Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 434: Shuangcheng Smoke

Six in the morning.

Shen Cong met Chen Xiuni at the intersection of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway and Huiyuan Street.

"Our people are already distributed around Xihai Park. Mr. Huang, finally, once again, you really want to kill someone alone? Mushroom weapons are very harmful to the evolutionaries. I hope you take them seriously."

Shen Cong answered the question indifferently, and said indifferently: "The settlement is chaotic, and you immediately kill the fleeing warrior. I don't want you to miss one."

"If Artest and Heavenly Master are going to flee, we may not be able to stop them."

"They can't escape." Shen Cong seemed to be talking about a trivial matter, "It's six o'clock, the plan begins!"

After speaking, the figure jumped a few times and disappeared into the dense forest. In the distance of the dense forest, the four-legged dragon is waiting for Shen Cong. Today's four-legged dragon has good obedience. Shen Cong keeps it waiting and will never run away.

Ride a four-legged dragon and quickly run to the entrance to the tunnel.

Check the equipment, make sure it is fully armed, enter the tunnel, and must appear in the small garden. It was already bright, and Artest hadn't got up yet. Two of his women were already walking in the small garden.

Shen Cong set up his sniper rifle, lurking in the flowers, waiting for Artest to appear.

Be patient, Shen Cong has it.


On the other side, outside Xihai Park, Chen Xiunii painted camouflage on her face, stood on a large tree not far from the settlement, and watched the settlement with a telescope.

"Captain, has Boss Huang attacked?" A member sat on the branch next to him and asked.

Chen Xiunii lowered the telescope and slowly shook her head. She didn't see any movement in the settlement: "Stop being calm."

"Is Boss Huang's big snail visible?"

"Not yet."

On the top of the higher tree, Xiao Li whispered: "If I say, Boss Huang is a liar. Captain, in the morning, we can clearly see that the big tree is growing in place. Without moving, Boss Huang is not the pet of the war at all, nor is the big snail. "

"Can't make the assertion lightly." Chen Xiunii said without a doubt, others did not feel the danger of the other side, she and Shen Cong shook hands, and understood the deep sense of danger.

In her eyes, Shen Cong is far more terrifying than the snail traveller.

If this were not a new world, she would never believe that such a horror would be contained in a human body. It is precisely because she understands this feeling and is confident in her own perception that Chen Xiunii agrees with Shen Cong's seemingly unreliable plan. Sometimes a master is far more powerful than a group of people.

When hunting, Chen Xiunii deeply felt that her father Chen Jiuxian was a powerful iron man.

When fighting next to her father, Chen Xiuni watched his father cut a huge tiger alive, and the hunting team did not win the tiger with a mushroom weapon. She has also seen pictures of her father and insect king Xu Yun fighting. In that battle, several three-core and four-core worm fighters besieged Chen Jiuxian together before she killed Chen Jiuxian.

From Shen Cong, Chen Xiuni felt the same strong and restrained breath as his father.

Although Shen Cong's breath was more vigorous, her father died three months ago. At that time, none of the evolvers had reached the Lv1- pure gold era.

"I hope you're really strong enough ..." Chen Xiuni picked up the telescope again and waited patiently.


Compared with Chen Xiunii's patience, Miao Huafeng ambush on the other side of the settlement has no such patience: "It has been an hour and there is still no movement, Lao Pan, please be careful and go around to find Captain Chen and ask her Will there be circumstances, we can't wait here for nothing. "

Lao Pan is an iron man in his thirties. Among the five sisters of Mengyin, he belongs to the senior management of the settlement and is also a powerful fighter.

The Iron Man is basically stronger than the Golden Man because of his talent.

It is rare for the Golden Man to exceed 1H, and a large part of the Iron Man has more than 1H talent.

"Okay, I'll be there." Old Pan answered, and immediately turned to walk in the dense forest. When he turned around, a woman in leather clothes followed as if in a shadow.

This woman has four cavities in her mouth.

Following Lao Pan, he didn't say a word and didn't move slowly.

The two made a detour around the dense forest, avoiding many golden beasts, and quickly rushed to the place where Chen Xiuni was located, conveying the problem of Miao Huafeng.

Chen Xiuni answered: "Wait a minute."

"How long will we wait, Team Chen, we can't wait here?" Old Pan frowned, his tone of speaking was not very friendly, and he seemed to have resentment against Chen Xiuni and others.

"Wait another hour, Lao Pan, explain to the second sister, there will be no movement after an hour, let her take someone away first."

