Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 100: Girl **** hands

() In the middle of the woods, there was a quiet, branch of leaves and a black dog A Tu and the girl who appeared suddenly facing each other.

For some reason, Ah Tu looked a little nervous, staring at a pair of dog eyes, staring at the woman behind the bush without blinking.

Especially after it suddenly raised its head and sniffed in the air with its nose for a few moments, Atu suddenly took a step back, then the hair on his neck slowly stood up, and a low growl sounded in his mouth, showing to the little girl Sharp tooth decay.

"Well, a dog ..." The little girl behind the bushes has been looking at Ah Tu, with a little surprise, and a little curious, after a while, the leaves suddenly moved, and then she went from there Came out behind the bush.

As if a fairy fell into the earth, she was so clean that she didn't touch the dust. Every time she stepped forward, it seemed that the green branches and leaves swayed for her. Her right hand was behind her, and her left hand was on her side. Innocent, came to Ah Tu.

"Roar ..." The roar in Ah Tu's throat rang suddenly, and seemed to be full of wariness and hostility towards this beautiful young girl.

"Huh?" The young girl seemed slightly surprised and stood still, but her eyes looking at Atu seemed to be more interested. After looking at Atu again with clear and bright eyes, she groaned for a while, then like It was something that thought, and smiled slightly.

"Come here ..." The young girl crouched down six or seven feet away from Atu, still holding the strange posture of holding her right hand behind her, and then raising her left hand, her skin looked like snow. The verdure was delicate and beautiful.

She beckoned to Atu and lowered her voice deliberately, such as whispering, with a hint of strangeness, and said, "Puppy, come here."

Ah Tu stood still, her eyes stared at the strange and beautiful little girl, and she seemed to be deaf to her.

The atmosphere in the forest was silent and a little cold, but the girl didn't seem to care. She narrowed her eyes slightly, but her eyes seemed to be getting brighter and brighter. She looked at Ah Tu, smiled, and then bent and stretched Bai Nen's fingers to Ah Tu "Doggy, do you feel hungry? Do you feel you haven't been full?"

A Tu stared at her, making a low and vague voice in her mouth, like anger and doubt.

The girl laughed and crouched on the ground. The sound seemed to gradually bring a bit of inexplicable temptation. It was almost impossible to imagine that the ghostly voice was actually spoken by such a young girl only about ten years old.

"I can help you, come on, I'll give you something."

"A food you really want, but you have never seen before ..."

She smiled, her face as holy and beautiful as a fairy, but those eyes seemed to flash with a terrible but crazy flame from hell.

Ah Tu hesitated, as if hesitant, but after a while, it seemed to be unable to resist the mysterious temptation, and finally stepped forward, and then slowly walked to the little girl's reads ( ) ;.

It no longer grinned and grinned, the hair on its neck calmed down, and its tail twitched occasionally, but most of the time, Atu watched the little girl with a little care in her doubts.

A satisfied smile slowly appeared on the girl's face, and she reached out and touched Atu's brain gently, and Atu had a slight receding motion, and then heard the girl's voice became deep and erratic, slowly She took out her right hand from behind her.

"Eat, eat, I know what you most desire is actually this thing ..." she said quietly to A Tu.

Light fell from the crevices of dense branches and leaves. Suddenly, there was a sudden silence in the deep part of the woods, and the wind stopped the trees, as if the whole world and the whole world had stopped.

A tinge of red blood rose arrogantly, smearing an appalling bloodstain for this side of the world, right in front of A Tu, the newly appeared right hand of her.

Blood dripped, flowing wildly and wantonly, rolling along that delicate skin.

A **** hand, a **** chilling **** hand!

The strong **** smell instantly flowed into the depths of the forest like a tide.


"Brother Lu!"

With a clear call, he uploaded it from Tian Yan. Lu Chen looked up and saw Yi Xin standing there smiling and waving at him.

Lu Chen threw away the tools in his hand, clapping his hands to shake off the dirt, and walked over, sitting down on the edge of Tian Yao, laughing, "Why are you here?"

Yi Xin said with a smile: "It's all right today, just run over and take a look."

Lu Chen sighed and sighed, "This is a huge gap in life. I am a miscellaneous disciple who won't make a lot of money after being exhausted for half a day at the foot of the mountain. There are a few more pillars in my stomach than I have. "

Yi Xin was squatting beside him, heard that his cheeks were red, and he rubbed Lu Chen, and said, "Nonsense again!"

Lu Chen grinned, Yi Xin looked around and asked, "Well, where's Tu? Doesn't it usually come here with you?"

