Heaven’s Will Balancing System

Chapter 140: News

Back to the village, just a week out, but gave Bai a long-distance illusion.

When Bai Xiao stepped into the village, except for a few people who were still involved, the others suddenly disappeared, noisily noisily drinking, gambling, going to the village west to fight her side by side for 300 rounds ... What did Bai Xiao hear?

Watching them go away side by side strangely, did he hear anything extraordinary?

"Bai Xiao, I'll go underground to submit the mission first, then you should go back first, or do you want to go with me to see the underground mission area in advance?"

Bai Xue came over and gave Bai Xiao two choices.

"Come with you."

Bai Xiao thought about it, and had nothing to do anyway, so he decided to follow along.

"All right, come with me."

Bai Xue nodded his head and turned to a building where Bai Xiao had never entered.

The building looks like a large hall, and looks very luxurious. In fact, there is only one inner shell, and only one big hole that leads to the underground base.

After the investigation of the ethnic people in the hall, Bai Xiao followed Bai Xue, entered the aisle, and walked down the stairs. After a short walk, he came to a large underground square.

The underground square is very wide, and its edges and tops are densely covered with a large number of stone milk columns. Looking at the shape, it should be transformed in a natural cave.

A large circle of stone milk columns was cut off at the top of the middle of the square, inlaid with a round, unidentified crystal emitting a pale yellow gentle halo, with a radius of two meters. effect.

There are not many people in the square, except for some on duty duty, most of them are in a hurry, and the whole square looks very quiet.

Bai Xiao curiously looked left and right, this is the second time he entered the underground base, different from the first hurried back and forth to choose the practice, this time he can take a closer look slowly.

The underground base is the key to the Bai nationality. It is the location of various secret institutions such as the arsenal, arsenal, research institute, medical clinic, etc. The degree of protection is unbelievable. In short, the base is very important!

Since it is so important, it is not common for ordinary people to come and go. Even a relatively open underground plaza must have one of the following three items to enter.

1. Personnel who hold important positions in the base;

2. Graduates of lower-level pedestrians and above;

3. Guarantee certificates for personnel with three levels of restricted rights.

Therefore, even though Bai Xiao knew the exact location of the base very early, he had never been alone.

But this time, Bai Xiaoneng came in, and he had the third and third-level limited personnel guarantee. As for who's guarantee, there was no doubt that his class teacher, Bai Xue.

"This way."

Bai Xue called, walked to the right, and walked to the counter of a large horizontal wall.

"Turn in the task."

Bai Xue took out his arms, took out a piece of parchment, and said, "Failed."

Inside the counter, a serious and capable woman sat. She took the parchment without looking, and sighed, "We know."

Bai Xue also sighed. The inexplicable loss and the failure of the task made him feel bad.

"Did you find out why?"

Bai Xuewen asked.

Bai Xiao came over, looked around, and recognized that this is the so-called task area. This large exhibition wall is the task wall, which is filled with various tasks, most of which are official tasks and a few are private tasks. .

Most of the Bai people ’s economic sources come from this. Taking tasks and doing tasks to get merit or physical rewards, and using merit to exchange daily money or to perform tricks and treasures is the daily life of the pedestrians. Of course, every Months must reach a certain bottom-line target. Those that are lower will be punished. Several times in a row, however, they will be invited to a small black room for tea, a year or two, and drink until you repent.

Except, for all graduates who are free, unretired, sometimes there will be mandatory tasks, basically there will be once every few months, like the task led by Bai Xue, it is a mandatory task .

"Well, I just sent someone to find out, and the results were unexpected."

Skillful women's legs are tilted together, glanced at Bai Xue, hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "Your son Bai Xi'an, a few days ago, on the tomb of Emperor Chu of the Kingdom of Chu, openly stole Jiudai Chu Jun's body ... "

A crackling sound and a loud bang at the counter caught the attention of everyone in the square.

"Sorry, I'm sick."

Bai Xue reacted and quickly apologized to the people around him, but his face was ugly!

Everyone around them looked like Bai Xue, and they all showed their natural and unexpected expressions, apparently they all knew the news.

"is this real?"

Bai Xuechensheng asked the capable woman.

"There is nothing wrong, although your son has changed a lot, but he can still tell, you can tell for yourself."

The capable woman was startled by the loud noise, swallowed saliva, lowered Erlang's legs, and said carefully, while turning out a color picture in the drawer.

"This is ... Xi'an?"

Bai Xiao, who was listening aside, made a sound of surprise, looking at the skinny figure in the picture, his eyes were very surprised.

A closer look is indeed like Bai Xi'an, but why has it changed so much?

What happened to Bai Xi'an?

Bai Xiao's mood sank immediately ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This is a picture in the memory of the soldiers at the time, we extracted it. "

A capable woman explains the origin of a color picture for Bai Dua.

"It's him, nothing wrong."

As a father, he is most familiar with his children. Even if he is turned into gray, Bai Xue is silent for a long time. He finally sighs deeply and looks at his eldest son, who has deep heartache in his eyes.

Xi'an, can you stand it?

Forgive my father for not being able to help you. If you are too tired, come back.

Home, always here ...


Bai Xiao and Bai Xue walked slowly on the street and walked towards Bai Shi.

"Teacher, are you okay?"

After a period of dullness, I felt that the class teacher's mood should be relieved and he asked carefully.

"It's okay, thank you for your concern."

Bai Xue laughed strongly.

"That's good."

Bai Xiao pretended to believe, and then asked in confusion: "Why did Xi'an steal the body of Chujun Jiudai? Is it the task given to us by the Bai people?"

"Unclear, but this kind of thing that destroys the harmonious relationship between the two sides should not be a task given by the Bai people who have always been low-key and reclusive."

Bai Xue shook his head.

"However, regardless of the cause of the event, Xi'an stole their body of Chu Jun, and they also attacked us for revenge. This time, the Bai people and Chu Kingdom are at war with each other. War may come ..."

Bai Xue smiled bitterly.

"Not necessarily."

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