Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 291: Stir-fried Dragon Wasp Larva

It is certain that the Golden Warrior is dead, Shen Cong finally breathed a sigh of relief. He did not like overnight feuds, which was too difficult.

It's still better, the other party walks comfortably, and he doesn't have to worry too much.

The next thing is relatively simple.

Shen Cong joined the battle, and with his powerful fighting power, he completely buried the group of dragon wasps that finally resisted in the billowing smoke.

After the Dragon Wasp was completely eliminated, the soldiers of the team began to clean the battlefield. Shen Cong pointed to the last part of Wangtai's lair and said to Li Kun, "I want this part."

It's fair to say that there is no discussion.

With almost no hesitation, Li Kun nodded: "Of course."

So Shen Cong moved about one-fifth of the Wangtai's lair and shoved it into Donkey Kong's carriage. This time, it went smoothly and no one blocked it.

The team cleaned the Dragon Wasp's nest for the last time to ensure that there were no fish missing the net, and the team returned.

During the campaign, a total of four gold fighters were killed and sixteen wounded.

"They are our human heroes!" Major General Zhou Aoxuan paid a solemn salute to the dead soldiers.

On behalf of the new Hefei, Zhu Li expressed gratitude to all the fighters participating in the operation.


When passing through the Luan River, Shen Cong saw from the drone investigation screen that the smoke of the entire dragon wasp's nest slowly extinguished, it is difficult to see again, where once there was an evolutionary beast dragon wasp.

Faced with human weapons of mass destruction, even the super heavyweight has insurmountable limitations.

Control the drone and adjust the camera to the south.

Shen Cong saw the endless jungle.

I don't know how many golden beasts are hiding in it, but because the town of Luoerling basically belongs to the sphere of influence of the dragon wasps, they dare not appear casually.

I haven't seen the locust plague group. This kind of insects, which belong to the super heavy-weight group of insects, had beaten down the troops of the Anhui Provincial Military Region, but they have not been found for a long time.

Perhaps the plagued locusts inherited the locust's behavior and swallowed away.

As for the top predator iron eater in Huoshan Oasis, Shen Cong is looking forward to seeing it.

"The last time that the iron-eater was found in the Provincial Military Region, it was in the Mozitan Reservoir. The Mozitan Reservoir is nearly 20 kilometers away from Huoshan County. I can't see it from here ... I temporarily gave up the plan to find the iron-eater It is not appropriate for King Kong to go deep into the old forest before he has developed a better motivation. "

After taking the life of Hexagonosaurus in a wave, Shen Cong's self-confidence became more firm, and the more he thought about the iron-eater.

His goal is to become a predator at the top of the food chain, and the Iron Eater is currently the top predator in Huoshan Oasis, with irreconcilable conflicts with each other.

Shen Cong wanted to verify if he had the ability to challenge the iron-eater.

The power of thirty cattle, the power of one and a half.

Still slowly improving.

With the help of equipment, Shen Cong felt that his current combat effectiveness was at least heavyweight. After all, he can already easily kill the quasi-heavyweight, the big monkey can't stop himself at all, and the three weaker golden retrievers can only be crushed. Even if he is facing the heavyweight hexagon, Shen Cong does not feel that he will necessarily lose.

If you fight against a super-weight iron eater.

There is a strategy called hitting and running.

If you ca n’t run, you jump into the river, jump into the pit, and lie dead.


It is a shame not to see the Iron Eater, but since he decided to leave, Shen Cong stopped thinking about these things.

On the way back, collecting resources is essential.

Even the troops in the eastern theater will torture themselves while performing their missions. While resting in the ruins of Huoshan County, the team made a simple but delicious lunch-stir-fry the Dragon Wasp larva.

The Dragon Wasp is a variant gold beast similar to a wasp.

The wasp larva is a famous dish with a sweet taste, especially the larva will have a thick liquid like honey, which tastes much better than honey.

The larva of the dragon wasp inherits and exerts many of the benefits of the wasp larva. The honey in the body is thick, rich and sweet.

Stir-fry the honey juice with the larval meat, and the taste is simply delicious on earth.

Shen Cong tasted the meat of the dragon wasp a long time ago. The meat of the dragon wasp is not delicious. It seems to be eating soil, but today at noon, he fried a larva of the dragon wasp, and almost his tongue It was so delicious in the belly.

Especially the "honey egg" in the belly of the dragon wasp larva.

It tasted so good. After eating the belly, I felt a feeling of eating Shiquan Dabu Wan.

"This is a great product that can supplement the daily nutrients of the body!" Shen Cong immediately thought that this kind of honey eggs may not strengthen the physical fitness, but the nutrition of the body is very effective. With a large amount of reserves, it can be replenished at any time Physical fitness, renewed combat effectiveness.

Focusing on the debris of Wangtai's lair and the creeping larvae, Shen Cong pondered: "Maybe, I can raise another nest of dragon wasps?"

However, thinking of Donkey Kong, there are already a nest of honeybees and a group of diamond ants. Shen Cong really does not know where to raise another nest of dragon wasps.

New Hefei and the eastern theater can be farmed on a large scale.

Shen Cong can trade by then.

Then Shen Cong shook his head again, feeling too far away. By the time of the new Hefei or Eastern War Zone, the successful breeding of the Dragon Wasp and the sale of honey eggs may have left him.

Driving on the next quiet road.


After eating the stir-fried Dragon Wasp larvae, everyone in the team went straight to Lu'an City and then flew to Xinqiao Airport.

Using the incendiary bomb, the leper's nest nestled in Xinqiao Airport was brought to an end.

Countless leprosy flies have been killed in firearms.

It is a pity that the fierce artillery fire only drove the leprosy fly from Xinqiao Airport to see their flight direction. It should be flying to Lu'an. The leprosy is not a socially organized golden beast such as the dragon wasp, but a golden beast that lives on its own but is grouped together. As long as there is a pair of escapes, it can continue to breed.

Fortunately, the loose clusters make leprosy fly without collectivism, so there is no retaliation or revenge ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ drive away is victory.

When the moonlight rose, the convoy left the billowing Xinqiao Airport and returned to Xinhefei.

Time of day.

The special campaign against yellow and flies was a complete success with remarkable results.

The surrounding threats to new Hefei have been resolved, allowing New Hefei to enter the fast lane of development, and the connection with the eastern theater has made New Hefei no longer be partial and can receive outside information without building cars behind closed doors.

All kinds of beautiful blueprints have been sketched in the minds of the people in New Hefei.

A grand banquet was held in Xincheng.

The people who sang and danced with joy and laughter warmed up this winter night. Around the square in the center of the new city, a coal-burning stove was burned with coal dug from Huainan. On the stove was a new Hefei hunting team hunting the golden beasts.

Roasted with oil.

Single men and women dancing hand in hand before the campfire.

The new Hefei encourages fertility, which has led to many couples, but before the threat of the Dragon Wasps, many people were still uneasy. Today the dragon wasp and leprosy have been eliminated, and the threat has been eliminated. After frequent contact with the eastern theater in the future, armed, **** mosquitoes, tall dadan, hunter spiders, and ornithos are not a big problem.

When it was safe, people's hearts began to think, and this barbecue party was particularly lively.

Perhaps in an hour or two, many men and women would hug each other and return to the house.


All this has nothing to do with Shen Cong.

The cold moonlight dripped down, and Shen Cong sat on the roof of the car, staring at the bright moonlight, wondering what was thinking.

Every ten minutes or so, as if a clockwork is installed, turn around and look around to check whether there is a possible dangerous approach.

In his eyes, the night was blue and white. (To be continued.)