Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 26: Dry fried ant legs

Shen Cong's battle with the mutant ant colony ended with the tragic death of the queen.

In the next few minutes, the mutant ant community of the queen was lost, so that Shen Cong enjoyed a wonderful "postscript". The mutant ants first circled around the queen's corpse. It seemed to want to wake the queen. After a while, the queen did not respond. Several daring mutant ants started to eat the queen's carcass, and then more and more mutated. Ants join the ranks of eater.

This move was stopped by another mutant ant. The two sides fought each other and finally left the corpse. About half of the mutant ants were left. They each dug out several white ants, which looked like ants. The eggs were divided into several small groups and left one by one.

After the mutant ant left, Shen Cong immediately drove to the queen's body and found a way to deal with the mutant ant. Shen Cong's sense of security returned.

Quickly changed into Optimus Prime 1.0 active armor, got out of the car and dragged the queen's corpse into the bulldozer, and picked up the corpses of hundreds of mutant ants and returned.

Then drive north and leave this car wreck square.

I did not leave too far, about two or three kilometers, it was getting dark, and the night road was not easy to go. It was better to stop there.

Close the armor and light up the lights in the cabin.

Shen Cong moved his sore body and was ready to do some research before dinner—study on plastic rabbits and mutant ants. The queen's body was placed in a bulldozer. The bulldozer had already lifted the front of the car. late.

I first dissected the plastic rabbit.

Skeleton, viscera, muscle, and fur were all classified by Shen Cong, but the results were disappointing and there was no active core. This proves Shen Cong's previous speculation that there is definitely an active core between plastic rabbits and motorcycles, or Mutually core.

"Considering that all the will of King Kong is centered on me, and for the time being I believe that I am the active core." Shen Cong knocked down the anatomical record on the laptop.

At the same time, I took a photo. There are already many photos in the album of illustrated books and research materials, most of which are photos of dead mutant monsters.

For living mutant monsters, Shen Cong is inconvenient to take materials for shooting. In the future, if there is a chance, he will add photos of living creatures.

The results of the dissection were disappointed. The plastic rabbit lost its final research value and was thrown aside by Shen Cong. The pot will be cooked afterwards. This is the dinner tonight.

Next, Shen Cong began to study mutant ants.

He first retrieved the "Entomology Encyclopedia" from the USB flash drive to find the relevant content of the ants, and researched it based on the data.

There are two classifications of mutant ants. One is a mutant bottle-sized mutant ant, and the other is a large bottle of Coca-Cola-sized mutant ants. The whole body has dark hair and only yellow paws.

Shen Shencong carefully compared the photos on the computer, and came to an inconclusive conclusion-presumably the mutation of the short-footed yellow ant.

"The mutant is correct." Shen Cong picked up a small mutant ant carcass and noticed the function of the active core in the ant's palate.

In fact, you don't need to investigate, you can guess by looking at the abnormally enlarged palate. This is the active core.

However, not every mutant ant's upper jaw is abnormally large. The upper jaw of a small number of mutant ants belongs to the normal mutation range and is not prominent.

However, these ants also belong to mutant ants, because a few of them have abnormally enlarged antennae and belong to the active core; some of the nodules in the middle of the chest and abdomen have abnormally enlarged and belong to the active core; Enlargement belongs to the core of activity.

"The active core is not fixed. All bone parts have a chance to mutate into the active core."

Found the active core, Shen Cong immediately dissected a mutant ant. The overall structure was not much different from ordinary ants, and the muscle strength and shell hardness were high. A bursa was found in the abdomen of the tail. The bursa contained unknown liquid. Shen Cong accidentally pinched the bursa and spilled the liquid on his hands.

Suddenly, a tingling came from my fingertips.

Shen Cong's heart jumped, he felt the activity of the finger, and was eroded by the liquid corrosion.

"This is the similar antacid substance that used to consume the activity of King Kong?" Shen Cong said to himself, ants can secrete antacid, which is poisonous, but now this liquid is probably not antacid anymore, pure formic acid Corrosive activity is not possible.

