Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 297: 1 era blackhead

Bone gold is a special alloy that contains active mixed metal substances. It is hard and can promote sharpening reactions and cut inactive items with almost no hindrance.

Before it was modified by activity, no one knew that there would be such a special alloy.

Humans still know very little about the secrets of metals.

About two hours passed.

Blackheads finally woke up, and under the observation of Shen Cong, they officially entered the Lv1 era. In addition to causing dizziness, Yinguo also increased the activity of blackheads.

"Blackhead, how do you feel?" Shen Cong expressed his emotions about black hair.

The black-headed IQ of an era is much worse than the four-legged dragon, and it is not as good as Ant Force God, but at this time it seems a little smart: "Strong ... I am so strong ..."

Without asking what the results were, Blackheads only felt that they were stronger.

But the specific details are completely incomprehensible and cannot be explained, but at least it proves that silver fruit is not toxic and does not cause damage to blackheads.

So next, Shen Cong started to try it by himself.

He ate a silver fruit first, and the silver fruit suddenly felt like a cannonball exploded in his belly, full of vitality.

This is a common activity, not a "more lively" activity that can be bred, but the richness of the activity is far more than any active fruit that Shen Cong has eaten. Majestic activity, as if a volcanic eruption, rammed into the body, that is, Shen Cong's physique is super strong, only in the Lv1 era, can he carry it.

"Very active, it has a good strengthening effect on the body, especially the improvement of the amount of activity, almost catching the effect of siphon. No wonder the blackhead fainted after eating three, and the small four was shocked to coma. Silver really is a good thing However, unfortunately, I am now in the Lv1 era, and the effect of active fruit on me is limited. It can strengthen the body more or less, not much. "

After entering the Lv1 era, metal gradients are no longer simply a matter of strengthening physical fitness, but a special chemical reaction that precipitates activity into metal.

It is a bit like the special radiation emitted by meteorite fragments, which catalyzes the reversible reaction of the escape activity of metallic substances.

The activity precipitates into metal in the body, and the metal is irradiated by the meteorite fragments to escape into the activity, such a cyclic process.

The rate of metal escape activity is not fast, and the rate of precipitation into bone gold is also limited.

Just as Shen Cong calculated before, the speed of this reversible reaction may be a parabola-like function curve, with maximum and minimum values, and very stable.


Think a lot.

But it was only tens of seconds.

Soon, the activity of silver fruit was completely digested and absorbed by Shen Cong. Only then did Shen Cong feel the taste of silver fruit. It was crispy, powdery and sweet, with a bit of bitterness in the sweetness, and the taste was very refreshing.

Shen Cong picked up another silver fruit, peeled the shell, and ate the nuts.

One by one, after eating ten in a row, I felt that the body's digestion of silver fruit was very strong, and there was no symptom of dizziness caused by the strong activity.

Can eat more.

As long as it can strengthen the body, even if it is only a little, Shen Cong will not let go.

After eating for a while, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. There was a dull thumping sound from outside. Shen Cong turned his head and watched CCTV. He was speechless. The four-legged dragon did not know when it had already run over. He was digging the soil next to Donkey Kong, and then threw the soil toward Donkey Kong.

Is this to bury Donkey Kong?

Shen Cong immediately went to the aisle, opened the window, and shouted at the four-legged dragon: "Don't move! What are you doing!"

The four-footed dragon turned around, reached out to the window, and tried to stick out its tongue.

Shen Cong closed the window directly, waited for the four-legged dragon to retract his tongue, and then made a perceptual connection to it: "What are you doing!"

The four-legged dragon responded to Shen Cong's thoughts: "Cold ... buried ... not cold ..."

Very reasonable logic!

"Hurry back to sleep!" Shen Cong was speechless, and the strange animal knew that he was afraid of cold quilts ... Unfortunately, IQ was still too low, and he wanted to bury Donkey Kong to keep him warm.

Driving the four-legged dragon away, Shen Cong looked at the time, it was already half past eleven at night.

Should be sleeping.



That night Shen Cong was hit hard.

The four-legged dragon was just like a mentally retarded man. He was reprimanded at the beginning and obediently went back to the hole to sleep. As a result, Shen Cong heard the movement in the middle of the night, and this guy got up again to dig the ground, and he wanted to bury King Kong.

Shen Cong scolded it away.

Half an hour later, the guy ran over again to dig.

Shen Cong scolded it away.

Two hours later, the four-legged dragon had not slept, and rushed over again to dig the soil.

Shen Cong was furious, put on the semi-active armor, came out and blocked the four-footed dragon's hole. This stopped the four-legged dragon's mental retardation and continued to happen.

Looking at the mechanical watch, it was already 3:30 in the morning. Shen Cong brushed his face and brushed his teeth without expression. "I thought that I had tamed a golden beast with a good IQ, a heavyweight golden beast. I could cooperate to hunt ... It is mentally handicapped. It should be more in my interest to kill it and take it away if I knew it. "

This is the true thought of Shen Cong.

He wanted to have a dog, because in the movie, the dog can comfort the owner's loneliness and not conspiracy to harm the owner.

But dogs with IQ problems cannot.

Just like this four-legged dragon, if it only causes trouble, the benefits will not be proportional to the pay. Shen Cong will insist on the correct method and deal with it-his goal is always to live, to climb the peak as much as possible, and everything that prevents or delays this process is his enemy.

After washing, Shen Cong looked at the four-legged dragon hiding from behind the mound of mud from time to time.

To myself, "I hope you can have a normal IQ for a month, otherwise there will not be much food or gold in my car ... I have too many pets."

Diamond ants, honey bees, water tyrannosaurus, four-legged snakes, flowers and plants, dwarf wasp larvae ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ There are too many guests in Donkey Kong.


Now that he is up, Shen Cong has no plans to go back to sleep again. In his current state, sleeping three or four hours a day is enough.

Riding on the ADHD four-legged dragon, Shen Cong trained its sense of cooperation while driving it towards the ginkgo tree.

Arrive at the location and start picking silver fruit.

This is a good thing, how much can be taken, how much can be taken, can not be fed can feed the diamond ants, or take it to the Shexian camp to exchange supplies.

Riding on a four-legged dragon, Shen Cong suddenly felt that he should put a "saddle" and a basket on the four-legged dragon. In this way, riding a four-legged dragon would be very stable, and he could carry goods and increase its value.

This is a good idea. However, there is no material for the time being, and no suitable rope can be found, which can resist corrosion and strong.

Save for future design.

"The yogurt ball reserves are enough, the silver fruit reserves are sufficient, and the locations of the old ginkgo tree and yogurt banyan tree have not been found by others. For the time being, this can be used as my personal resource point and drawn on the map ... and the small chestnut tree oasis Sooner or later, go back and see if there are pearl mussels. "

Shen Cong stood on the roof of Donkey Kong and looked at the surroundings.

Feeling nothing missing, greeted the four-legged dragon: "Little four, pay attention to keep up!"

Jump back into the car, start Donkey Kong, drive north along Provincial Highway 312.

The white sky of the oriental fish belly suddenly jumped out of a red sun.

The light spilled on the earth, as if giving the world a red dress. Donkey Kong reflected the red light, and the four-legged dragon seemed to dye the red dragon. The Red Dragon temporarily surpassed Donkey Kong, and then waited in place for a while, or plowed the ground to find something inexplicable, and when Donkey Kong passed, it chased after it.

A car, a dragon, facing the morning glow, disappeared at the end of the highway. (To be continued.)