Heavenly Consort

Chapter 2071: cut trees and grass

"You guys stop for a while." Xiao Qianhan stopped Yun Mojin and Zhou Yidao's movements.

If the flowers and plants are getting stronger and stronger, the Feng Lie Sword alone cannot support it all the way! We must find the reason for the enhanced cultivation of flowers and plants!

In fact, Yun Mojin had slowed down the speed of destruction before, because he also discovered this anomaly.

Zhou Daozheng was so enjoyable to cut, that he was a little reluctant to be called off, but as soon as he was about to speak, Yun Mo immediately shut his mouth.

If you should speak, you should not speak.

The act of beheading the flowers and plants to replenish the life force of the ground did not stop, Xiao Qianhan just paid some attention to the new flowers and plants.

As she expected, the cultivation of flowers and plants did not increase or decrease.

Xiao Qianhan nodded slightly, and found the reason! But why is it not the increase in the number of flowers and plants, but the cultivation base?

"Sister-in-law, can I continue to destroy it?" Zhou Dao asked.

"No." After Yun Mo finished speaking, he turned to Xiao Qianhan, "We can try to let go of some flowers and plants to see what their goals are."

Xiao Qianhan agreed with this proposal and put a few flowers out.

As soon as a few flowers and plants came out, they went straight to the damaged ground, then drilled directly into them and disappeared.

The damaged ground then showed a tendency to heal.

Are these flowers and plants appearing to heal the ground?

Xiao Qianhan deliberately put out a few more flowers, but the result was the same.

The terrifying number of flowers before appeared murderous, and the target was clear, that is, the three of them... Is it because they resisted the huge teeth?

Seeing the huge teeth placed on the ground by Zhou Yi Dao, she deliberately led some cut flowers and plants over.

However, the cut off flowers and plants directly passed through the huge teeth and merged into the ground, as if the huge teeth did not exist, or were just an illusion!

can't you? Xiao Qianhan did not try again, and continued to concentrate on recovering his fur.

As for the huge teeth, it won't be too late until I get the fur.

The flowers and plants were deliberately released several times in succession, the repaired damage on the ground increased, and the cultivation base of the newly-emerged flowers and plants also declined.

Seeing this, Xiao Qianhan let Yun Moji and Yi Yidao rest completely and try their best to recover their fur.

After a quarter of an hour, the fur was completely restored, and the hair was tough and sharp. Fortunately, Xiao Qianhan set the prohibition high, otherwise it would be scratched again!

The fur is dark grey and soft, but also resilient!

Xiao Qianhan once tried to stab him with the Feng Lie sword, but there was no trace left.

Put away the fur, because it still can't be put in the storage bag, so I also let Yidao hold it.

The three set off, but not looking for a figure.

"I'm afraid the teeth also need to be restored." Yun Mo said, staring at the direction when he came.

Xiao Qianhan also thinks so, if the figure is picky with this, even if he takes all these two things, he will still not be able to enter the third floor, and he may even be killed by the figure!

But just as they were about to leave, another life fluctuation appeared!

The life fluctuations that appeared this time are very strong, but not a lot, but only three!

These three life fluctuations moved extremely fast, almost the blink of an eye from being felt by Xiao Qianhan to appearing.

As for the appearance of the three life fluctuations, one is a big tree that cannot be surrounded by one person, and the other two are bushes less than one person tall.

It's a plant again, but the cultivation base makes people dare not ignore it!

The cultivation base of the bushes jumped to the Ice Whirl Realm, and the big tree was directly the Magic Whirl Realm cultivation base!

Facing such a lineup, Feng Liejian was powerless! Even if Qian Zi and others can use their soul power, being released can only be the result of being crushed!

Just this big tree in the magic circle is enough to give people a headache!

The only advantage is that the trees and bushes have no intelligence, they are just subconscious attacks!

Now, if you want to survive, there is only one way - to put back the fur that has been restored successfully.

These three apparently appeared because the fur was all taken away.

But is it really going to give the fur back?

Yun Mojing gave the answer, "Qianhan, a knife, you all run as fast as you can, I will hold them! As long as you get out of the mountain, you will be safe."

Based on the various performances after entering the mountain, these things should only exist on this mountain and cannot leave half a step.