Shen Cong casually gave a new name: "Just strong ant acid."

Then thought of the use of strong formic acid-if more strong formic acid is collected, can it be used as a means to break the activity?

活性 In the foreseeable future, activity will be used by humans or mutant monsters a lot, and will become a means of attack and defense.

Breaking active defense will inevitably become the first problem. Collecting more reserves now may be useful in the future.

"In that case, we have to go back tomorrow and collect all the mutant ants' carcasses."

The scumbag is rich and the bird is dead for food, and Shen Cong can't avoid it. Knowing the wonderful use of strong formic acid, he temporarily put aside the sense of crisis in the car wreck square.

The queen ants died, and a large number of mutant ants split and left. The camouflage of King Kong will not be recognized, and it should not encounter too much danger.

After inspecting the ordinary mutant ant carcasses, we checked the large mutant ant carcasses. The large carcasses were relatively few, only a total of thirty.

Most of them have the upper jaw as the active core, only one is the nodules of the chest and abdomen, and the other is the antennae on the head. A bursa was also found in the abdomen, which contained more corrosive formic acid-named by Shen Cong as super strong formic acid.

So far, the study came to an end.

Shen Cong entered the picture book information in the laptop.

"Short-term worker ants, a kind of mutated ant insects, suspected of yellow-footed short-hand workers mutated with negligible fighting power. Following the instructions of the mutated queen, the abdomen sac stores strong formic acid, which can corrode activity. The ant colony species are mutant ants. "

"Short-term soldier ants, a kind of mutated ant insects, belong to the same species as short-term workers. They are suspected to be mutated, with negligible fighting power. The abdomen sac stores super strong formic acid, and its corrosion activity is better than strong formic acid. "

The results of the study are recorded.

Shen Cong began to sort out the corpse of mutant ants, collected the active core and the formic acid in the sac, and left a part of the ant meat. After half an hour, the finishing was completed.

The remaining ant carcasses are not needed by Shen Cong. There are still a lot of minced meat of Tai Ritian and tumor pigs in his car. The weather is getting hotter and hot, and the meat has not been stored for a long time. Even if Shen Cong sealed the meat in water and kept it cold at low temperature, there was no way to keep it long.

I can only hunt for what to eat.

扔 Throw what you can't eat.

Uh ...

Tonight, Shen Cong made two dishes, a braised plastic rabbit and a fried ant leg. Seasonings such as oil and salt sauce vinegar are added ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Regular cooking.

Shen Cong has the condiment, but he is too lazy to stir-fry. He doesn't have high pursuit of food. He doesn't want to fry and grill.

This time, in order to celebrate the short and fierce ant colony that defeated the mutation, Shen Cong didn't take it too much trouble.

The plastic rabbit tastes great, with the smell of rabbit meat, and the chewy strength of beef. The dishes after seasoning have soared, and I ca n’t wait to eat the bones. Another dish is fried ant legs, which is even more crispy, like fried chicken. Pick up one, bite it down, and crunch.

嗯 "Well, this is delicious. I should cook more and eat it as a snack!"

Scratching the ant's leg, Shen Cong also found a bottle of Wuliangye wine used for trading, poured himself two or two, and took a few sips. There is also a little peanut rice left over from the roasted goods obtained from Carrefour Supermarket. Take a bite of ant legs, drink a little wine, and eat two peanuts, not to mention how refreshing.

As the saying goes, the more peanuts you drink, the more you drink.

小 This petty bourgeois feeling, coupled with the atmosphere of life after the calamity, properly makes people feel comfortable, sweeping the backlog of depression and depression, in this desolate, dangerous end time, relieves the pressure in my heart.

Having dinner, Shen Cong's stomach went up.

The activity from the mutated flesh also began to escape around the body, arching Shen Cong into a dry body. Climbed up to the roof and blew for a long time.

The heat was only a little bit lost, but most of it was still hot and hot.

Let Shen Cong find his girlfriend again in the evening ... He has dozens of girlfriends who can accompany him through countless lonely long nights ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest and fastest The most popular serial works are all at ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Please read for mobile users.