Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 429: Undercurrent

In the early morning, Bai Lian woke up early.

Only go at night, wake up early in the day, when it is quiet and cold. She lay on the warm bed for a while, then got up in her cloak, opened the door and went out.

There was a clean area in the courtyard, and there were dew drops on the tender green grass. A few breeze passed quietly, and it swayed gently across the treetop branches. A man was standing in the middle of the courtyard, looking down at the sky with his hand up, or hearing a sound. He looked back, it was Lu Chen.

Their eyes met, staring for a moment, Lu Chen nodded, and said, "Early."

"Early." Bai Lian tightened her cloak slightly, seemed to feel a little chill, came over and said, "Do you usually get up so early?"

Lu Chen said: "No, only today."

Bian Bailian was a little strange and said, "Why?"

Lu Luchen said: "Because I didn't know it before, the old horse snored so loudly that it made me sleep all night."

Bai Lian 噗嗤 laughed out, as if it was her most innocent and beautiful smile at her age. She covered her mouth with her hand and smiled, "Did he sleep in your room last night?"

"Well," Lu Chen said, "I didn't want to, but he stayed dead and had to let him hit the floor."

Bian Bailian smiled, looked at him up and down, and suddenly said: "I haven't seen you for a few years, and I always feel like you have changed a lot when you were in Kunlun Mountain."

Lu Chen asked, "Well, how about you, in front of other people?"

Bian Bailian smiled, "I didn't pretend, I was like that."

Lu Luchen took a deep look at her and said, "When you killed me fiercely and killed him fiercely, the fierceness and cruelty did not look like today."

Bian Bailian didn't care, and said, "I was just protecting myself at that time. Otherwise, there was a slight difference at that time, and maybe I was another silent person who died under your hands."

The two looked at each other, and after a while they turned their eyes away.


There are many, many people in this world. Some people live easier, some people carry more, and some people, as if part of their bodies were born to immerse themselves in the dark, with unknown people. Secret, like a shadow.

Whether it was Lu Chen or Bai Lian, they didn't ask each other what those secrets meant.

It's as if the things didn't exist.

Lu Chen just said to Bai Lian in a very calm tone: "I can't figure out why you suddenly came to get involved in this matter. It should have nothing to do with you, and I'm not very willing to work with you. "

Bai Lian nodded, not looking angry, but she did not flinch. After thinking about it, she said, "I came here because I was a bit interested in the demon religion and had nothing to do with you. Now the demon religion is weak, and Xianmeng is the only one. , Especially in the fairy city where the main hall of Zhenxian League is located, it is almost impossible to find the trace of the demon religion. Now I can think of it, it is you. "

Speaking, without waiting for Lu Chen to speak, Bai Lian said immediately, "You can rest assured that I will not prevent you from doing things, and if there is anything I can help, I will also help. Besides, Master Tianlan is Promise me, even if your face is big, can you still run to get him back to life? "

Lu Chen secretly cursed another dead bald in his heart, but there was no change on his face. Perhaps when he saw his unhappy face, Bai Lian smiled suddenly and said, "So, as a sincere, I can tell you another secret that has not been made public."

Lu Lu frowned and turned to look at her.

Bai Lian smiled: "Not long ago, things should have been settled on the Kunlun Mountains, and there are no more waves, so from now on, my uncle Tianlan should officially draw a lot of elites from the Kunlun School. Everyone, come to Xiancheng together. "

Lu Chen's face changed slightly, but he didn't say a word. Bai Lian smiled again and said, "Maybe there are people you knew from the beginning."

Lu Chen was silent for a moment, and said, "Who is there?"

Bian Bailian said: "I heard that there are only a few real Yuanyuan people here. In addition, the youngest masters in Yuanying are probably the best.

Lu Luchen glanced at her, and finally asked again, "Where is Su Qingyu?"

Bian Bailian smiled and said, "She will come."


"For more than a decade, the world has been peaceful, and most of the true immortal leagues are happy. In addition to Tianlan Zhenjun, the other five immortal leagues of the True Immortal League, their powerful men, There are hardly any external actions. Occasionally, when there is an incident, it is often just to report the name of the True Alliance, plus the name of the true monarch of the family, naturally it is not disadvantageous. "

Lao Ma leaned on the edge of the bed and said to Lu Chen who was sitting on the side: "So for a long time, there hasn't been such a thing in Xianmeng to draw a lot of combat power from the gates like this."

Lu Chen said faintly: "Except for the floating cloud division."

Lao Ma smiled and said, "Well, except for Fuyun Division."

"Over the years, the Fuyun Division is the only one in the True League who has been constantly fighting, and the reputation in the League has always been bad." Lao Ma said, "In addition to the many shadows that have been criticized for a long time, it costs a lot. In addition to money, in recent years, the strength of the Fuyun Division has always been strong, and it has been faintly the most powerful alliance of the Zhenxian League, and it is also feared. "

Lu Lu's eyes flickered, and he said, "But even so, the dead bald still disregards it, forcibly mobilizing the Kunlun faction elites from one of the five major schools in the world to enter Xiancheng, if these people re-enter Fuyun Division ..."

The old horse shook his head ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and said, "In fact, it doesn't matter if you can't enter. Everyone knows whether it is the Kunlun School or the Fuyun Division, and now only listens to the order of Master Zhenjun. In short, this way At least for the moment, in Xiancheng, it looks like our strength is going to skyrocket and there will be no rivals. "

There was no joy on Lu Chen's face, but his frown frowned. After a moment of silence, he said, "We all understand these things, and we can't think of a dead head. What he wants to do, he would rather offend. Do all other dangers of transforming the true Lord? "

Lao Ma smiled bitterly: "His old man has far-reaching thoughts, and there must be something we can't think of."

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "Are you going to see him today?"

Old horse said: "No, since we already know that it is Zhenjun, he agreed with Bailian to come here, presumably he has his own opinions, and we don't have to do much. As for you, I don't think it's a big deal, only one person is left That's it. "

Lu Chen groaned for a moment, and said, "Okay, that's all right now."

I said that the two talked for a while, then went out together, and saw that Bai Lian had packed up and waited in the yard. Seeing them coming out, the people on both sides greeted him. When he was about to go out, Bai Lian stopped suddenly, looked behind him, and said to Lu Chen: "Every day I put Atu Circle here, it's pretty pitiful. To No, shall we take it out today? "

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