Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 469: You are lying to me

The battle against Mushroom City is far more difficult than the previous four settlements, not only because Mushroom City has a large number of mushroom weapons, but also has the largest number of bug warriors. Enslaved ordinary people also participate in the battle in large numbers.

Ordinary people who can be relocated to Mushroom City are basically people who have yielded to Bug Warriors.

Fighting is tough.

Han Shoucheng's face is not very good-looking.

Former commander of the Jinan Provincial Military Region, Yao Haibo frowned at the battlefield facing the front, condensing: "It seems that Zhang Xiao and Wang Shuang of the Worm Country are ready."

After the drone patrol, it can be clearly found that the entire Mushroom City has entered a state of combat readiness.

All roads and entrances are guarded by heavy soldiers.

Han Shoucheng said: "It is expected that we are prepared. We have terminated four settlements in succession. These settlements have trade relations with Mushroom City. As long as we are careful, we can find clues. Moreover, the terrain is too complicated. We There is no 100% guarantee that all insect warriors will be destroyed, and there will be unavoidable fish. "

"Commander Han, it seems to be using stock rockets."

"For the time being, they have too many mushroom weapons, the flames of the pine forest are too large, and the interference with the signal is too great.


Anxious battles have started with casualties.

When Shen Cong turned on the humanoid radar, he could only cover a small area. The battlefields in other directions needed to be detected by drones.

The drone looks down from the air, the entire mushroom town of Salai town, the center area is shrouded by large swarms of mushrooms. These mushrooms come in all sizes and come in four flavors. The point of a pointed mushroom is sharp, like a cone; a round mushroom is like a fluffy ball; a flat mushroom is a common mushroom; a long mushroom can grow to a height of tens of meters.

The periphery of the mushroom is a pine forest composed of fire-cloud pine.

The fortifications of Mushroom City are arranged in the pine forest. When the amber stone secreted by Huoyun pine is ignited, the fire is endless, blocking the outside of the city into two worlds.

These flame lines of defense.

It is the place where the insecticide squad meets the insect warrior.

In all the pictures, Shen Cong did not see Zhang Xiao, but saw Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang hid in the defensive line and occasionally faced off against the super iron man who launched the attack.

Plug the Super Iron Man back.

The strength of the quad-nuclear warrior, combined with the massive mushroom cannon, exerts a combat power that is no less than that of the ultimate evolutionist.

"Where is Zhang Xiao?"

Shen Cong searched carefully, and still could not find the insect soldiers who met Zhang Xiao's conditions. He had not seen Zhang Xiao, but only heard Zhang Xiao's description from the insect soldier's mouth.

"Zhang Xiao didn't show up. He heard that he didn't agree with Wang Shuang before. Was he killed or hid?"

Thinking in the car doesn't help.

Shen Cong immediately got out of the car, rode a four-legged dragon and walked towards the battlefield. He reached the edge of the battlefield, leapt forward, and rushed into the anxious lines of defense on both sides. There was no Wang Shuang in this line of defense, but Shen Cong was not looking for Wang Shuang. He just rushed to the front of the Mushroom City fortifications, held several mushroom cannons, and grabbed a worm soldier's neck.

Quickly retreated back.

Find a safe place and question the Bug Warrior: "Answer my question, or die immediately."

The Bug Warrior was very stingy and took a sip: "Go to you ..."

"I admire you."


Dipping into the worm's thigh, Shen Cong asked again: "Answer me and my question, otherwise life would be better off."

The short knife stirred in the meat.

The Bug Warrior was cramping with pain, and his teeth grinned: "Don't turn around ... I said, I said!"

Shen Cong stopped turning the knife: "Where has Zhang Xiao gone?"

"The big president has gone to Laishan."

"President? Did he and Wang Shuang win the game?"

The Bug Warrior's eyes flickered: "No, it was run by President Wang." He apparently had not studied "The Self-Cultivation of an Actor". His acting skills were stiff and his eyes blinked, saying "I am lying."

"Cheat me!" Shen Cong said coldly, turning his knife in his hand again.


The Bug Warrior screamed.

Leng Khan couldn't help but say, "I'm telling the truth, I'm telling the truth, the big president is Zhang Xiao, who defeated Wang Shuang."

"Why did he go to Mount Lai?"

"This, I don't know."


Withdrawing a short knife, Shen Cong saw that one leg of the Zerg Warrior was blurred, and he changed another thigh humanely: "He is still lying to me."

"I don't have any!" The warrior wailed. "Don't turn any more!"

"If you don't tell the truth, I will rotate the knife countless times on you. Believe me, I have dissected many corpses, know the structure of the human body, and know how to avoid the key points and ensure that you do not die."

The Bug Warrior cried: "I said, I said, the big president is a penta-core bug warrior, Wang Shuang can't beat him, he admits. We received a notice that the big army of the insecticide team rushed over, and the big president said that he was on guard The guy called Boss Huang, don't be afraid, he went to Houshan to invite a big guy to kill Boss Huang ... I said that, let me go. "


With the knife in his arm, Shen Cong said coldly, "How many times do you want to lie to me?"

The insect warrior Yang Tian was indignant and angry: "I really didn't lie to you, I swear, I lie to you, I hit five thunderous bombs!"

Shen Cong nodded: "I believe you."

"Really? Do you really believe me? Great ..."


The sword cut off the throat and the Zerg Warrior was relieved.

Shen Cong wiped off the contaminated blood on the knife, stood up, and looked to the south of Mushroom City. There was Mount Lai, the sister mountain of Mount Tai, and the highest peak was more than 1,000 meters.

His eyes were cold and cold.

"You guys want to kill me?"

The drone couldn't rise, and it couldn't reach the altitude of one thousand meters, so there was no way to peek into the entire Menglai Mountain. The lush Mount Lai is denser than the tropical rain forest. No one can find anyone hiding in it.

"Zhang Xiao is a penta-core warrior. This is strange. I have examined several bug warriors, including Xu Yun, and I am sure that Zhang Xiao is only a quad-core warrior. If he is a penta-core warrior, Xu Yun cannot be relieved Going out ... Penta nuclear warriors are not so easy to plant. Even if the planting is successful, it will take a lot of time to improve the physique with active water waves. "

Learned that someone is at stake.

Shen Cong suppressed the anger, started his brain, and carefully analyzed through these clues.

Each piece of information may reveal important clues.

For this ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Shen Cong, who has watched "The Detective Sherlock Holmes", is deeply convinced. Maybe this detective novel has a lot of mysterious parts, but the ideas explained in it are very valuable. When he was reading a book, Shen Cong also deliberately bought a lot of criminal investigation records to enrich himself.

In the criminal investigation, even a cigarette **** is a huge source of information.

Shen Cong does not engage in criminal investigation. He only analyzes and guesses: "Zhang Xiao can defeat Wang Shuang, which means that he did not plant a fifth insect nucleus in a short time, and he was well prepared. Without letting outsiders know, this person is very Thinking! Unlike a targetless person, the big guy he said can deal with me, maybe it really exists! "

big guy?

"What big guy is it? What can be called a big guy is nothing more than an evolutionary beast. Penta-core warrior, bring a mushroom cannon to deal with the ultimate evolutionary beast, it should not be difficult, I am dealing with the ultimate evolutionary beast, It's enough. Then he shouldn't put hope on the ultimate evolutionary beast. "

Looking at Mount Lai in the distance, Shen Cong has found the answer he wants: "There is a Peerless Beast hidden in Mount Lai!" (To be continued.) (Heavy truck chariot in the last days .. 4949840)- -(Heavy trucks in the last days)