Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 430: Foreign street

On that day, when Lu Chen, Lao Ma and Bai Lian stepped out of the alley of Ximaqiao, the black dog A Tu eventually failed to follow up. The reason is actually very simple. It can even be said that the old tune is repeated. Now in Xiancheng, a dog ban is being promulgated. It is too noticeable that such a big dog is with you.

As for the idea that Bai Lian proposed to find a spacious carriage, it was also rejected by Lu Chen and Lao Ma, because the place they are going to this time is no longer a quiet street or an unmanned house, and It's on a lively street.

Of course, besides that, Ah Tu himself is actually a reason. After hearing Bai Lian's kind suggestion to take it out for shopping, Ah Tu didn't seem interested at all, still holding Lu Chen as usual. The monster that threw it at him sullen with interest, seemed to be very satisfied with his current life, and did not mean to change.

So in the end, Bai Lian had to give up this idea. However, when she followed Lu Chen and Lao Ma to the lively street in their mouths and saw the pub where the suspected cook was located, Lu Chen and Lao Ma looked at each other, but did not enter. Instead, I went into a tea house across the street, found a window seat there, and asked for some tea and snacks, so I just drank tea and chatted to the pub from time to time Already.

Bai Lian has been a very smart girl since she was a child, but after all, she is not a born god. After all, she did n’t understand this way of Lu Chen and Lao Ma, so she sat in the teahouse and drank tea for an hour. Later, after seeing that the two men still did not intend to leave, she still couldn't help asking her doubts.

"What are you two doing?"

Lao Ma pointed at the pub opposite and said, "The two of us have been there yesterday, and we should avoid it today, so we will wait here."

"What are you waiting for?" Bai Lian wondered.

Old horse said: "Wait for that chef to make a mistake, wait to see if he behaves or behaves differently from ordinary people. If there is, we will naturally follow it, if not ..."

I said here, he paused, but glanced at Lu Chen.

Wu Bailian soon noticed this action of Lao Ma and looked at Lu Chen at the same time, and asked, "What if nothing happened?"

Lu Chen was silent for a moment, and said, "Keep waiting."

Bian Bailian frowned, and said, "How long do you have to wait? If that person has been okay, it is impossible for you to wait for a lifetime?"

The old horse coughed and interjected: "That would not be the case. Generally speaking, we will keep this for half a month at most. If nothing else happens after half a month, we generally give up this person. . "

Tong Bailian's eyes lightened slightly, and she said, "That is to say, it usually takes you at most half a month to check these people?"

Lu Chen next to him shook his head and said, "No."


Lu Chen didn't say anything more, and the old horse said, "In general, when people pretend to do this disguise, they often show various flaws within ten days and a half months. This is inevitable, so we only say that we can see this person for at most half a month Is it weird? But there are exceptions to everything. In the shadow industry, there are some top people who are tough and hidden, and do nothing like what you can't detect.

He said, Lao Ma glanced at Lu Chen intentionally or unintentionally, but he saw that Lu Chen's face was pale and there was no change. So the old horse smiled and said to Bai Lian: "In short, since we can't find the flaw of that person now, we should wait and watch him secretly for a while. If there is any strange place, Lu Chen will naturally see it. of."

Tong Bailian's eyes flickered, and she took a deep look at Lu Chen, and then said, "Sure enough, your identity is a bit problematic. When I was on Kunlun Mountain, I thought you were a bit wrong."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I blame your uncle."


The waiting time is obviously hard to bear, at least for Bai Lian who experienced this kind of thing for the first time. After a long time, she finally couldn't help but said to the two men around her:

"For such a person who is not necessarily a demon spy, would it be worth it to spend so long here?"

"This kind of thing is always anxious, patience is more important than anything." Lu Chen replied, "Although this person is on the list, it is definitely not a big man."

Bai Lian hesitated and said, "How can you be so sure?"

Lu Chen smiled and didn't speak, the old horse said aside: "Position."

He pointed to the tavern and said: "Such an ordinary tavern, to be an inconspicuous cook, can neither detect any secret news from the True Alliance, nor can it be a big help to the demon. A capable spy agent cannot possibly have this identity. "

Bian Bailian nodded, then nodded, and said, "There are still a lot of doorways here, but in this case, why should we ..."

"Little people also have little people's usefulness. When we can't find demons, we can follow these little people, and we can slowly go up and down to find some bigger and more people." Lu Chen stood up while talking, Quietly, "Let's go, it looks like the cook is going home early today."


珺 Kunlun sent a young generation leader, Su Qingyu, one of the most talented and strong Kunlun disciples, into this vast and majestic immortal city at dusk on this day.

She was alone when she entered the city, but this time the Kunlun faction who came to Xiancheng with her was quite a lot, and she was extremely powerful. Under the leadership of a few real Yuanyingjing real people, Kunlun faction was the best. Almost all the British came to the fairy city from Kunlun Mountain ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ just to avoid being noticeable, so they dispersed in the middle.

This is also the first time Su Qingyu came to Xiancheng.

Maybe it is a coincidence. From the direction she came to, when Su Qingyu walked into Xiancheng and walked on the lively street, she looked away. The majestic statue she saw also felt the same as that of Lu The dust is exactly the same.

Although the huge statue of the white tiger **** and beast has gone through storms and is shabby and mottled, those eyes seem to have life in silence. No matter where Su Qingyu goes, she always feels that a pair of eyes are staring at her.

That white tiger beast.

That inexplicable breath.

This is the first time Su Qingyu came to Xiancheng. Like Lu Chen, she was shocked and shocked by the city, and then strolled on this long street, and soon found that although the night was about to fall, the sky was getting dark. But the bustling scene in Xiancheng's streets shows no sign of receding. It seems that here, even in the dark, you can have a carnival.

Suddenly thought of her hometown, mother who hadn't talked to herself for several years, father who became silent after that, and the man who hadn't seen him for a long time.

She felt a little tired. She looked around. On this strange street, she suddenly wanted to find a pub, have a drink, and take a break.

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