Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 436: Fly

Seeing the worm-eating bug warriors, Xiao Liwu didn't believe it ... these warriors fled, and it was clear that the Xihai Park settlement encountered an irresistible force.

Otherwise why the bug warrior fled.

But no longer believing, he could only converge his surprise, and began to participate in rounding up the fugitive worm soldiers.

Fighting has already taken place in the jungle.

In order to escape, these bug warriors burst into maximum combat effectiveness. One of the two nuclear warrior soldiers rushed to a member of the insecticide squad. The mushroom weapon in his hand was severely chopped in the fireworks caused by friction, and the empty door opened wide around him. This was a life-threatening play.

In normal times, members of the insecticide team can choose to fight to avoid the focus, and then kill him.

But this team member was still a little bit unprepared. I didn't expect to face each other to fight for his life, which made him hesitate. It was this hesitation that lost the opportunity.

Losing the lead in the fight is fatal enough.

The members of the Insecticidal Team who understood this, were instantly disillusioned, and wanted to fight back to seize the opportunity, but they were unable to return to the sky.

"Am I going to lose?"

The insecticide team member was uncomfortable. He thought he would die violently and treat him like a hero. But he was dying, and that moment of fear made him just want to call for his life.

However, it was too late to shout.

Can only try to parry.

Seeing the dying face and other death expressions on the members of the insecticide team, the two nuclear warrior soldiers were proud of themselves. As long as they killed an individual, no one would stop him and escape. As his two nuclear warrior soldiers, he fled to several others. The settlements will also be reused, and there are still days to enjoy.

"Hold on! Zhuangzi!"

Chen Xiuni's exclaim came, she saw the crisis under her, but was too late to rescue.

The Bug Warrior also heard Chen Xiuni's exclaiming, which made him can't help speeding up his hand speed to kill the Zhuangzi insecticide team member faster, otherwise it would be difficult for Chen Xiuni to make his escape.


One heavy cut, the Mushroom Weapon is made of special materials, and the burning of amber stone can release a small dose of active light waves.


Zhuangzi's golden core sword was corroded and broken.

This time, Zhuangzi couldn't support it anymore, only to close his eyes and wait for death: "I'll die!"

The two nuclear warrior smirked and waved. This time, Zhuangzi must be completely resolved.


What everyone did not expect was that an electric light figure suddenly rushed from a distance, and then saw this figure suddenly missed from the two nuclear warrior soldiers.

Then turned sharply and rushed towards another insect warrior blocked by the insecticide team not far away.

Wait for the figure to leave.


Zhuangzi, who was waiting behind closed doors, felt a hot and humid face, like blood on his face. Opening his eyes suddenly, I saw that the original aggressive two-nuclear warrior warrior had split a blood seam from his left shoulder to his right rib, and the blood kept splattering.

The expression still kept the previous smirk.

The next moment, the upper body slipped, and the lower half of the body maintained a forward striding position. The plasma kept spraying, sprayed into the air two meters high, and then fell.

Zhuangzi stunned the **** for a second, then reacted, breaking open the body of the two nuclear warrior. Spit out blood from your mouth to prevent infection by chigger mites.

Then he turned his head and looked at the other side.

On the other side, Shen Cong, wearing a battle armor, was hacking the last two nuclear warrior to death, then disappeared into the jungle without looking back, went to another battlefield, and continued hunting the two nuclear warrior.

"So strong ..."

Zhuangzi stared at Shen Cong's distant back, his head was full of shock. He didn't see the blade, but the power of that blade was shocking.

A blast sounded from near to far.

Chen Xiunii had solved the bug warrior in front of her, rushed over, saw the two nuclear warrior who was cut in half by the knife, suppressed the vibration of her heart, and asked, "Zhuangzi, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Captain Huang, boss, saved me."

"I saw."

Chen Xiunii glanced forward, and there were also the bodies of two nuclear warrior soldiers, all of whom Shen Cong rushed over and killed with a simple knife. Xiu Mei raised her eyebrows, and Chen Xiu Ni's expression was slightly exhilarated: "Get up your spirit and let us support in another direction."

Zhuangzi changed a golden-cored sword and followed it: "Okay."


Two short swords pierced into the chest of a bug warrior, Miao Huafeng stepped on the body of the bug warrior, pulled out the two short swords, pulled a sword flower, and threw the blood flower clean.

Slightly panting.

She killed a two-nucleus warrior, and her strength was not much worse than her. In addition, she fought hard to escape, and it took a lot of effort to win it.

It is not easy to train bug warriors. How many lives are needed to cultivate a bug nucleus.

There is also a risk of failure in planting, not to mention the ability to plant two successful insect cores, which are the backbone of the insect warrior. Miao Huafeng has a sense of accomplishment in mind to kill a dinuclear warrior.

However, when she looked up, not far from the front, the cricket armor, her sense of accomplishment was hit hard.

What meant someone destroying a settlement, she finally understood.

When this man wearing a sergeant battle armor fell from the sky, hunting and running away from the worm warrior, just like cutting melon and chopping vegetables, the demeanor of the gods deeply shocked Miao Huafeng's heart, and it could not be calmed for a long time.

As the second sister of the five sisters of Mengyin, the director of the Diamond National Mine Park settlement, Miao Huafeng can be said to be a female hero.

The eyes are very high in weekdays, not very worthy of men, but today, she has to lower her proud head-the man in front of him, is already strong to an outrageous degree.

"He is definitely a strong one-level mayor Chen Zhen and Xu Yun!"

Miao Huafeng knows Chen Jiuxian and Xu Yun. He has seen them make a shot. Although Shen Cong's popularity is not strong at this time, it was a long time ago. If Chen Jiuxian is alive, it must be more horrible, and Xu Yun has successfully planted a fifth worm core and became a penta nuclear fighter. It will be even more horrible.

A Chen Jiuxian, a squirrel town mushroom city was established in the last days.

One Xu Yun has subverted the pattern of the Jimoyu area by one hand.

"Now another boss Huang."

A little frustration was quickly thrown away by Miao Huafeng, she looked at the front ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is searching carefully, and Shen Cong, who wanted to find the missing fish, could not help but shouted: "Boss Huang ... "

The voice did not fall.

Shen Cong turned his head back suddenly, like a sledgehammer, slamming into Miao Huafeng, this is a mix of super four talents, the coercion of the ultimate iron man, and the chaotic active wave that he wants to release.

Perhaps ordinary people can't feel it, but Miao Huafeng, who is an iron man, has been struck by lightning.

His face turned pale.

Almost out of breath.

The horrible active wave disturbed her, making her uncomfortable and tortured to the point where it could not be added, as if an ant was looking up at an elephant.

A deep feeling of weakness struck the whole body.

In the second half, I just spit out an "I ..."

Shen Cong's active wave was released a moment later, and a pair of eyes flashed with cold light, which was a kind of indifference to see lower creatures.

Three seconds later, he said: "Tell Chen Xiunii not to let go of a bug warrior, a total of 156 bug warriors, pay attention to count the dead bodies, and there are still four bug warriors."

Having said that, he turned and rushed to the Xihai Park settlement, and the worm soldiers who had fled outside had been cleaned up.

He hunted for a round, and used Tianyan to count the number of corpses, which was four less than the number counted during the previous investigation. Somewhere.

Come fast and walk fast.

Only a few words were left cold, the back of a cricket armor, and that terrifying observation power were imprinted in Miao Huafeng's mind.

Can't spread for a long time: "He even knows how many bug warriors have died. For us, the hard battle is equivalent to ... beating a fly?" (To be continued.) Search this site \ "pen趣 阁 CM \ "or enter the URL: www.biquge.cm