Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 257: 1st Totem Engine


The huge movements of the dual-core totem mutual cutting device made Shen Cong inevitably frightened, afraid that under such a high-speed running state, he could explode if he could not get it right.

The raging activity of the outside world is also much stronger than the field storm.

Even if the dual-core totem mutual-cutting device is not used for engine research, the storm that is bigger than the golden totem is enough to be included in the history of his personal research and invention.

Three minutes later, Shen Cong separated the two totems, and the scene calmed down.

Examine each one and found that the totem of the demon king has not changed much, but the surface of the boar king totem has been slightly cracked.

"In the case of high-speed operation, the resonance field is distorted, and the boar king's tooth decay active core can not withstand this twisting force." Shen Cong quickly guessed the reason, the low-quality active core was still a little worse.

It is also clear that this kind of dual-core totem mutual tangent device, the loss of active core is very large, much larger than the loss of dual-core active resonance field.

This loss is understandable, after all, it has set off a stronger active storm.

It's impossible to have two low-level totems, with no consumption, you can burst out more powerful effects than high-level totems at once.

Despite the loss, Shen Cong was still surprised.

Facts have proved that although cutting the resonance field cannot generate current, the resonance field can distort each other and generate a huge repulsive force. Depending on this repulsive force, another device that generates kinetic energy can be made.

As long as kinetic energy can be generated, it means that whether it is power generation or the engine, there are prerequisites that can be achieved.

And the most important thing is that this device is based on the use of activity, and itself is not expensive.

There is a folkloric style of perpetual motion.

Of course, it is not completely non-consumptive work. Ordinary totems will generate two kinds of power consumption-one is active guided injection to keep the resonance field stable; the other is the loss of the active core itself, which will accelerate the use of the active core life.

Bringing in a dual-core totem mutual cutting device, these are the same two types of consumption, and in order to maintain the stability of the two totems' respective fields, the activity consumption is greatly increased, while the active core life is further reduced.

Just like the fangs of these two wild boar kings, it can be used for at least three months as a totem, but it takes only a few minutes to make a dual-core mutual tangent. A crack has already occurred and is on the verge of destruction.

"So, to make use of a mutual-cutting device, a large number of high-quality active cores are required."

"I can afford it."

In the era of Shen Cong, hair, nails, and teeth are now growing. I have not had time to check my condition, but at least it is several times stronger than before I entered the lv1 era.

With great strength, it is not too difficult to hunt powerful golden beasts. High-quality active cores can be continuously supplied.

The active core can be guaranteed, and Donkey Kong has no effort to maintain totem operation.

In other words, we can continue to develop how to make the dual-core totem mutual cutting device convert the work done into usable kinetic energy.

Shen Cong took out the paper and wrote on it: "Guided resonance, cutting each other, engulfing repulsion, injecting activity, maintaining operation, generating storms, running at high speed, drawing activity ... If one end is fixed, one of the totems is fixed and the other If the totem is fitted with gears, will only the totem with gears rotate and double the speed? "

"It can be seen from previous experiments that the field between the two totems has a mutual repulsion effect in the field, which drives the totem itself to rotate. The closer this repulsive force is, the more obvious it is ... a fixed when the rotor, a telescopic when the stator , This interaction can serve as the engine! "


In Shen Cong's mind, the new dual-core totem mutual cutting device became increasingly clear.

Quickly pick up the pen, draw a brand-new design drawing on paper, and write the words "totem engine" in the upper left corner of the drawing.

Totem engine relies on two totems to work together-rotor totem and stator totem.

The rotor totem is a two-core symmetrically inserted right and left symmetrically on a base disc, with a smaller diameter. At the same time, a middle shaft is connected to the rotating gear outside the engine as a way of outputting kinetic energy.

The rotor totem can rotate, but the chassis is fixed, can not move left and right, and back and forth, and can only drive the central axis to rotate.

The stator totem is a disk with a larger diameter, inserted with two symmetrical active cores. The stator totem does not have a bottom bracket. It is fixed and cannot be rotated. However, the whole can be telescopic. When pulled up, the stator totem is separated from the rotor totem. When pressed down, the stator totem envelopes the rotor totem.

When the totem starts to work, the rotor totem runs at a high speed, which drives the gears on the bottom shaft to output work.

The stator totem depends on the degree of expansion and contraction to complete the acceleration and deceleration gears.

In this way, a perfect totem engine is created!


Putting down the pen and picking up the drawing, Shen Cong exhaled a long breath. He felt that this design scheme was reasonable and effectively solved the problem of engine speed adjustment.

If the speed cannot be adjusted, the engine cannot be used directly-how can old drivers drive.

The totem engine has been formed on paper. The next step is to continuously experiment, take all aspects into consideration, and assemble a simplest totem engine for calibration.

After everything is in order, you can modify the Donkey Kong engine and install a totem engine.


It was dark before I knew it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Shen Cong spent all day in the experiment, especially all the energy was devoted to the totem engine.

Finally in the evening, he built the first experimental totem engine. The experimental machine is placed on the aisle in the carriage, and its size is somewhat large, and the active core used is also relatively large.

Electronically controlled shifting.

A generator was connected to the rotating shaft and a light bulb was installed.

"Eat first, get rid of other experiments, and immediately experiment with the effects of the totem engine."

Shen Cong also had three sets of experiments. The first group was a honeybee banyan yogurt feeding experiment, and the results have not been observed for the time being. The second group was his own banyan yoghurt stimulation experiment on bone development. Drink yogurt and found that teeth, nails, and hair growth are not obvious.

The third group was a mixed feeding experiment of black pearls of live pearls and banyan yoghurt. The activity of black heads increased again, but no physical changes were observed.

Recording the experimental data, Shen Cong soaked in the flower room for another half an hour. His peach tree had already bear fruit, and there were dozens of immature active peaches hanging.

The lotus seed has been harvested and the potatoes have begun to sprout.

It is a pity that no new honey source has been found for the time being. The production of honey bee's honey pot has been discontinued and the supply to him has been reduced, especially the royal jelly, which is only enough for the queen to eat now.

"Need to find new flowers, the climate has been reversed near the oasis, regardless of winter and summer, you should be able to find a honey source nearby."

Leaving the flowering room, I went to the ant hole for a few more minutes. The ant eggs laid by Ants are now huge. The earliest huge ant egg is about to hatch.

King Kong ant colony is developing rapidly.

After doing all this, Shen Cong rested for five minutes and began to continue his research on the totem engine. (To be continued.)