Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 290: Sorry he died

The dragon wasp with multiple kings in the nest pulled out the giant queen bee from the smoke-filled ruins, ready to escape.

It's a pity that Shen Cong, the pervert killer, was encountered.

A few tens of meters in height, the speed is super fast, and they do not give them a living at all.

The whole battle lasted for an hour, and Shen Cong killed ten Dragon Wasp kings alone, and others also cooperated to hunt and kill four Dragon Wasp kings.

The death of the dragon wasp heralds the complete destruction of the dragon wasp swarm.

After losing the king's command, the individual dragon wasp fell into madness, did not escape, and still flew in the air, trying to rush into the smoke to fight the human who killed the dragon wasp king. They are indeed very fierce, with three Golden Warriors already under the tail of the Dragon Wasp.

Live death caused by active failure.

But there are more dragon wasp corpses on the ground, many of which have been scorched by flames.

The unique fragrance of roasted insects.

"Hey, guys, there's still a good Wangtai here!" A soldier who searched for the missing fish suddenly shouted.

Shen Cong, who was also searching for the fish that leaked the net, hurried over and saw a huge round hive in the middle of the burning branches.

Judging from the structure of the hive, this is a relatively hidden king.

There are no living dragon wasps around, but you can see through the translucent honeycomb wall. Inside this hive, there is a creeping dragon wasp larva in each hive.

These are larvae that are ready to develop into female and drone.

There are three types of dragon wasp community: drone, queen bee and worker bee. Worker bees are female, but their sexual organs are not fully developed and they do not live on Wangtai. The larvae of Wangtai can be fully developed. The male bees are responsible for mating and die soon after mating. The female bees are reared in Wangtai as the queen bee after mating.

Shen Cong immediately took out the dagger, ready to open the Wangtai, and took out some larvae to take away.

The Dragon Wasp is obviously a variation of the type of wasp that does not produce honey. There is no honey in the hive, but the larva of Wangtai looks delicious.

Whether eating or researching, Shen Cong needs it.

However, he had just taken out his dagger to prepare for action, and the soldier on Wangtai was found next to him. Suddenly, he blocked Shen Cong's knife with a gun in his hand.

The gun clicked on the bullet and loaded it.

"Hey, Wangtai was discovered by me first. Pay attention first come first, OK." This fighter is a golden man, a fighter in the eastern theater, and has not followed the investigation mission before.

Never seen how Shen Cong killed the big monkey.

The Golden Warrior wore a gas mask on his face and couldn't see clearly, but there was a slight cynical lightness in his voice, and his eyes were a little provocative: "Even if you are a new colonel in Hefei, you have to say something Rules? We waste guns and ammunition, and we fight desperately, the trophies belong to us. "

I saw the gun in front of me, heard the sound of the gun's bullet loading, and the other party's provocative tone.

Shen Cong's body suddenly goosebumps, and his hairs stand upside down. A voice in his heart suddenly sounds "He wants to hurt me", "This person", "This guy has always wanted to hurt me", "He has opinions on me, he wants to hurt me "," I can't wait to die "," I want to be strong first. "

The inner world is volatile.

On the surface, Shen Cong became calmer, converging her emotions and momentum perfectly.

I just glanced at the other person a little, remembering each other's identifiable content, such as the figure, dress, shape, eyes, voice, and so on.

Every time this happens, Shen Cong will become more rational and must kill the other party.

At this time, others also came over one after another.

When Li Kun saw Shen Cong, he greeted him, and then he took someone to cut off Wang Tai and was ready to take it back to study.

Shen Cong did not stop, and even stayed away from Wang Tai, just observing the surroundings. There are still hundreds of dragon wasps that have not yet been killed, and are indomitable.

In particular, the dragon wasps that had been cut open and smelled the smell all rushed here, but they were blocked by thick smoke and poisonous mist, and they could not find a specific direction for a while.

The Wangtai was cut into five small pieces, and Li Kun organized to carry it by hand, leaving a few remaining.

The Golden Warrior who threatened Shen Cong also stayed.

The Golden Warrior seemed very satisfied with what he had done, and said to a soldier next to him, "Brothers, you have come in time, otherwise the king might be robbed."

"What did you say?" The soldier next to him didn't understand.

The Golden Warrior made a gesture of shooting with his hand. The direction of his finger was vaguely aligned with Shen Cong, who was not far away. Something, gun bullets greeting. "

The soldier nearby thought he was talking about the dragon wasps flying around: "Of course, this group of dragon wasps can't jump for a long time, it is dead!"

"It's gone!" The Golden Warrior did not say to the soldier, but Shen Cong not far away. After that, he looked at Shen Cong's direction provocatively.

He was very unpleasant to Shen Cong.

Not surprisingly, they are all elites in the war zone. They are so arrogant and arrogant that they suddenly airborne to a colonel and enjoyed privileged treatment.

Someone can't swallow this breath naturally.


Shen Cong stood in the smoke, and he also wore a gas mask. Because of his excellent ear strength, he could clearly hear each other's words, and he could also see his opponent's fingers shooting provocatively.


Taking a deep breath, the killing was hidden by him.

In my heart, I kept thinking: "Sure enough, human beings are full of intrigue, and the same is true in the eastern theater. People around me want to kill me ... I must kill him, or I will be killed by him sooner or later. he?"

He set his gaze on the dragon wasp flying wildly outside.

The Dragon Wasp has smelled the breath of Wangtai.

Some went after Li Kun and others ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and some were about to dive through the smoke. The fighters guarding the king's platform were watching the incoming Dragon Wasp nervously, and once a Dragon Wasp approached, they shot at once.

The gold soldiers who provoked Shen Cong also started firing.

Their attention temporarily ignored Shen Cong.

Shen Cong glanced down at a dragon wasp at his feet, who didn't know when it was killed. The dragon wasp's tail was pinned and still hung on the abdomen.

Squatting down, Shen Cong took the tail needle lightly and looked at it, which was full of inactivating spirits.

Take a deep breath.

Shen Cong said to himself in a low voice: "I don't want to kill people, but they always want to hurt me, why is it so ... it's so difficult to be a man!"

After speaking, looked up and squinted.

When several dragon wasps swooped in, his arms rose when the guard soldier fired a shot.

The needle of the dragon wasp's tail turned into a flash of lightning, and it was instantly stuck on the chest of the golden soldier, pierced through the leather armor, and pierced deeply.

"Ah!" The Golden Man screamed.

The warrior next to him was fighting the Dragon Wasp, and he didn't dare to be distracted, but just shouted, "What's wrong!"

Shen Cong leaned over and jumped over. The overlord sword in his hand waved repeatedly, splitting several dragon hornets with a sense of disorientation into two petals, and then landed next to the golden soldier.

The Golden Warrior had a painful expression, and he could see his breath weakened violently. After seeing Shen Cong, he spit hard and said, "Save ... Save me ..."

Shen Cong squatted down, looked up and glanced around, then quickly held the needle, poked it down, and pulled it out.

The gold soldier glared and died.

Shen Cong threw away the needle in his hand, facing the questioning eyes cast by the soldier next to him, and said calmly, "Sorry, he was injected with too many inactivating spirits and died."