Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 193: those flowers

Manpower is great, especially on the brink of despair.

The construction site can be seen everywhere in Mingfa Camp, the stones found in the various ruins, and the cement found in the ruins of the cement plant are mixed together and piled into rough and huge buildings.

In order to defend evolutionary beasts, especially aerial evolutionary beasts, the newly planned buildings in Mingfa Camp are thickened and enlarged stone houses.

There is also a logging team that cuts back tall evolutionary trees. These evolutionary trees not only have metal gradations on the bark, but also have some signs of metal gradation on the inside. The overall hardness has been greatly improved, and they have almost reached the standard of ironwood.

These timbers will be used in the support pillars of the building.

Regarding the evolutionary tree, the research institute is very optimistic. Perhaps it won't be long before hard wood can replace steel.

However, after all, the house cannot be built too high, but develops underground. Today's aerial evolution beasts are not yet easily resisted by humans—the leprosy colony at Xinqiao Airport is not far from the camp; the dragon wasps in Huoshan Oasis Groups and groups of **** mosquitoes are also designated as feeding grounds at any time.

Adding to the occasional passing of powerful individual bird evolution beasts like giant vultures, humans can only be in a defensive state.

The construction of the camp is booming, and leadership meetings are also frequent.

But Shen Cong did not go again.

Now that you have decided to leave, you are no longer forced to integrate into the camp. The senior management did not come to Shen Cong several times, and gradually acquiesced in his isolation.

Now, unless necessary, Shen Cong will not step inside the camp.

Generally, I just go to the research institute to see if there are any new technology products, or ask someone to help him build some appliances. For his swift leopard skin, he asked an artist to help with tanning.

Then he often went to see sweet potato fields, soybean fields and Taoyuan. Active peaches can't wait for maturity, and they are only in the sapling stage at present, so the result has to wait at least half a year. He is waiting for this batch of active sweet potatoes and life-saving soybeans to mature, both of which are long-term foods.

And can be planted in Donkey Kong's flower room.

Shen Cong plans to store a batch to deal with the possibility of lack of food on the road in the future.

"These three kinds of active fruits with a lot of activity have a very high demand for the activity in the soil. In order to ensure the fertility, we pulverize the metal waste residue and sprinkle it into the soil, so the active fruit will grow very vigorously There is a lack of nutrition. "

Director Yu Fucheng of the Sweet Potato Lab and Shen Cong are already familiar with each other, and are introducing Shen Cong to the farmland waste produced by the camp-Jin Yaola.

The production of Jin Yaola is not a pioneering scientific achievement.

A long time ago, the scientific research institute relied on experiments to determine that the process of metal rusting and corrosion may be an act of dissipative activity.

In other words, with the exception of activated metals, most common metals are constantly corroding and rusting, reducing mass, and it is likely that these masses supplement the free activity in the air through some physical-chemical reaction.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why there is so much free activity in the air.

Obviously a meteor shower cannot bring inexhaustible activity, it must be the falling meteorite fragments, which catalyzed the change of metal and activity.

"How about the consumption of ordinary fertilizer?" Shen Cong asked.

Yu Fucheng replied: "It consumes a lot. We found that basically we need to apply fertilizer once every three days, otherwise it will slow down the growth of active sweet potatoes. Because there is no fertilizer, we all dig the silt of Dafangyu Reservoir to fertilize. . Life-saving soybeans require slightly less fertilizer, and fertilize about once every five days. "

Leaving the crop field of the sweet potato lab, Shen Cong went to the honeybee lab's beekeeping area.

The larva he handed to the laboratory was successfully fed a Wangtai larva, became a queen bee, a sting larva in the hive, and also successfully matured into a worker bee. There's not enough.

"It takes at least three months for the honeybee bee colony to grow and start a stable mass production of honeybees. What we need to ensure now is to find suitable honey sources for honeybees. There are not many evolutionary trees blooming around the camp. Let honey bees collect pollen for life-saving soybeans. "

Deputy Director Xu Changde, pointing at the honey bee that was inserting pollen into the hive, said: "When this batch of pollen is collected, we plan to breed honey bee on Shushan. There is an evolutionary fruit tree not far from Shushan, which blooms all year round. "

The honeybee bees in the honeybee laboratory are not friendly to humans, and sometimes fly out to kill people, although they have almost no lethality.

But after stinging people, Honeybees will not live long, and the laboratory cannot afford to lose.

The Shushan Shelter is temporarily unoccupied and is suitable for beekeeping.


After exchanging beekeeping experience with Xu Changde, Shen Cong returned to Donkey Kong and began to toss his honeybee.

He also has a queen!

The tortured Wangtai larva finally became a queen not long ago, and she let Shen Cong give up the idea of ​​establishing a perceptual connection with it.

"The larvae are no longer able to establish a sensory connection and must be picked up from the eggs." This is the result of Shen Cong.

However, it may be "no fight or no acquaintance". Although he did not establish a perceptual connection with the queen queen, the queen queen had a close behavior towards him. Shen Cong felt that this was either the onset of Queen's Stockholm syndrome or the familiarity caused by long-term active running-in.

The queen was fairly close. The other honeybees that had just grown up couldn't express her closeness to Shen Cong.

When they saw Shen Cong, they buzzed and flew, and they dared not approach Shen Cong in the slightest.

This is fear of coercion from Shen Cong.

Basically, evolutionary beasts with very low levels of activity will be afraid of his coercion, even with blackheads. When Shen Cong just passed 1.946H, he also showed very unnatural emotions. When he faced Shen Cong, he felt cramped. Only time slowly recovered.

Therefore, when observing the honeybees that she breeds, Shen Cong is standing far away.

In his flower room, several life-saving soybeans were planted, and now the flowering period, the honey bee buzzing and collecting honey around the life-saving soybeans.

Shen Cong wants to breed a small honey bee colony, it doesn't need to be large, as long as he can produce five small bottles of honey treasure and half small bottles of royal jelly for him every day.

He tasted the taste of royal jelly and it was extremely beautiful.

And the effect is far better than Mibao ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ not only has a certain strengthening effect on physical fitness, with active fruit can fully tap the strengthening effect of active fruit, is an excellent catalyst.


Mechanical vines are still the same.

All day long "good" and "uncomfortable" slang slang words, the growth is extremely slow.

Shen Cong gave it a golden pull, that is, it got a vague mood of "eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat." .

Watching the tubers around the active ground sweet potato have cracked the soil in the pot, the life-saving soybeans are about to bloom, and the active peach seedlings have grown to 44 cm-you can feel the garbage of mechanical vines.

"Let's not grow any longer, I'll cut it for you!" Shen Cong pointed at the mechanical vine, and sent out a perceptual threat.

The mechanical vine cooperated with a vague mood: "I'm full, I'm comfortable when I'm full." (To be continued.):