Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 205: Decoding Eastern Theater

Heavy truck chariots in the last days 205, Chapter 205 decodes the eastern theater (reward for the ancient US gum) -567 Chinese shrimp mainly eat shrimp. ([

Female crabs eat crab yellow and male crabs eat crab paste.

The shrimp of Shrimp Soldier was frozen by Shen Cong, and it will be eaten slowly later; the crab will be a male crab, which was cooked by Shen Cong at noon that day, and the large crab paste was delicious.

The fourth dammed lake and the fifth dammed lake took a little time to release water, and it took two full days to excavate a long enough and wide diversion channel.

Unfortunately, no large evolutionary beasts have appeared in these two dammed lakes, and no active fruit has been encountered again. Only small dense aquatic evolutionary beasts and some evolutionary trees have been encountered.

It is obvious that the evolutionary beasts here are basically all around lvo.8.

I do not know whether it is the unique environment of the small oasis, which has accelerated the evolution, or, like the outside world, gradually entered the lvo.8 level over time.

Is it true that the world collectively entered the lvo.8 level, Shen Cong didn't care.

The old pearl mussel has reached the level of lvo.998, and only needs to feed for a day or two to enter the lv1 era.

And Shen Cong himself has reached an active amount of 2.197h, the level is about lvo.873, and these two days mad to eat active fruit, the body strengthened rapidly, the level is leaps and bounds. In particular, the living pearl made him grow three centimeters in the past two days, and now he has a height of 1.85 meters.

Not only has his height increased, but his physical fitness has been improved in an all-round way.

"It is estimated that I can still go up four centimeters and eat all of the largest live pearls before the live pearls will lose effect on me ... one meter, that's all right."

"Eating the active fruit is no longer effective, it can reach about 2.3h, which is less than the expected 2.5h, and more active fruit is needed. The small oasis has a dozen dams on the mountain side. There should be active fruit growing on the lake, and when I dig the central dammed lake, I will look for active fruit. "

"Diamond Kong has an active level of 2.4o1h and the level reaches lvo.954. You cannot continue to use totems, otherwise you will have siphon again at 2.5h ... Slowly, wait for me to eat the active fruit and rush up to continue.

Holding a bowl of lotus seeds, Shen Cong came to the cab.

The panoramic CCTV in the cab is very enjoyable for watching movies. When preparing to switch movies, Shen Cong smoothly turned on the car radio and searched it again.

With the silence of communication, Shen Cong has been reducing the number of searches.

Although a little time is still taken every day, it is already an obsessive-compulsive behavior deliberately pursued, and Shen Cong no longer holds hope in her heart.

The radar scanning area of ​​one kilometer and the communication distance of three hundred meters make the car radio a display.




The radio is familiar with noise and meaningless background noise.

However, this time, when Shen Cong was scanning at full frequency, when suddenly scanning a long-wave frequency, there was no longer meaningless noise in it, but standard Mandarin Chinese.

"... Tonight's Eastern Theater ... Military Line ... Invited ... Lieutenant General Zhang Yicai ... Offensive Radiation Center ... Plan ..."

Shen Cong's pupils were slightly dilated, and her attention was focused on this long wave frequency.

The female voice on the radio was replaced by a somewhat husky middle-aged male voice with a lot of noise. The male voice could not be heard clearly and could only be heard intermittently: "... about the metal radiant beast ... from the current ... 12 Group Army ... Around ... "

After only a few words, the radio signal suddenly disappeared, leaving only noise.

Shen Cong did not dare to move, for fear of missing this frequency. Longwave radio is rarely operated in China. Now this frequency must be a long-distance communication frequency from the eastern theater.

After three minutes.

The radio signal reappeared.

Changed to a female voice in Mandarin: "... Lieutenant General ... this operation ... nuclear warhead ... this is everyone's concern ... Can you ... explain?"

The middle-aged male voice reappeared: "The possibility is not ruled out ... the theater staff ... the use of gold wares cannot ... the nuclear warhead is environmental ..."

Without talking, the radio lost its signal again.

In the next half hour, the signal never appeared again. Using this frequency as a reference, Shen Cong adjusted a few ranges up and down, but still did not receive the signal.

Locking the frequency and adjusting it to the recording mode, Shen Cong frowned and left the cab.


The radio station received the broadcast from the eastern theater. This was an unexpected joy. It made Shen Zhijiao white. The eastern theater did have a relatively complete system.

Even nuclear warheads have.

This is undoubtedly good news, meaning that the eastern theater must have retained good scientific research capabilities. After all, nuclear warheads are not so easy to maintain and involve a lot of high technology.

"The next transformation of Donkey Kong should be in the Eastern Theater. However, the radio did not reveal the specific location of the Eastern Theater. It just said that ... it seems that it is going to attack Hongze Lake? Or is it located in Hongze Lake? ? "

Shen Cong turned the map over and found Hongze Lake.

Hongze Lake is the fourth largest freshwater lake in China. It is located in Jiangsu. The surrounding cities are Suqian and Huai'an. If it is to gather troops in the area of ​​Hongze Lake, these two cities may be stations in the eastern theater.

But if it is attacking Hongze Lake, then Hongze Lake may be the so-called radiation center zone.

"The radiation center zone should be said to be an oasis." Shen Cong speculated carefully. "If Hongze Lake is an oasis, then Huai'an and Suqian are too close to the oasis, not so much as a station in the eastern theater. It may be in the eastern theater. I haven't left in Nanjing ... Other cities ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Yangzhou, Taizhou, Yancheng are not impossible. "

A few lines of dialogue revealed too little information, and Shen Cong could only guess with confusion.

"Metal radiant beasts and golden beasts should be the evolutionary beasts we are talking about here. Obviously, the Nanjing Military Region has long recognized that activity is a kind of radiation associated with metals ... They want to attack the oasis, indicating that the combat effectiveness of the eastern theater is very huge. Before, Even a nuclear warhead has detonated, maybe it has already captured an oasis. "

Thinking of it, Shen Cong circled in three places in Huoshan County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province, Quanjiao County, Luzhou City, and Hongze County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province.

This is where it is currently inferred that it is an oasis.

"Too little information. Don't turn off the radio these days. Receive as many signals as possible from this frequency and collect more information about the eastern theater."

"First excavate the small oasis of yellow chestnut tree, and further determine the information of the radio station, and then decide whether to go north to Huai'an or east to Nanjing."


The radio signal strengthened Shen Cong's confidence in finding a larger organization.

I believe that in the eastern theater, we should be able to completely unravel the source of mutation, the secret of activity, and better understand what direction evolution should take.

However, Shen Cong also secretly warned himself.

As for contact with the eastern theater, you must be careful and cautious, and never contact unless necessary. The organization in the big war zone is not a small organization like New Hefei. If you are not careful, you may be organized into slag.

"So many people ... so many conspiracy ... so many people hurt me!"

Lying on the bed, turning off the lights, Shen Cong's emotions calmed down quickly, carefully passing all the information in his brain, and then fell asleep with a hint of alertness.


Silent. (To be continued.) 8