Xiao Qianhan didn't move, and Zhou Dao didn't move either.

They are safe, but Yun Mojin is not safe.

In any case, I never thought that a team with the highest cultivation level only in the magic circle would be their biggest threat, worrying about their lives!

"Brother, sister-in-law, let's go! I don't have the blessing of spiritual power, so I can't run fast, so I can just delay them!"

The bushes are out!


The branches of the bushes stretched out suddenly, grabbing Zhou Dao and trapping them firmly!

Another bush also stretched out its branches towards Xiao Qianhan, very fast!

Xiao Qianhan flew backwards, and even avoided it.

At the same time, the big tree in the magic circle also covered Yun Mo with its leaves, and took Yun Mo down in one fell swoop!

The spiritual power of Yun Mo can't even deal with the whirlwind realm, let alone the magic whirlpool realm!

Xiao Qianhan, the only one who escaped the attack, was a little surprised. What is the difference between his spiritual power and Yun Mojin? Is it different?

She didn't have time to think too much, so she brought Yun Mo into the Su Family Secret Realm at the first time, as did Zhou Yi Dao.

In an emergency, there is no need to care about what secrets are not secret, and Zhou Dao is not bad, it is worth believing.

The big trees and bushes were emptied, and together with the previous one, the three surrounded Xiao Qianhan together!

Xiao Qianhan held the Feng Lie Sword in his hand, his face was solemn, and his eyes kept looking at the bushes and trees quickly.

Now it is impossible to run, even if it is a mortal situation, it can only be resisted!

They are all transformed by the power of life, and there is no fatal weakness, so there are two types of hard resistance, strong killing and outsmarting.

Killing by force is like cutting off those flowers and plants, and outsmarting is trying to deceive these two bushes.

Both of these are based on a certain strength, and for her, this is almost a mortal situation!

If she can use soul power, she can kill two clusters of this tree in one second; if she can't use soul power, she can be killed by two clusters of this tree in one second.

The power of life can not only heal, but also transform this kind of thing to attack, really... Wait! Life force?

Xiao Qianhan's mind flashed, and suddenly he wondered if he was stupid? There's no need for such a powerful weapon!

Isn't the other party transformed by the force of life? Isn't it not possible to use soul power here? Isn't the power of the spiritual power insufficient? But she has something else, besides Feng Liejian, there are other things, and she is more powerful than Feng Liejian!

The power of life!

The power of life is at the same level as the source power, and the source power is synthesized by the transformation and synthesis of soul power and spiritual power. Naturally, the power of life is not soul power!

Because she has been suppressing the synthesis of source power, she has forgotten the power of life even with her.

If because of this, she was killed by that tree or those two bushes, she would have been killed unjustly!

Previously, the power of life was spent to restore the fur on the ground, and the power of life in the body was almost exhausted, but later the power of life was not consumed, and the power of life was restored.

Holding the Feng Lie Sword tightly again, she swung directly towards the two bushes!

Today, the cultivation of the power of life is the peak of the tenth order of the magic circle, and it can be said that it is effortless to kill the three in front of you.


A sword swung out, and the cold light passed, and the two bushes turned into two piles of waste wood, and then disappeared.

Seemingly knowing that his companion was killed, the big tree was very angry, and the leaves all over his body thumped excitedly, all of them rushed towards Xiao Qianhan with murderous intent!

Xiao Qianhan burst out with the power of life again, holding the Feng Lie Sword and slashing at the trunk of the big tree!

If there is no deadly location, then she will cut it down everywhere until this big tree, like the previous two bushes, has become a waste of wood.


Feng Liejian was unsheathed again, and flew sideways towards the big tree, trying to cut it in the middle.


Where Feng Lie's sword passed, the big tree snapped, but it didn't disappear like a bush.

However, Xiao Qianhan didn't mind, and continued to swing the Feng Lie sword, and soon chopped the tree into multiple sections, unable to survive even if he wanted to.

After solving the big tree, she let Yun Mojin and Zhou Dao come out, wanting to show off her victory.

"Let's go!" Yun Mo didn't even look at it, and as soon as he came out, he pulled Xiao Qianhan and ran wildly out of the mountain!

Before Xiao Qianhan didn't hide the perspective of the Su family's secret realm, so he and Zhou Yidao could see clearly.