Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 275: spy

"What's wrong?" Said the old horse, startled, his face in astonishment. "What's going on over there?"

Tianlan Zhenjun snorted coldly and said, "Blood warrior came over and said that after she returned to Xiancheng to this day, the people who went to the chaotic land have not returned yet."

The old horse trembled slightly and said, "I remember when the blood warrior came over, it was here. You told her personally that everyone would return."

Tianlan Zhenjun didn't speak, just looked at him lightly. The old horse suddenly felt cold and whispered, "Do you have any doubts about the blood warbler?"

Tianlan Zhenjun frowned slightly, and said after a moment of silence: "It can't be said, she has been doing well these years, and there is nothing wrong with it. But this matter is related to Lu Chen's life and death. I believe only you will not Lied to me."

The old horse nodded silently, but a look of worry quickly appeared on his face, saying: "If those people are not in the land of confusion ..."

Tianlan Zhenjun said coldly: "The blood wart tuned those people in the past just to track and monitor Lu Chen. If they didn't return, there were only two reasons. One is that what happened to these people was completely destroyed. Second, the order they received was not to return to the city, but to hunt down Lu Chen. "

He looked up at the old horse, and said quietly, "You go to Xiancheng, hold my token token, and verify the matter in the Fuyun Division. No matter what the reason is, whether you don't go back to the city or hunt Lu Chen, you have violated it. Since my order is to dare to do so, then someone must come out to take up this responsibility. "

After all, he waved casually, but a round thing flew over. The old horse stretched out his hands to catch it, and looked intently, and saw a white jade card, divided into front and back, with the word "Tianlan" engraved on the front, and the sun rising picture on the back with a cloud bat pattern.

The old horse took a deep breath, held the white jade card tightly in his palm, and gave a gift to Tianlan Zhenjun, saying, "Master, rest assured, I must do this well."

Tianlan Zhenjun nodded his head silently. After a long while, he suddenly looked up at the sky, and a complex and slightly sloppy color gradually appeared on his face, saying: "Although the boy and I are not true teachers and apprentices, I often have disrespectful words to me, but no matter what, no one can kill him without my nod. "

There was a trace of excitement deep in the old horse's eyes, and he bowed down and said, "Yes, I know."

"You go." Tianlan Zhenjun waved his hand and closed his eyes.


"Who asked me to kill you? Is this serious or not?" He Yi held the **** sword in his hand, stood a few feet away from the seriously injured Lu Chen, and looked at it with an interested eye. The enemy said, "It's strange to me, why do you suddenly ask such a sentence?"

He smiled, compared with his hand to the high place, and then calmly said: "The Tianlan Zhenjun we said is highly respected and famous all over the world, and he is just like a fairy. Don't say it is you The demon monsters that have flowed into the world, even if I am called the genius of the monk Jin Dan, his old man may not be able to see. But as soon as you say, "He Yi said here, his eyes fell on Lu Chen's face Shang said, "When you talked just now, it seems like there is a sense that Tianlan Zhenjun is going to deal with you. Isn't this strange?"

Lu Chen frowned, covering the wound with his hands. I wonder if it was because of the severe pain in the wound or the blood flow was too fierce, but he just closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"So, I'm curious, who the **** are you?" He Yi looked at him, and said, "An ordinary demon spy shouldn't have anything to do with Huajin Zhenjun at all. And this way I still I found another weird thing. There is actually a person who is pursuing you, and it looks like you are much bigger than I thought. "

Lu Chen coughed twice in pain, glanced at He Yi, and suddenly smiled, "Want me?"

He Yi shrugged and said, "I think everyone is a smart person. There is no need to talk nonsense. You tell me clearly. I'll give you a lot of fun, isn't it convenient for each?"

Lu Chen sneered, and said, "Since you have been following, you must have seen the end of those people in the Fuyun Division. The critical moment is that you, a disciple from the right path, didn't save them?"

He Yi's face changed slightly, then he shook his head and said, "I did see it, but I have limited ability to save people. Besides, there are still people hiding behind him at Fu Yunsi. Hiding to see the dead and not saving, why should I be bothersome. "

Lu Chen froze, and said, "Fuyun Division, is anyone still alive?"

He Yi thought for a while and said, "I have one ... or two people, I didn't enter that village at all, of course it's okay." Then, he waved his hand, and it seemed that he didn't want to continue the topic, saying: However, these things are not related to me. What I am most interested in is that in the snake vine forest the other day, these people in the cloud department apparently caught up with you, the demon spy. As a result, instead of holding up, they still hid. Head-to-head pretending to be a demon killer to kill you? "

"These facts are getting weirder, and I am more and more curious about your identity. How about it, tell me?"

He Yi smiled at Lu Chen, but the long sword in his hand stretched over to his body.

At this time, Lu Chen has been staring at He Yi's eyes, but suddenly passed a hint of irony, saying: "After speaking for a long time, I seem to understand."

He Yi doesn't like Lu Chen's eyes at the moment, but his cultivation and patience are far better than ordinary people. It is this kind of patience that has allowed him to dive in the Kunlun School from an ordinary disciple without a background to The location that is about to rise today ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is only the last step.

As long as you get the appreciation of Tianlan Zhenjun, as long as you can worship at the door of his old man and get the word of Tianzi, the road in the future will be a candid and immortal road. Looking at the world, who can be with him Compared to that?

Therefore, He Yi has extra patience, even better than his usual patience. Anyway, this Lu Chen is already seriously injured and has little power to fight back. What is he afraid of?

"What do you understand?" He said with a smile, and then the sword stretched forward a few more points, the blade flashed with cold light, but this time it was Lu Chen's throat key.

As long as he stabs forward, Lu Chen will die here.

Lu Chen was calm, without fear, and looked at He Yi and smiled, "How is your brother now?"

He Yi's body suddenly trembled, and his eyes shone suddenly, but at this moment, he suddenly saw Lu Chen's palm slightly lifted, and a strange black mist suddenly rose up. He Yi's eyes were suddenly dark. There is no longer any light. (To be continued.)