Heavenly Consort

Chapter 678: make a deal!

As soon as it fell into the night, for some unknown reason, there was a gust of wind around the Su family, flying sand and rocks, and people who were blown by the strong wind couldn't open their eyes at all.

The housekeeper Su Fu immediately rushed to Xiao Qianhan's courtyard and reported: "Miss Xiao, people from the four major families have surrounded the Su residence and created strong winds to try to confuse our sight."

Xiao Qianhan smiled slightly and asked, "Have those medicinal pills been distributed?"

"According to the lady's instructions, all the ones that don't fall have been distributed." Su Fu replied.

"You start the Su family's great formation immediately. Start the attack timing from the four major families. After a quarter of an hour, let everyone crush the medicinal pills. After another quarter of an hour, remove the great formation." Xiao Qianhan ordered, in an orderly tone.

"Miss, do you want the old slave to start the great formation? This..." Su Fu hesitated when he heard that he had started the Su family's great formation.

"It's okay, I'll let you drive, you can rest assured. Su Wei is here, and he will think the same as me." Xiao Qianhan comforted.

"Okay! Then the old slave will listen to Miss Xiao." Su Fu gritted his teeth, replied, and then retreated.

After Su Fu left, Xiao Qianhan looked at Long Yu and Yuan Shu again, "Have you been proficient in the restraints that you taught you before?"

The two nodded. Long Yu frowned and said with some worry: "Skilled is skilled, but the two of us are not very strong, and we have set up restrictions to resist those minions of the four major families at most. Those real elites can easily be defeated. Drop it. Isn't it a waste of time?"

Xiao Qianhan smiled lightly, "Of course not. The purpose of those bans is to stop those minions. As for the elites, there will naturally be someone to deal with."

After getting such an answer, Long Yu felt relieved, and immediately went down with Yuan Shu to start setting up restrictions.

The task Xiao Qianhan gave them was not light. Although the restrictions were simple, they had to be placed on every edge of the Su family's mansion. The exact number should be in the hundreds. They must hurry up and not delay Xiao Qianhan's arrangement.

After the two left, Xiao Qianhan woke Zhao Ruirui again and planned to discuss a deal with Zhao Ruirui.

"Xiao Qianhan, what are you doing? Is it easy for me to fall asleep? It's the first time you've woken me up." Zhao Ruirui was sleeping peacefully, but she was suddenly woken up with a face full of reluctance and a slight sense of getting up. .

Xiao Qianhan smiled playfully, "A sleep? You've been sleeping for several days."

"It's only been a few days? I thought I slept for half a month. Don't you know that our soul beasts have a long lifespan? Even if they sleep for a year and a half, what's so strange?" Zhao Ruirui counterattacked dissatisfiedly. After waking her up, she still dislikes her sleeping too much?

Xiao Qianhan was speechless for a while, and said in a state of disbelief: "Okay, then you can continue to sleep. I'll take the Nuan Soul Jade and find someone to negotiate a deal."

"Then you woke me up... Wait! What did you say, Nuan Soul Jade? Where is it? Take it out and show it to me?" Zhao Ruirui was about to yawn and turned her head back to sleep, when she heard it, "Nuan Soul Jade" 'Three words suddenly full of energy.

"Look at what it is doing, aren't you sleepy? Go to bed quickly. Time is running out, so I have to hurry to find a backup candidate." Xiao Qianhan smiled inwardly, but his face did not show it at all, he said solemnly.

It was only after reading the library in the past few days that she realized that soul beasts need Nuan Soul Jade to restore or improve their strength. She just had some Nuan Soul Jade in her hand, and she planned to give them all to Zhao Ruirui. However, after reading the exercise for cultivating the soul given by Bailiying, I found that Nuan Soul Jade is actually one of the essential things to cultivate this exercise. So, she could only choose to give half to Zhao Ruirui and keep the other half for herself.

"I'm not sleepy anymore! I'm not sleepy at all, and I don't know why! What did you say you wanted me to do for you?" Zhao Ruirui was indeed not sleepy at all, and spoke much faster, "When did you I got the Nuan Soul Jade, why didn't I know?"

"Long before I met you, I already had the Warm Soul Jade, you naturally don't know." Xiao Qianhan smiled. This is the first time she has seen Zhao Ruirui so excited and energetic since closing the entrance to the Land of Yin and Yang.

"Why didn't you give it to me a long time ago. If I had Nuan Soul Jade, my current strength would be improved by at least 30%, ah no, 50%!" Zhao Ruirui vowed, with a hint of complaint in his eyes. Made her sleep in vain for so long!

There are only two ways for the soul beast to recover its strength. One is to absorb the soul-warming jade. The more warm soul jade, the faster the recovery. The second is to sleep, but the speed of sleep recovery is much lower than that of absorbing the warm soul jade. It can be said that sleeping for three to five years is not worth the effect of absorbing a piece of warm soul jade the size of a fingernail.

"You didn't say that you needed warm soul jade." Xiao Qianhan gave Zhao Ruirui a blank look, but took out a piece of warm soul jade and threw it to Zhao Ruirui.

Zhao Ruirui's eyes suddenly lit up, she grabbed it quickly, and immediately began to absorb it without saying a word. And the speed was very fast, without even the effort of half a column of incense, it absorbed a piece of warm soul jade the size of a finger.

After absorbing it, she stretched comfortably and said, "It's such a big piece, it's really comfortable! Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

"There are restrictions all over the Su family, except for the surrounding area. And the degree of restriction is based on the surrounding area, and there is an increasing trend inside." Xiao Qianhan said.

Zhao Ruirui was stunned for a moment, "Is the Su family mansion full of restrictions?"

Xiao Qianhan nodded.

Zhao Ruirui hurriedly shook her head, "No! I can't do this deal! The Su family's mansion is so big, how many restraints do I need? My strength has not recovered much, so I can't do such a heavy job." Reaching out to buckle his mouth, as if to buckle out the warm soul jade that he had just absorbed.

Xiao Qianhan was speechless, and only said one sentence, which made Zhao Ruirui stop, and his eyes were shining and he was willing to help. "That warm soul jade is just a deposit."

When Zhao Ruirui heard this, her eyes suddenly brightened to death, she rushed directly in front of Xiao Qianhan, shook Xiao Qianhan's shoulder excitedly, and asked, "You said you still have Nuan Soul Jade? Isn't it just the big one?"

Xiao Qianhan raised his hand to get rid of Zhao Ruirui's shaking, nodded and said: "Also. The piece just now is only the size of a finger. If I only have that little bit, why should I ask you to help?"

"What do you mean by such a little bit? Do you know how rare and precious the Nuan Soul Jade is! A piece the size of a fingernail needs to pass through..." Seeing Xiao Qianhan's indifferent attitude, Zhao Ruirui was dissatisfied. Incessantly wanting to explain the preciousness of Nuanpoyu.

Xiao Qianhan was too lazy to listen, and the four major families were about to be besieged, and the time was running out. She directly decided Zhao Ruirui's words and asked: "After the matter is completed, I will give you ten more warm soul jades of the size before."

"Deal." Zhao Ruirui agreed very happily.