Heavenly Consort

Chapter 776: Arrive at Thousand Magic Mountain

Inside an inn in a town near Tianzhi Mountain.

Luo Zishan was alone, and cautiously found the most inconspicuous inn. This inn has nothing to do with luxury at all, and it is even a bit shabby. The things in the house seem to have an unpleasant smell because they are not cleaned often.

In her capacity, she would never live in such a place. Even those luxurious inns, she had to pick and choose before, or in the absence of a separate mansion. Now, the reason why she lives here, and she still lives there for two or three days, without even a servant servant, is all thanks to Xiao Qianhan!

She fled Tianzhi Mountain in a hurry before, escaped from Xiao Qianhan's sword, and then came here in a panic. In order to avoid Xiao Qianhan, afraid that Xiao Qianhan would find out her whereabouts, she made a clever move to do the opposite, and lived in this place that she never looked at or even looked at.

And this three days in a row made her really fed up!

At that time, I was in a hurry to escape, and all the maids and servants did not keep up. And she never carried anything on her body, including silver. The only thing she brought was a few pills, weapons and treasures.

In the past three days, she has spent almost all of these things in order to eat and live in the store. Of course, weapons and important treasures will not move, and there will be much less accessories on the body.

Moreover, the servants have always served her to wash and wash, these few days...

In short, the current Luo Zishan is completely out of shape, not even an ordinary woman in the market, how can she still look like a dignified Miss Luo family!

Even later, some people saw her embarrassed appearance and secretly laughed at her.

When did she ever feel so angry, she immediately started to teach others a lesson, but she was afraid that Xiao Qianhan would find out if the trouble got too big, so she could only sullenly and walked all the way back to the room, never taking another step. She has long made up her mind that when this period of time passes, she must bring all the maids and servants and completely bloodbath this town! Let everyone who saw her embarrassed look die!

And the culprit in this matter, Xiao Qianhan, she will never let go! One day, she will definitely peel Xiao Qianhan and get cramps! A snow of shame!

However, Xiao Qianhan did not take Luo Zishan in his eyes from beginning to end. Although Luo Zishan once wanted to kill her, she would definitely know about Luo Zishan's life and never have trouble later, but she has a lot of things to do now, and she doesn't have the spare time to take the initiative to find Luo Zishan. When she is done with her work, the account will naturally be settled.

Luo Zishan stayed for another day, and finally waited for her servant to come over. The first thing she saw when she saw her servant girl, she directly gave twenty mouths to each of the people who appeared, and each one was louder than the other.

"You bunch of rubbish! It took so long to come to me!" Her teeth were itching with anger. If these people came earlier, how could she be laughed at!

"Little, miss, it's because your concealment skills are so superb that we searched day and night to find out..." A maid said with a stammer.

"Shut up! They're all incompetents!" Luo Zishan was in a very bad mood. Seeing someone talking back, she immediately rewarded ten mouths.

Seeing this, several maids and servants did not dare to make a sound.

After a slap in the face, Luo Zishan finally calmed down and asked the servants and servants to freshen her up. She immediately retreated from the inn here, found a mansion with a single house and lived in it.

After a few days, she believed that Xiao Qianhan had given up her pursuit.

However, she only lived for a day before being discovered.

"Miss, another note from that mysterious person." A maid found a note and didn't dare to delay it and sent it to Luo Zishan immediately.

Luo Zishan opened it and glanced at it, her face suddenly changed.

Elder Liu died, and she had no support. She originally planned to return to the Luo family to make a long-term plan. After all, she couldn't kill Xiao Qianhan. If she appeared in front of Xiao Qianhan, she would most likely be killed. But now, she can't go back.

"You go back to Luo's house and report to my father, saying that I have found my brother, and ask him to send someone over immediately." She instructed the maid.


At the same time, all the elders of the Yun family, except the head of the family, Yun Tiancheng, including Yun Tianhao, were all dispatched to look for Yun Mojin. All the elders were scattered and started a carpet search in all directions. Only Yun Tianhao, whose positioning was extremely accurate, could not find Yun Mo, then look for Xiao Qianhan! Although he fluttered in the sky at Tianzhi Mountain, he had already obtained the general direction of Xiao Qianhan's next destination, and ran all the way to chase after him.

However, Xiao Qianhan's strength has improved a lot since being poisoned, and his speed is much faster than before. It usually takes half a month to travel, but now it only takes six or seven days. Moreover, they also rested on the way, they should sleep and sleep, and nothing was delayed.

They found an inn in a town closest to Qianmo Mountain. Although it was just noon when they arrived, they still planned to rest for the night.

Qianmo Mountain occupies a very wide area. Xiao Qianhan only knows that Qingfeng Xianyan is in Qianmo Mountain, but he does not know the specific location of Qingfeng Xianyan. It will inevitably take some time to find it, and naturally he needs to keep his spirits up.

However, after she settled down, she did not stay in the inn, but walked out.

Today's Xiao Qianhan is no longer the Xiao Qianhan of the past, thinking and doing things are more mature and calm. She hadn't been to Qianmo Mountain for a long time. Before entering the mountain, she naturally wanted to find out if something had happened recently. Even if it didn't help to find Qingfeng Xianyan, she would have nothing to lose.

Therefore, after leaving the inn, she directly found a restaurant with the most people and the most lively restaurant, sat down, a pot of sake, a plate of side dishes, sipped leisurely, and looked around.

This restaurant is the largest restaurant within a radius of hundreds of miles, and there is a continuous flow of people all year round. Among them, in addition to the beautiful dishes and elegant styles, there is another important reason, that is, the news here is the most well-informed. Whether it's about Qianmoshan or the entire Tianluo Continent, this restaurant is the best place to gather information within a radius of several hundred kilometers.

Xiao Qianhan sat here for noon, but heard a lot of news, many of which were about Qianmoshan. During this time, there were many more people who came to Qianmo Mountain to hunt for treasures than usual. However, this is not because there are treasures in Qianmoshan, but because the formations and restrictions here have been reduced a lot after Xiao Qianhan and others have cracked them, and the danger has plummeted.

After listening for a while, there was no useful news, and she got up to go. But a word from the table next to her made her face congeal and sat down again.

"Have you heard, that hidden family Yun Family, something big happened!"