Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 114: Black fire growth

The woman's name is Su Qingying.

Lu Chen knows her name and she is a very talented Kunlun sentimental disciple. At a young age, she is only one step away from the realm of Jin Dan. She also has a very famous and powerful Yuan Ying real master, and even because the iron branch she was born from is a weaker side, her master Muyuan and other elders of the iron branch are faintly raising the future iron branch. Hope lies in her.

She is the pride of heaven. She is a top four-post wizard. She is one of the most dazzling young geniuses of Kunlun School today. She is even better than He Yi in terms of momentum.

A disciple such as Lu Chen can only look at her back quietly in the distance, as she is now.

Perhaps only the red feather cloak that was as beautiful as a flame could make him feel a little familiar, reminding him of the original small hill village, the mountain and the swallows in the mountain.

Lu Chen watched the woman's figure disappear into the depths of Liuxiang Garden, then turned silently and left here.


After entering the list cultivated by Lingli, after coming to work in Liuxiang Garden, Lu Chen's residence also moved here. Compared to the previous house in Shipangu, his current residence is obviously better. First of all, the place is half wide and the room is much brighter, including a lot of furniture. There is even a desk at the window. before.

Perhaps it is precisely these intangible benefits that have led many miscellaneous apprentices to this.

When Lu Chen returned to his house, the sky was already dark, and the door was opened. A dark shadow flashed and Atu greeted him.

A Tu is a descendant of two mixed monsters. Although it seems that the combat effectiveness of this product is very low, I am sorry for its parents, but it is very good in recovery speed. When he first rescued it in the chaotic land, Ah Tu's broken leg was much better than Yi Xin's broken hand. This is also the case right now. The first few years ago I didn't know where to break the bone, but now it is almost better.

Lu Chen squatted down and touched Atu's head. Atu shook his tail, yelled at him twice, and kept looking out the door.

"Huh? Do you want to hang out?" Lu Chen asked.

Ah Tu's tail shook even more.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "You're not afraid of anything. It's better to just break the bones. Don't you remember now?"

"Wangwangwangwang ..." Ah Tu hummed for a while, seemingly indifferent.

"Okay." Lu Chen laughed. "Anyway, you have to be wild and I don't care about you, but don't bother me anymore. In addition, it's getting dark, there is a curfew outside, it can't go out, etc. Tomorrow. "

Then he turned and closed the door. Because it was dark and there was no light in the room, the surroundings suddenly darkened, and only the outlines of some furniture could be seen faintly. Lu Chen went to the bed and sat down, and Ah Tu followed.

In the darkness, Ah Tu's eyes began to gradually brighten, with a strange green gaze, shining brightly in the darkness. A bit sultry, a little gloomy, and a little strange, like a pure and clear emerald.

Lu Chen looked at Ah Tu's eyes for a while, then looked away, lay on the bed, and then remained quiet.

After a while, there was a soaring sound on the bed, and A Tu also jumped onto the bed, then quietly lay down beside Lu Chen, curled up into a ball, and the two green eyes slowly disappeared, like Closed his eyes.

The night was deep, and time passed by. It was finally time to be quiet at night, and there was no sound inside or outside the house.

Then, in the dark, Lu Chen, who had been lying quietly, suddenly opened his eyes.

His breathing and his heartbeat have not changed from before, and even the most keen viewer can hardly detect the difference. In the darkness where he could not see his five fingers, the pupil in his eyes seemed to be integrated with the surrounding darkness.

Seemingly burning black flame.

Inside and outside, there was silence.

After waiting for a long time, he slowly raised his right hand and reached out to his heart.

Seeing that his palm was about to hit his chest, suddenly, another weird arm stretched out from the darkness, and he pressed it on the back of his hand.

Lu Chen looked around.

Two green flames slowly lit up in the darkness, right next to him. And just now holding the back of his hand was a front paw of Ah Tu.

Lu Chen was not surprised or flustered. He just looked at Ah Tu's strange eyes and pupils quietly in the dark. After a while, he suddenly smiled and said quietly, "Do you want to go too?"

Ah Tu whispered, as if to answer.

"Okay." Lu Chen said, and then stretched out his other hand to take A Tu's body over, and held it in his arms.

In this process, Ah Tu cooperated very well without any struggle. A warm body temperature was transmitted from him, adding a little warmth to this somewhat deserted night.