"All right." Lao Pan nodded and turned to leave again.

The woman also followed, and she left and no one said hello, nor did she say hello to anyone.

When Lao Pan disappeared into the dense forest, Xiao Li said maliciously: "Captain, this Pan Hua has an opinion on our insecticide team, and is very angry."

Another player interface: "Of course, the grievance is great, for fear that our insecticide team will fight with the insects, which will affect his happy life. Alas, look, I have a wife when I go out, or a wife with a desire, how pleasant life, of course Don't want to die under the bug. "

Xiao Li followed with a chuckle: "It's a sexual blessing. He wears his wife in leather clothes and leather pants or is tight-fitting. His figure is really hot. He dressed up as a catwoman and his wife was tuned from a beast. He became a catwoman. Feelings, to be romantic and romantic, we old men don't understand this style. "

"That's not Catwoman, that's Catwoman. By the way, what's Catwoman, I heard it's carrot?"

"Hu Yan, carrot is Lao Pan's nickname, others call him to turn his face." Xiao Li laughed.

Seeing the team members gossip, Chen Xiuni's face was not very good-looking: "Shut up for me, and arrange others behind the back? What are the occasions now? Concentrate. You are not facing wild animals, insects, and mushroom weapons. One who doesn't pay attention will die. "

The captain spoke, and the team members did not dare to say more. Chen Xiu Ni's majesty was good.

Quiet in the jungle.

In a flash, it was half an hour.

Xiao Li couldn't help it again, and whispered: "It's not moving yet. The surname Huang must be lying to us, mom. What about pastime?"

The words didn't fall, and sudden changes occurred.

A gunshot came from far away, clear and crisp.

"Forbidden!" Chen Xiunii said in a low voice. "Shot! There are conditions in the settlement, so be prepared!"


Thirty seconds ago.

Shen Cong hid in the small garden for an hour and a half. The sun had sunburned her butt. The women of Artest all started a tea party in the small garden, and the Lord never showed up.

But just five minutes ago, the master came over and went into the house to find Artest.

Shen Cong immediately took a deep breath and aimed the muzzle of the sniper rifle at the door of the room. Five minutes later, the master and Artest talked together and went out.

It seems the two made an interesting joke.

At this moment, Shen Cong coldly pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle, and the bullet that was hulled for a moment, the warhead flickered with radiance, as if it were teleporting. As soon as the trigger was pulled, it had been accurately embedded in Artest's head, punched a blood hole, and hit the wooden wall behind him.

At the same time, the explosion sound of the bottom fire igniting the fire and medicine has just spread.

The speed of sniper bullets has far exceeded the speed of sound.


The crisp gunshot cut through the bright sunshine in the morning ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Atai, a quad-nuclear warrior, didn't have time to feel the warmth of the sun shining on his face, he had already opened his skull, plasma splashed and fell to the ground.

"An enemy attack!"

The master shouted frantically, and the whole man rushed into the cabin.

The women in the small garden screamed and screamed, panicked; the guards guarding around the wooden house rushed quickly; ordinary people who had begun to work in the distance raised their heads numbly.

As early as the first shot was fired, Shen Cong dropped his sniper rifle, dropped it into the tunnel, and let the black head take away.

He turned into a flash of lightning, chasing the master, and the metal wooden door closed by the master cracked open. Shen Cong had rushed into the wooden house, and the master greeted him with a severe knife.

This knife has no gleam, and it is not a nuclear weapon. The Zerg Warrior cannot use nuclear weapons.

But it is smeared with spore powder. In the groove of the blade, as the blade moves, the spore powder rubs against the air, and short active light waves occur quickly. This is a mushroom weapon.

Shen Cong suddenly lifted the shield planted in **** to block the knife. The shield had been transformed by Shen Cong, and the outer layer was shielded with mushroom weapons.

The short active light wave only consumes a little activity and can be replenished in half a breath.

After blocking, Shen Cong suddenly bullied himself, rushed into the arms of the master, slammed the master into a half-death, and then slashed his back with a knife.

This set of actions is smooth and smooth. Between the electric light and fire, the master of the trinuclear warrior has died.

When an extreme iron man gives up frontal fighting and chooses to assassinate, this is definitely a horrible thing. Shen Cong explained very well what rough is.

Less than a minute, Artest, the master, all died. (To be continued.) Find this site and search for "" 笔 趣 阁 CM \ "or enter the URL: www.biquge.cm