Lu Chen said "um" and looked around. Although he didn't see A Tu's figure, he calmly said to Yi Xin: "The stupid dog can't rest, he likes to run around, and he likes to drill in the woods. Probably somewhere in the woods now. "

"That's it." Yi Xin looked a little disappointed, but soon a hint of worry appeared on his face, and to Lu Chen, "Brother Lu, Atu only came here shortly. The site is big and there are forests and gullies everywhere. Atu Shouldn't you get lost? "

Lu Chen waved his hand indifferently, saying, "It's okay, you don't have to worry."

Yi Xin looked helplessly at Lu Chen, and did not know where the big brother Lu was so confident. Anyway, it was impossible to change to her, but there was no way to find Ah Tu, and she had to suppress her heart. That trace of worry, said to Lu Chen: "Brother Lu, do you want me to do anything?"

Lu Chen looked at the distant mountains without looking back, and said casually, "What is it?"

Yi Xin said: "Don't you say it last time, help me with your idea, after success, let me promise to do something for you?"

"Oh, that matter." Lu Chen seemed to wake up, turned to look at Yi Xin, relaxed and smiled: "What, are you in a hurry?"

Yi Xin shook her head and said, "Of course I'm not in a hurry, but that thing ... you really helped me a lot, I just thought I could also give back to Brother Lu for reads () ;."

Lu Chen said: "I haven't figured it out yet. Let's talk about it later."

"That's okay." Yi Xin squatted for a long time, and seemed to feel some legs and feet aching, so she simply fell directly on the field bark and landed next to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen glanced at her and said, "Aren't you afraid of underground dirt?"

Yi Xin pursed his lips and said, "I'm not afraid. When I was in a confused place, the water and the soil rolled over, especially the kind of worm ... the medicine, but it was much dirtier."

Lu Chen laughed.

Yi Xin glared at him, and when he laughed a little, he said to Lu Chen: "But recently I heard about one thing. Baichaotang will collect a little manpower for" spiritual cultivation "in the future. Well, in addition to maybe a little chance, maybe they can leave this mountain of Lingtian under the mountain. I wonder if you are interested? "

Lu Chen frowned, looking at Yi Xin's eyes with a little surprise, and said, "Can you actually know this in advance?"

Yi Xin looked around and saw no one nearby, so he smiled slightly proudly, and lowered his voice to Lu Chen: "Although our Yi family has been in a normal family for many years, there are always some brothers and uncles from the same family who worship Kunlun. Pie, one of them was just above Baicaotang, and was a follower of Qiandeng Real People. "

"How about, are you interested?" Yi Xin looked at Lu Chen with a smile and said, "For spiritual cultivation, this is either the elders or the young and talented geniuses in this school. There are great creatures. "

Lu Chen looked at her, and suddenly laughed after a while, then nodded, "Yes, of course I'm interested."

"That promise ..." He pointed to Yi Xin, then nodded, "Just help me."

"Okay!" Yi Xin nodded his head vigorously with a smile.


Deep in the woods.

The **** hand slowly passed in front of the black dog A Tu. The bright red and terrible blood color was like a sharp knife, which stimulated its pupils to shrink continually.

And the very beautiful young girl, with a delicate white and warm, jade left hand, was stroking the fur on the back of A Tu, and the right hand was a **** bloody hand, permeated with a strong **** gas. This weird scene focused on her very strangely, making her look like a holy fairy and a wicked ghost.

"Eat ..." Her distant, yet pleasant voice echoed in this forest, "You are Sirius' bloodline, born with a difference. How can ordinary food satisfy your appetite? Only blood, including spirit The blood of force is what you most desire ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Come and eat ... "Her hands slowly put on A Tu's mouth, with a strange smile on her face, as if looking forward to, and Like sympathy, maybe a little similar craving, "Come and taste this blood, as long as you have tasted it, one day, the blood in your body will wake up."

Ah Tu's gasp began to grow louder, and his eyes seemed to be struggling with pain. He tried to leave several times, but his eyes fell on the **** palm again.

After a while, A Tu's head leaned slowly.

He stuck his tongue out and licked it gently on the petite but demon-like blood.

The blood diffused and blended between its teeth.

The light in the forest quietly dimmed, and before dawn, it was dusk.

(Happy birthday to the great motherland mother. It ’s really exhausting today. From 8am to early in the morning, there is an interview to do in the middle. Do your best. The book is really on the shelves. On the first day of National Day, I hope I can write more, and the new person kneels. Ask for a monthly ticket!) (To be continued.)