In the darkness, Lu Chen grabbed A Tu, then put his right hand on his chest again, took a deep breath, and suddenly pressed down.


The familiar sensation of drooping suddenly came, and the roar of roar in the ear seemed to be far away or near. At that moment, it seemed to be extra long, but after an inadvertent moment, when Lu Chen's eyes lit up, he had changed places.

Lu Chen and A Tu fell on the ground in the "tree cave".

Of course, this fall was not serious or painful, at least Ah Tu jumped up, then ran to the side with excitement and joy, and began to sniff curiously.

Lu Chen sat up from the ground and glanced around.

He hasn't entered this "tree hole" for a while, because of course, the last time when fighting the white lotus, the girl ’s **** tree branch suddenly had a strange response with the seed on him, and then included them both. Ah Tu sucked here together. Fortunately, Bai Lian did not know what kind of power was being suppressed that day. He was unconscious in this tree hole, so he did not find the biggest secret of Lu Chen.

Compared with the past, great changes have taken place in this tree hole. The ancient mottled tree walls have added some vitality, and those lingering and entangled in the tree veins have a lot of strong air. Lu Chen even I also saw some trees on the wall that looked like branch nodules, and a little new green shoots reappeared.

All this is of course thanks to the essence that he squeezed out of the branch of the **** tree that day, but it is said that it is the only tree branch in the world that remains. At that time, Lu Chen felt that it contained The brilliance of life is almost endless like the ocean. Only with such abundant power can this ancient tree hole be brought back to life.

Of all the changes brought about by the splendor of the tree branches, what attracts Lu Chen the most is not the changes in the tree wall in this ancient tree hole, but in the front and back directions, in the ancient tree wall. The outline of two doors that suddenly appeared in the depths.

That's really just the outline, because even if Lu Chen walks near and touches with his hand, he can't find any gap at all. Those two doors are like mysterious things hidden behind the misty blue air and mottled bark. They can be seen, can't be touched and can't be opened.

Lu Chen tried a lot of methods, but nothing worked for him, even if he tried his best to remember what he saw and heard when he lived in the demon, including all the legends of the demon that he had seen, he had never been with these two doors. Something similar.

The door is used to open, so what is the world behind that door?

Lu Chen thought subconsciously of that day, the starry sky in his memory, and the endless dark void.

He suddenly felt a little cold.


"Wang Wang, Wang Wang ..."

A barking came from the side, waking Lu Chen out of contemplation. He looked back and saw that Atu ran to the puddle in the middle of the tree hole, lying on the side carefully watching the water, and occasionally tried to call the water twice, which seemed a little nervous.

Lu Chen walked over, looked into the water, and saw the shadow of Ah Tu reflected in the water. He couldn't help but laughed: "Don't make a fuss, it's your own shadow."

Ah Tu looked up at Lu Chen, hummed twice in his mouth, and suddenly looked up into the water and screamed.

"Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang ..."

Lu Chen was slightly surprised, and approached again, and looked along Atu's gaze, and saw the black dog lying on the water's edge, but his gaze seemed to pass through the reflection of the water, in the clear water, looking towards Go deeper.

He was suddenly silent.

He looked at Ah Tu silently, looking at the dog's nervousness, and even the hair on his neck looked slightly erected.

After a while, he walked over, crouched beside Ah Tu, and then hugged his head. In his arms, perhaps because he felt the familiar body temperature and taste, Ah Tu soon calmed down, no longer barking and nervous, and relaxed.

"It's okay," Lu Chen whispered to it, "it's just a nasty fire."

Ah Tu did not answer ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ nor did he respond, but leaned quietly beside him. Lu Chen looked down, crossed the water surface, and then saw that in the depth of the clear water beneath the water surface, a group of shadows gradually showed behind.

It was a black fire burning silently deep in the water.

But the next moment, Lu Chen's pupils suddenly contracted.

The black fire seemed to be bigger than what he remembered.

The black flame was burning silently, and this familiar picture seemed to never disappear from his memory, like a demon, forever engraved in the deepest part of his memory.

Lu Chen slowly raised his head, frowning deeply, looking at the old tree hole that seemed to show vitality, and suddenly thought that in this vitality, did the mysterious black fire also absorb the essence of life? The power of qi is growing slowly like this tree hole?

Does that black fire, like this ancient tree hole, have some kind of unimaginable life?

(Please ask for a monthly pass, thank you.) (To be continued.)