Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 243: Metal skeleton

In the lv1 era, Donkey Kong, the biggest change is the living state, and lost the ability of alloys. Fortunately, Donkey Kong himself can still be injured after the alloy, usually can also be extended, the extension speed is very fast, much faster than before.

Shen Cong didn't even think: "You are going to deform!"

After entering the lv1 era at the same time, he became more closely integrated with Donkey Kong ’s life. Donkey Kong is no longer a metal puppet that requires his concentrated willpower to guide, but has truly become a part of his limb.

Even earlier, Shen Cong felt that he and Daikin had become one.

Busy in the middle of the night, recording a lot of data.

Shen Cong was forced to suppress his urge to sleep, and returned to the bedroom to rest.

The next day was bright sunshine.

Heavy snow is melting away quickly.

Shen Cong was awakened from the dream by feeling, just felt like countless little ants crawling in the body, all over him was extremely uncomfortable.

"What's going on?" Shen Cong gritted his teeth, thinking painfully, "Is the lv1 era a mistake for me?"

There is no example of the Iron Man entering the lv1 era as a demonstration. The road ahead requires Shen Cong to explore on his own. He came to Xinhefei from Juchao District and came to Nanjing from Xinhefei. He thought about finding a large organization, obtaining information and experience to complete his own evolution.

But large organizations have seen it, but disappointment has never been less. He has never unlocked the secret of living.

Do not know what the lv1 era looks like.

The pearl mussel is a metal invasion throughout the body, but the vitality has not been weakened, and the meat gold still retains its original function and is more powerful.

"So am I doing this now because my body muscles are also changing towards the shape of meat gold?"

"What the **** am I becoming?"


Shen Cong, unbearable, came to the laboratory, found a knife, and cut open the skin of his arm. Then look for signs of meat gold, the cut skin soon began to bleed, warm, and belong to human blood. Little by little, Shen Cong cut a little diced meat from himself.

Put it on the experimental table.

Quickly bandaging to stop the bleeding, Shen Cong shook his groggy head, washed the blood in the little diced meat with water, and then checked his own meat to see if it turned into a golden form of meat.

The result is negative.

His flesh was still human flesh and had not been invaded by metal.

"Is it just beginning to change, it's not obvious, or is my problem not caused by meat gold?" Shen Cong didn't get results. Looking at this little diced meat, he suddenly ate the meat.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Xia Houyi's eyes were shot with arrows, and his eyes fell down. He yelled, "Father and sperm, don't throw away the blood."

Shen Cong also felt that his own meat was given by his parents and needed to be cherished.

You can't rot on the ground when you eat it.

Did not taste, swallowed directly.

I don't know if it was distracted after the wound was cut, and the condition in the body has improved. Shen Cong was also able to concentrate on thinking about problems and studying solutions.

He found that Donkey Kong is still drawing live Xing, part of these living Xing is transformed into Donkey Kong's frame, and a special reaction is performed to increase the strength of Donkey Kong frame. The other part was continuously transferred to Shen Cong with a slight exchange.

"Where did this part live?" Shen Cong frowned.

So he closed his eyes and let Perception find the live Xing exchanged by Donkey Kong ... Soon, it was discovered that these live Xing were attached to the bones of his body.


"Living Xing core? Bone gold? Golden core?"

Shen Cong instantly connected with many: "Did I not be invaded by metal now, but the metal gradation of the skeleton? Just like the live Xing core of the golden beast, first complete the metal gradation of the skeleton, and then proceed to metal invasion of other parts of the body? "

"Unfortunately, the old pearl mussel is a mollusk, and the two petal mussel shells are the living core. After entering the lv1 era, it is impossible to tell whether all the bones have begun a metal gradient."

"Is it really changing my bone structure?" Thinking like this, Shen Cong released a little pressure, and thought that if it was true, it might not be a bad thing.

His body is limited by the problem of organizational structure, unable to break through the power of twenty cows, that is, to stop near a certain extreme force, and can no longer continue to improve.

And this limitation includes the limitation of bone structure.

It seems that under the strengthening of living Xing, the maximum bearing capacity of bones is the strength of twenty cows. No matter how large, you may have to fracture yourself as soon as you punch.

If his bones become metal, like the core of a living xing, then the bearing capacity will inevitably reach an incredible state.

You know, he is a powerful mutant creature with three talents.

Not even the Golden Puppet can reach the super three talents.

"hope so!"


Bang Bang Bang!

The shark skin sandbag was hit by Shen Cong's fast heavy boxing. Every time he hit, he felt that his body was fading and his body was strong.

This seems to be an illusion, a spiritual shift.

But the effect is very good, the body is much more comfortable.

After playing the sandbag for an hour, Shen Cong started to make breakfast, ate, and walked around the anthill. The third Emperor Black III also climbed out, and at the same time Ant Force gave birth to a second giant Emperor ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Sao Chong was unable to tell Ran Ran: "Yan Lishen, your level has not been upgraded for a long time, you have eaten so much, all gave live to your luan, do you not evolve yourself?"

"Evolution ... Eat ... Ethnic Group ... Grow ... Evolution ..." Ant Lishen passed over its thinking fluctuations.

Perhaps for it, evolution does not mean the power of individuals, but the power of ethnic groups. This is the same as the development of many insects. The dragon wasp, leprosy, bony beetle, and honey bee all chose to take the ethnic group as the unit and continue to evolve and grow to survive.

There are also insects that do not seek population growth, but take individual paths.

In the hands of Shen Cong, there are more than thirty insects Luan like this insect Water King. Water tyrants are two super two talented mutant insects that have reached the extremes of individual insects. Today, Water King is dead, leaving only more than thirty worms luan, which have been temporarily sealed by Shen Cong. I don't know if it was eaten or hatched.

I feel that the Water King is really fierce and cruel. Among the insects, it is definitely a tiger-level predator.

If kept as a pet, it is very strong.

But after all, the Water King is an insect that lives in the water, and its size is too large. With a stray life like Shen Cong, there is no way to carry the Water King far away. There are too many environmental constraints, especially when it is in a dry area. It is estimated that the water The overlord had to die of heat, thirst, and drought.

And he has a vajra ant colony.

King Kong ants may be weak and small, but once they grow stronger, Shen Cong does not feel weaker than other groups, and their evolutionary potential is unlimited.

"Leave a few powerful talented Luba Luan, the rest ... have all eaten, haven't eaten eggs for a long time." To be continued. 〖Yan. Mo. Xuan. Xiao. Said. Net〗