Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 435: Weeding and rooting

With Artest and Master being killed by Shen Cong one after another, this time the hunting operation has been half successful.

The remaining half are the worm warrior guards and ordinary people guards who are coming, and the mushroom cannons, mushroom arrows and other weapons in their hands.

After seeing Artest getting a headshot, the surrounding guards have yelled "Revenge for Thai Brother", pulled out the mushroom cannon around his waist, and fired at Artest's house.

Regardless of whether the master was in the house, he planned to bomb Shen Cong together with the house.


Almost when Shen Cong's knife cut the master's throat.

The first mushroom cannon exploded on the big house, and the shock wave of the explosion instantly smashed the entire wall. Houses made of metal and wood can't withstand the active light waves generated when mushroom weapons explode, and instantly melt the active metal and wood.

This cannon did not hurt Shen Cong, and the explosive air was wrapped with some chippings and hit his **** plant. It was no longer corrosive.

Shen Cong immediately threw away the master, knocked down another wall, and rushed out of Artest's house.

As soon as he rushed out, Artest's house was smashed into a pool of powder under the bombardment of several mushroom cannons. A few more mushroom cannons and mushroom arrows were fired at Shen Cong.

"Blow him up!"

"He killed Taige and the master!"




The worm soldiers and ordinary people guarded, screaming and firing, without feeling bad about the mushroom weapon.

After Shen Cong rushed out of the house, Yu Guang observed a little, and already knew what the next goal was-to be guarded by ordinary people. These ordinary people guarded with crazy resentment on their faces, anxious to shatter Shen Cong's body.

"Grass mud horse! Give me death!"

Scolded the most.

Having been enslaved for a long time, they have completely regarded themselves as insect warriors. If nothing else, they will be the next batch of people to choose to plant insect nuclei.

Planting worm nuclei can be powerful.

Now, the opportunity to plant worm nuclei has completely disappeared with the death of Artest and Master.

How can I not resent Shen Cong.

It's just that today they not only lose the opportunity to plant the nucleus, they also lose the chance to be a living person.

What Shen Cong needs to do is to reduce the number of mushroom weapons, and these ordinary people's guards are obviously better to deal with than bug warriors. Killing them can greatly reduce the suppression of artillery fire.

哐 Dang!

Pedaling on the concrete floor with both feet, the force suddenly, the huge force cracked the ground, extended like a spider web, and left two deep footprints. With the help of the reaction force, Shen Cong rushed to the guards of two ordinary people. The two men just released a mushroom cannon, and at this moment had no time to replace the mushroom arrows.


Two short knives, one after the other, can only see a trace of afterimage, they have wiped their necks. The blood splattered instantly, spilling three feet away on the ground.

To deal with human beings, Shen Cong did not use the ultra-long weapon such as the Asahi Crab, and the short knife made by the golden core was more convenient. To deal with ordinary people, even the sharpening reaction is not activated. Their physical qualities do not need to be activated at all, and they can be easily killed with a single knife.

In the face of the Ultimate Iron Man, ordinary people are not as powerful as an ant.

The dream of Huang Liang has not yet begun, it has ended under the knife of Shen Cong.


A mushroom cannon exploded on the body guarded by ordinary people, and a huge shock wave blasted the body directly. But this did not affect Shen Cong. Shen Cong wiped them out without hesitation. The blast of the mushroom weapon blasted up a stream of air, instead pushing him away.

The active light wave of the spore powder explosion is a very short attack method, and it has been born and killed only within one or two meters of the explosion.

Unless he directly bombs Shen Cong, he will not be hurt at all.

Moreover, Shen Cong now has a hell-installed shield that guards against active light waves, and he is already familiar with the explosive power of mushroom weapons, not to mention that Artest and the master are jealous. The entire battlefield can almost be said that after he killed Artest and the master, he was destined to be dominated by him alone.

Flexible positioning without any hindrance.

Harvest the corpse one by one.


It's another sword. This time it kills the worm warrior. Just like ordinary people guard, a nuclear warrior is an ant.

The two-core warrior is nothing more than a stronger ant.

For each person who died, the number of mushroom weapons decreased by one. When the mechanical watch on Shen Cong's wrist turned the minute hand five or six times, the mushroom weapon was basically dead.

With Artest's house as the center, the bodies of more than 20 insect warriors, the bodies of more than 30 ordinary people, and the bodies of several women were lying horizontally and vertically.

