enough lives and believe that a **** that does not exist must exist, then even tens of billions of mortals can rely on a highly pious thinking consciousness to make the original non-existent. Of the gods.

There was no physical dimensional pyramid, because countless lives were actually realized.

Moreover, this dimensional pyramid has a fixed number of ninety-nine layers. The dimension where those strong are located is the top layer, and the lowest dimension that can be entered is the bottom of the pyramid. With the help of countless sentient beings, it is formed by tearing a part of the invisible dimensional pyramid. A small dimensional pyramid.

In this bronze dimensional pyramid, these strong men are invincible from the top of the tower.

Even the original threat from higher dimensions was blocked by the Bronze Dimension Pyramid. Whether it was the Vast Sea Vortex, the Destiny God Realm, or even the time and space dimensions where Zhao Mu, the hometown of the Blue Star Universe, was located, they all belonged to this Bronze Dimension Pyramid.

However, time can change everything, and any immortality will eventually decay.

Those powerhouses who contributed to the birth of the Pyramid of Small Dimensions that year have been separated and struggling to fall one after another because of the long years. The concept of Pyramid of Dimensions, which was originally spread throughout most of the world, was eventually forgotten by most lives.

The bronze dimensional pyramid composed of ninety-nine dimensionalities will inevitably end up in decline after prospering.

The rule of death without transcendence seems to be delayed rather than permanently cracked in the end.

The bronze dimensional pyramid disintegrated, leaving only a few fragments scattered in different dimensions.

This bronze door is a door on the first floor of the Bronze Dimensional Pyramid. This door has two abilities. When passing through the bronze door, it can choose to go to the upper dimension to reincarnate or the real body to go to the lower dimension without being affected.

This is a treasure that surpasses the Heavenly Emperor's Supreme Treasure by several levels, but unfortunately it cannot be moved here.

Chen Mo thought of the core of transcendent roots like the bronze ball. This thing may also be part of the bronze dimensional pyramid. After all, the ability of transcendent roots to break the limit is not a force that urges everything to transcend.

The bronze door could not be taken away, so Zhao Mu left a stone monument.

I hope that those who come here will know that a bronze dimensional pyramid once existed, and leave his views on detachment at the end.

Everything has a source, and since the Dimension Pyramid exists, it must have its ultimate source.

According to Zhao Mu's investigation, the existence that was slaughtered for nine times had no regrets before he died.

Because the greatest gain of detachment is not in the result but in the process, the biggest gain of every detachment is precisely the brand new world and the new future after detachment. Although the child in the depths of the mountain can never get the first place after stepping out of the mountain, but also I have seen that the big city is different from the great mountain.

The same is true for detachment. It is possible that the detached person in the lower dimension will be the strongest after reaching the upper dimension.

But the splendor of the upper dimension is definitely worth detaching from the lower dimension.

So at the end of the stone tablet, Zhao Mu hopes that one day he can see the life of this stone tablet in the upper dimension, and hope that more existences who have embarked on the road of detachment can encourage each other, regardless of whether it is an enemy or a friend on the road of detachment, Zhao Mu will Hope to have more fellow travelers.

"Zhao Mu..."

Chen Mo muttered to himself ~lightnovelpub.net~ He owes Zhao Mu two favors, one is that the origin mirage is strengthened from the origin life to the eternal emperor, and the other is that this stone stele tells him that the dimensional pyramid is unknown. Secretly, one day he will catch up with Zhao Mu's footsteps farther than he is detached.

As for the moment, he needs to address the threat here.

The bronze door is a door on a certain level of the Pyramid of Small Dimensions, so there must be other doors in the fragments of the Pyramid of Small Dimensions.

Through this door, he can directly enter the lower dimension.

So is it possible that there are other bronze doors in the Vortex? After all, in theory, there are bronze doors in at least ninety-nine dimensions. If the bronze doors of the Vortex also exist and are found, then the Emperor of the Vortex may easily be true. Descend into the lower dimension.

It is even possible that bronze doors of different dimensions can be connected to each other.

If this is the case, just open the door and see for yourself.

Chen Mo stepped forward and pushed open the bronze door that had been dusty for countless years.