Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 269: Start your own company

Liu Yiwu's appearance in person relieved Shen Cong's many concerns.

He is a little different from ordinary people's persecution delusions, but he is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart. He can judge that having a good relationship with Liu Yiwu will be of great benefit to his next activities in the eastern theater.

Therefore, there is nothing to hide, all that should be said.

"I am a Lone Ranger. Donkey Kong was originally a truck modification. Later, the Doomsday storm turned me into an Iron Man. Then the outside world was very dangerous. I personally was more cautious, but in the last days, many people exposed their evil deeds. Many people wanted Come to harm me and have to be prepared. "

"I groped alone for a long time outside, and the sight I saw was unbelievable before the end of the day! I saw heavy rain pouring down after the dark clouds, and the flood was soaring. I saw the big snake of the golden se, wandering in the valley Zhijian will be huge The ten-meter-long crocodile devoured. All these moments replaced all the peace of the past. "

"I organized and established a new government in Juchao District, and then trek to Hefei. The nuclear bomb exploded in Nanjing and the mushroom cloud was clearly visible. I joined the Mingfa camp established by the Anhui Military District and was repelled because of its strength. After several golden beast attacks, the provincial military district promoted me to the rank of colonel and gave him the title of Evolutionary Front. "

"The evolutionary front represents the fastest evolving evolver in the camp, the shield that protects the camp, and the spear that kills the enemy."

"I help the provincial military area to resist the golden beast attack, collect resources, search for and rescue survivors ... When the new Hefei tall city wall was completed, I felt it was time to leave. I was going to look for the cause of the cataclysm and unlock the new Hefei city ’s metal. Radiation calls it live sex, and unlocks the secrets of live sex. "

"I came to Luzhou and was attacked by the Rats. I reached Pukou District and met the Lymphs. The Lymphs told me that the Eastern War Zone moved north and the Death Eaters spread fear in the ruins. I was found, the Death Eaters Think of me as an investigator in the Eastern Theater, and they're starting to round me up. "

"Then Zhao Zilong brought people over, they were right with the Death Eaters, and we repelled the attack of the Death Eaters. Then I escorted them to the eastern theater, but I did n’t directly contact the theater. I hope to observe and do more. Decided, I need to be careful. "

Shen Cong seemed to memorize the text. After modifying his experience, he told Liu Yiwu.

But a lot has been omitted. For example, before the last day, he illegally modified a truck. He had a lot of "livelier" live fruits, invented a totem and was inventing a totem engine, found a small oasis of yellow chestnut trees and dug out meteorite fragments.

He didn't even say he had reached the lv1 era.

After talking about his own situation, Shen Cong also talked about the situation in the new Hefei. Zhao Weiliang, Zhu Li, and Liu Yiwu all knew each other.

"Ten thousand people in New Hefei, there is an oasis next to the radiation center zone in the eastern theater. There are several kinds of golden beasts in the oasis that are very threatening, and I dare not deal with it ... I have been out for more than a month. Now, I I don't know what's going on there. "


The atmosphere of communication was pretty good.

After listening to Shen Cong's narration, Liu Yiwu immediately said that he would send someone to contact New Hefei as soon as possible to help Xin Hefei migrate, or help to solve the golden beast in Huoshan Oasis, and incorporate New Hefei into the unified management. Scattered people, but not allowed to stand on their own feet, to protect the integrity of the country.

At the same time, he also asked Shen Cong: "Colonel Chen Kun, you have made a contribution in the matter of New Hefei. I now solemnly approve you to join the Eastern Theater, and you can retain your colonel's rank and serve as a suitable post to contribute to the reconstruction of your homeland. A part of it. "

"I want to be a casual person or start a company myself. I'm not used to places with a lot of people." Shen Cong shook his head.

"You are already a soldier and you should have the responsibility of a soldier. Besides, starting a company or being a casual person, many benefits cannot be enjoyed. In the evolution process, you need a strong platform to support you, don't you?

"I will use my contribution in exchange for evolutionary resources."

"You have to think clearly. It is a very unwise choice to abandon the military status. You are an iron man, and you can drive such a large car to prove that your future development potential is very considerable. You must choose carefully."

Shen Cong frowned, feeling that Liu Yiwu was threatening himself.

Vaguely forcing himself to serve the military. This is one of the negative conditions he envisioned before. The military surely would not ignore high-level iron men. Even if they were not iron men in the eastern theater, they would still be subject to them.

Squinting his eyes, Shen Cong suppressed the strange emotions in his heart and said, "I will consider it."

However, he had already decided in his heart that if he started his own company, he would not try to avoid going to Huai'an and other cities under the full control of the military to prevent being forcibly detained.

"Considering carefully." Liu Yiwu got up and wanted to pat Shen Cong's warframe and was avoided. "Talking about here tonight, we will arrange for people to contact New Hefei as soon as possible, and then you will need to be a guide to lead the way. These two days In time, I will assign a liaison to follow you. "

Assign a liaison?

Shen Cong frowned deeply, and became more and more certain that Liu Yiwu wanted to control himself, which was not good, very bad.

"I don't need a contact person. If you are looking for me, please search for my radio frequency. My radio is always on. You have successfully contacted my radio station before."

"But I heard that the signal has a distance, and the broadcast can only cover a small area."

"I am now active in several camps, and you can ask the camp's management to contact me."


Liu Yiwu's schedule was very full, so after determining the contact information, he hurried away.

Shen Cong also drove Donkey Kong to disappear into the vast night se again.

The communication with Liu Yiwu cannot be said to be unsuccessful, but it is not as expected. He can bargain with Zhao Weiliang, Zhu Li, etc. of New Hefei, and has the responsiveness, because his strength is above New Hefei ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ but he is in a weak position in the eastern theater.

Fortunately, his individual strength is relatively strong, and he is an iron man and a new colonel in Hefei, so he can be interviewed by Liu Yiwu.

However, this is not enough to dispel Liu Yiwu's control over him.

"I have to be careful about the military's coercive measures against me. It is not necessary to try to stay close to the military defense zone in the eastern theater and use agents to contact the camp."

"If you have money to make a ghost, there must be companies and casual people who are willing to do things for me."

"As long as I show resistance, it should be impossible for the Eastern Theater to be an iron man for me. After all, scattered people and companies have become the system. Unless necessary, the Eastern Theater cannot be destroyed. There are only more than 3,000 golden men in the Eastern Theater And more than 400 iron men. "

"To deal with me, they will pay a lot ... I need to make them understand that!"

"How can I understand?"

Shen Cong summed up silently: "On the premise of not confronting the military directly, it seems that the only way to hunt heavyweight golden beasts is enough to show my strength."

"An iron man who can kill heavyweight beasts alone, the military must also be careful!"

"Hexagonal dragons, or the big eagles encountered that day! Two golden beasts, killing one casually should be enough to deter the military mind."

Dragon hunting, or falconry, became Shen Cong's next plan.

The best is to hunt dragons. He needs the golden core of Hexagons, and when the totem engine is ready, the world is so big that it cannot go anywhere.

After making a decision, Shen Cong cheered up his spirit and said to himself: "i \ 'm-a-lea-on-ind ... I am falling in the wind"

"... ath-ho-i-soar to see how I fly." To be continued.

... 〖yan.mo.xuan.xiao.sai.net〗