That's Artest's woman.

As long as she has a relationship with Artest, Shen Cong will show no mercy, and will directly obliterate, whether she is innocent or innocent. Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze is blowing again, and Shen Cong will not make such a mistake.

More bug warriors have come in the distance, and there are ordinary people guarding.

But it came just to die.


A bug warrior with red eyes saw a corpse that had been cut to death on the ground, and the blood flowing out spread the whole red ground, and the pungent **** smell pierced his nose as if he had reached hell.

Even this group of irritable insect warriors who were irritated by the nucleus of the insects could not help but feel terrified.

The red-eyed bug warrior could no longer resist the fear, and turned and fled. He just fled and fled, but he had to scold Shen Cong, for fear that Shen Cong didn't know he was going to flee.

Shen Cong really froze for a moment, and then killed twenty or thirty insect warriors. A total of more than eighty people died, and some people fled. He thought that the character of the insect warrior was not afraid of death.

But even if you run away.

Still all have to die!

The Red-Eyed Warrior, just two steps away, felt a dark overhead. Shen Cong had leaped high, descended from the sky, blocked his way, then turned and waved with a knife.

Ambilight flashes.

The Bug Warrior suddenly covered his neck and wanted to hold on to the blood that kept coming out, but this was futile, Shen Cong's skills became more and more sophisticated, the cutting was just right, and the wound was maximized in the most labor-saving way.

In fact, headshots are more preferred. Mind-breaking is the safest way to kill the enemy, but now time is tight, and singing is faster.

Black-red blood swelled along the fingers.

What the Bug Warrior wanted to say, he opened his mouth, but only made a bubbling sound of "gu gurgling", and blood was poured into his mouth.

After Shen Cong left to hunt down another bug warrior and chopped down three bug warriors, the bug warrior covering his throat fell to the ground.

Eyes opened, staring at the sky, as if accusing ruthless God.


Let him be an ordinary office worker before the end of the day. He lost all his friends and relatives in the last days. In order to survive and fall into a bug warrior, he killed and drank blood, and gained powerful power. Have not enjoyed the addiction, all of this quickly returned to dust and soil.

No one knows what the worm warrior saw just before his death.

Shen Cong didn't know, and didn't care.

At this moment, he is like a machine. He relentlessly harvests every life. There is no morality and morality. All he has to do is to kill everything and sever any trace of future troubles.

More than a hundred worm warriors fled the settlement, and without any hesitation, Shen Cong chased in the direction with the most people and the fastest.

There are several dinuclear warriors in this direction ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The threat of dinuclear warriors is obviously greater than that of one nuclear warrior.


After the crisp gun rang, Chen Xiunii knew that Shen Cong had begun to act, and immediately signaled the team members to prepare, form a net, wait for the fleeing worm soldiers to catch the net, and then quickly complete the harvest.

"Everyone is paying attention, don't let a bug go. Today is the end of the Twin Cities Republic!" Qing Yue shouted, shouting from Chen Xiunii's mouth.

With camouflage smeared on her face, a pair of eyes glowed, and if there was nothing to do, she was ready to launch a killing ring.

The members of the Insect Squad, each invigorating their spirits, are waiting for the same.

Huge explosions emanated from the settlement of Xihai Park, and the dark smoke was rolling over the settlement. They were familiar with this. This was the explosion of mushroom cannons and the burning of amber stones.

The Xihai Park settlement is in chaos.

"The movement is not small, this surname is yellow ..." Xiao Li couldn't believe it, "I dare to rush in alone and kill a group of insects, including the quad-nuclear warrior Artest and the tri-nuclear warrior master?"

After five or six minutes.

The smoke was still billowing, but the explosion of mushroom weapons had disappeared.

Everything comes to peace.

Xiao Li seemed to think of something, in a slightly ridiculous tone, and said to himself: "Sure enough, the surname Huang is still too powerless to deal with a group of bugs. This only persisted for five minutes and was killed. It ’s a pity that I am also an evolutionary ... But anyway, I wasted a lot of mushrooms and contributed ... "

However, before he was finished, Chen Xiunii's drinking sounded again: "Here comes the bug!"


Only then did Xiao Li see that several insect warriors in front were rushing away. (To be continued.) Find this site and search for "" 笔 趣 阁 CM \ "or enter the URL: www.biquge.cm