Heavens Strongest Superman

Chapter 204: Atlantis

In the deep sea ...

"How far is it from Atlantis?" Chu Yang looked at the Mera Road beside him.

"Not far! Probably a further journey!" Mae La was surprised when she saw that Chu Yang could speak in the water, but thought of Chu Yang's ability, she lost her interest in asking.

"Very well, I can't wait to see the beautiful Atlantis, huh! By the way, Om!" Chu Yang nodded.

"Hi! Brother, your speed is too slow! Look at me all before you ..."

At this moment, a giant shark was riding in front of the sea king in the deep sea, and he shouted back at them.

"Man cannot be too fast, too fast is not a good thing!" Chu Yang said gently.

"Haha, what could be wrong?" Neptune dismissed ...

But I didn't want to, just after saying this, I was hit by a giant shark belt on an underwater boulder ...

"Giggle ..." Mae La laughed aloud after seeing Neptune hitting a boulder and making a human-shaped template on the boulder ...

After Chu Yang saw Maer laughed, the whole person was stunning for a while ...

What kind of scene is that?

Her big eyes are smiling and charming, the water is covering the ground and the mist is flowing, the charm is rippling, the corners of the small mouth are slightly raised, the red lips are slightly opened, and they are attractive and prosperous. It seems that he is seducing men all the time and touching the minds of men ...

"You are so beautiful!" Chu Yang stared at Mae La Road.

"Thank you!" Mae La heard and blushed.

"Brother Yang, can't you show affection, buddies seem to be stuck ..." Neptune said after a few movements and found that his body was the owner.

"Oh! I ca n’t help you!" Chu Yang heard the words, shook his head, walked over, raised Neptune in one hand, and said, "I have said that men ca n’t be too fast, you are not Listen, see, got stuck? "

"..." Neptune was silent, apparently speechless.

After pulling Neptune out, the three continued on the road ...

Without knowing how many miles they traveled, the three came to a beautiful and splendid, dreamy and strange world ...

"Finally arrived! Come with me next ..." Maera said to the two people in Chuyang, looking at the cities with bright lights shining in front of them.

"Atlantis is far more beautiful than that depicted in movies and comics. If you can, I really want to take this place down the road, but ... forget it!" After glancing at the surrounding scenery, Chu Yang was in his heart. Silently said.

Then they followed Mae La with Neptune ...

The three walked a few streets and came to a high-tech airship ...

"Atlantis has stipulated that traveling in urban street areas cannot be used directly, or they will be arrested by law enforcement soldiers, so we want to go to see Aum soon, we can only go by airship ... but Do n’t worry about it, the airship is pretty fast! ”Maela said to Chuyang and Neptune after taking the pilot seat.

"Interesting!" Chu Yang grinned, not expecting that Atlantis even learned the humans on land and made traffic rules ...

"The two of you hurriedly got into the boat, I drove!" After inspecting the instrument, Mae La faced the two of them.

"Yes!" Chu Yang nodded and jumped into the boat!

As for Neptune, it has been slow ...

"Why? Not yet?" Chu Yang frowned, seeing that Neptune didn't get on the airship.

"Brother Yang, this time we are going to fight for the throne, but I'm not ready for anything, I'm a little worried ..." Neptune Arthur Curry said a little encouragingly.

"What are you doing blindly? What else do you need to prepare with me? Just sit on the throne of Atlantis with peace of mind." Seeing Arthur Curry a little seduced7, Chu Yang could not help but pull it to Sit down and pat on the shoulder.

"Then rely on Big Brother you! Big Brother, you can easily smash even the Wasteland Wolf, this little Om should not be enough for you to fight!" Perhaps it was Chu Yang who gave Neptune a little courage, and Neptune as a whole was not so Encouraged ...

"There is no king at all, I really worry about what Atlantis will become in your hands in the future ..." Seeing Arthur Curry's appearance, Mae La could not help but be disappointed.

"What kind of king is this? I have a thigh hug! I'll tell you that to lie down, you have to lie down." Neptune patted the mouth of Hungarian, and said solemnly.

"Eh! Arthur, in fact, I took you to the throne, and promised to help you find a mother for a reason!" After Neptune spoke, Chu Yang continued.

"What is it? As long as the elder brother has something to say, I will do my best." Neptune said somewhat flatteringly.

"In fact, it is not a big deal, that is, after you sit on the throne of Atlantis, you must listen to me at any time, and I will use your strength to deal with one person!" Chu Yang remembered Dak, who was about to come to earth Said later said that he needed to use all the power he could to deal with Dakside.

"OK!" Neptune waved his hands.

"Huh!" Chu Yang nodded.

"Sit down, let's go!" Withdrawing his gaze from Chu Yang, Maura said, and then drove the airship toward the distance ...

"Atlantis's technology is really developed. If you guessed right, this airship would have a speed of one hundred times the speed of sound ..." Looking at the beautiful scenery flashing out the window, Chu Yang meditated in his heart.

The airship was fast, and soon reached the passage to the capital of Atlantis ...

"Why build a bridge under the sea?" Neptune said, looking at the bridge in front of the kingdom of Atlantis.

"The gate bridge is a relic of the old world, and the only way to the capital." Malay said without returning.

"Isn't it better to just turn over?" Chu Yang answered, but he thought about it. If the words in the original book were replaced by him, what effect would it have ...

"Um, Your Excellency Chu Yang is so powerful, you may not be able to stop you here, but Atlantis is heavily guarded, and you may be injured ..." Maila also did not expect Chu Yang to ask this question, and he hesitated. .

"Haha, why don't you try it now?" Chu Yang looked at Meila with an interesting look.

"Never mind, there is no need to waste our energy in these places. After we enter the capital of Atlantis, we will go to Om and let him surrender the throne!" Malay thought for a moment before returning.

"Yes, they all listen to you!" Chu Yang raised his lips slightly.

Mae La didn't say a word, but only accelerated the speed. After a few minutes passed, the airship passed the bridge ...

"Hi! Why don't you fly directly into the palace?" Seeing that Mae La's airship did not enter the palace of Atlantis, but went elsewhere, Arthur Curry couldn't help but be curious.

"This is not urgent. We first go to the old city to find Vico. Only he can take us to the palace and help us take the crown. This time, he asked you to take the crown. Besides, you have been for a long time. Missed ... "Malay said as he accelerated ...

"Yeah! I haven't seen you for a long time!" Neptune recalled in his eyes ...

Soon, the airship was in an old ruin ...

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