Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 212: Meteorite fragments


Shen Cong had whimsical experiments, combining the principle of resonance, to understand such a delicate active device as a totem.

Now he intends to use the principle of resonance to try to find meteorite fragments. However, before looking for meteorite fragments, Shen Cong needs to do some experiments. Can the experiment use the frequency of active radiation to cause resonance of long-range active items?

The best experimental tool is the raw metal of a coal truck.

The coal pulling truck is the carrier of Big Brother.

After Da Fei was hammered to death by Shen Cong, the truck was handed over to the research institute for a long time. When Shen Cong finally left, he took away the original metal. Because Donkey Kong has never broken the bottleneck of talent, the original metal of the coal truck has also been sealed and has not been reused.

Now just happen to experiment.

To ensure safety, Shen Cong started the experiment on the aisle in the car.

He first measured the active radiation frequency of the original metal of the coal-pulling truck, then controlled the Donkey Kong, scattered radiation at this frequency, and vibrated with greater amplitude.

When the vibration amplitude reaches a certain degree, the original calm original metal suddenly starts to tremble.

And began to follow the Donkey Kong ’s amplitude, increasing his own vibration amplitude. The two radiations were entangled, immediately forming a simple vibration afterburner field, which reacted to Donkey Kong.


Shen Cong was pleased, closed his eyes, and slowly extended his perception along the vibrational afterburning field entangled with Donkey Kong, and then felt the original metal.

Primitive metal is like a sphere that constantly changes shape in perception.

Shen Cong simply judged the position, then opened his eyes, and compared with the actual position, there is no error now.

He did rely on resonance to find the orientation of the original metal. If the meteorite fragments also generate radiation and have radiation frequencies, then this method can indeed be successful.

"The disadvantage is that I don't know what the radiation frequency of the meteorite debris is. If it is passive to find the detection frequency, it is very troublesome. I can only choose a different frequency and try it out. Moreover, Donkey Kong can't go up the mountain and can only guide the semi-active armor. The frequency and amplitude are limited, and the distance to establish resonance is also limited. "

Shen Cong did a test. The frequency vibration of the semi-activated armor was effective only in the range of 2o meters: "If the meteorite fragments are buried below 2o meters deep, this method has no effect."

"So the amplitude must be increased, and the active amount of the semi-activated warframe must be increased with the increase of the amplitude. At present, the active amount of the semi-activated warframe is only 1h, and further increase cannot ensure that the active amount can be stabilized."

"Only by swallowing the original metal, can we increase the amount of activity ... It just happens that I have grown a lot now, and may grow to one to one meter nine, and the semi-activated warframe should also continue to alloy and keep up with my Height increase. "

As soon as he thought about it, Shen Cong immediately fused some of the original metal with electric welding, and then guided the semi-active armor to devour the original metal.

While swallowing, Shen Cong once again felt that the semi-activated battle armor produced a momentary agility.

In the past, the failed metal life was "inactive" activity, but during the process of swallowing, it showed "live" activity ... but after the end of swallowing, it returned to "inactive" activity.

The "more alive", "alive", and "inactive" of activity are still an unsolved mystery.


The semi-activated battle armor that swallowed the original metal of the small semi-pulled coal truck was quickly increased to an active amount of 1.5 h.

The defensive effect and the total volume after the alloy are much larger.

Shen Cong conducted resonance experiments again, and the effective distance has been increased from 2o to 33m, which greatly enhanced the exploration ability.

Ready, a good night's sleep, and continued to the central dam lake the next day, searching for meteorite debris. He first set himself a range, a circle with a radius of about 50 meters in the center of the lake. First, he found nine points in this area. From these nine points, he could resonate, and the entire center of the lake could be included in resonance. range.

Then at each point, the radiation frequency is continuously changed, from the lowest frequency to the highest frequency, and adjusted in turn.

This change process takes two and a half hours, which means that Shen Cong needs two days to complete this circular area. After completing this piece, we will go to work on a circular area with a radius of 50 meters. The entire dammed lake can be divided into six circular areas.

It takes twelve days to scan the entire dammed lake.

If the meteorite fragments are more than 33 meters deep, it may still be useless after twelve days: "It is a bit long, but for the meteorite fragments, it is worth it!"

Shen Cong immediately started working.


At a glance, six days had passed, and it was December 5th and November 12th on the lunar calendar. The weather was getting colder and cold, and the meteorite fragments were still not found.

During this period, there was a light rain, which was the first normal rain in the last days. The light rain continued for two days.

The daisies in Fuxing Township have all been defeated and withered. The water on the ground has dried up once, and the dead fish bodies are all over the ground. The drought-tolerant shrimp and crab escaped the drying up and are now enjoying the rotting dead fish body in the light rain.

That pearl old mussel, after maintaining the limit of o.614h, did not continue to increase. But the signs of metal invasion are getting deeper and deeper, and more and more meat gold will one day sooner or later become a pure metal river mussel.

Every night Shen Cong records the changing process of the old pearl mussel.

The second crop of life-saving soybeans has bloomed; the active sweet potato has also been harvested and is ready to be planted; the wake lotus seed has grown into several small lotuses, which have just bred flowers and bones; the active peach has grown to a height of one meter and has begun A tender red flower bone blossom ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ will soon bloom and bear fruit.

The mechanical vine is still in that silly "good comfort" and "uncomfortable" slang, which has grown to a height of 45 cm.

The changes in the hive were remarkable. The queen bee starved for several meals was about to die. The dozen honey bees finally secreted the royal jelly and fed the queen. The nectar and pollen collected from the daisies have also been stored in the entire hive, in addition to the hive built by the honeybee.

This serving is enough for Honeybees to eat for three or four months in winter, and it can also provide Shen Cong with two vials per day.

In the ant colony of ant colonies, Antlishen has continued to lay four ant eggs, and the previous ant eggs have hatched three larvae, all of which are active in the ant hole. Blackheads take care of these larvae and worm eggs every day. Ant Lishen is responsible for eating and growing up.

Originally not a bloated ant force god, eating too much, becoming more and more bloated, now I am too lazy to go to activities, just stay in the ant hole to eat, or sleep, or spawn.

To be reduced to a fertility machine.

In the past few days, Shen Cong has changed a lot.

Before the living pearl was completely useless to him, he managed to grow to a height of 1.9m. In terms of active amount, daily Donkey Kong supplemented with semi-activated Warframe active amount was maintained at about 2.456 h; Shen Cong, who ate a large amount of active fruit, plus the active amount exchanged by Donkey Kong, has reached 2.247 h.

Overall improvement in physical fitness, entering the power of eighteen cattle.

Everything went smoothly.

Meteorite fragments have not been found.

In the afternoon, Shen Cong, who had eaten and took a nap, went up the mountain again to work and went to a place by the lake to start active radiation resonance operation.

After ten minutes, the frequency of the boring and unresponsive radiation suddenly came with a slight reaction.