Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 507: Let me make up the head

Sleep well all night.

The next day, April 19.

After Shen Cong woke up, his emotions were a little irresistible, and today, he will hit the nuclear level!

The nuclear level is not a qualitative change, it is just a division of talent, which does not really make much sense. The really meaningful division of talent is coercion. There are two levels of coercion and no coercion. However, although the nuclear level has no substantial benefits, it represents a high level of talent.

The nuclear level is also called Wushuang, but at that time, the Eastern Theater believed that the nuclear level was the highest level, and there was no one who was the best.

But it is clear that above the nuclear level, there is a more terrible talent. The 300-meter-long humpback whale is the representative. At this level, Shen Cong has not named it, because he intends to pursue the naming method of Xindaya. Without experiencing the might of this level in person, you can't really know the strength of the opponent.

I ate some locust beans for breakfast. The nutrition of locust beans is not clear, but there is no indigestion in the stomach.

This is indeed an edible metal.

After meals and morning exercises.

The work of devouring the fire spirit medium officially began.

Alloying, resonance, and drawing of the seeds, the properties of the seeds complete the change and become part of the iron core, the talent is improved. This set of actions, Shen Cong, has been repeated many times, very skillful, time passed by every minute.

It took two and a half hours to flash.

The seventh cubic fire psychic has been devoured, and the eighth cubic fire psychic is being devoured.

After a complete set of actions is repeated.

Shen Cong instantly ignored the action love movie being played on the computer screen, suddenly stood up, took a deep breath, and showed a smile-just at this moment, his talent quietly increased from 485 to 4867h, exceeding the nuclear level 4865 standard in one fell swoop. Become an unparalleled iron man.


"Finally to the nuclear level, I feel that I am getting stronger and stronger." Shen Cong suddenly jumped out of the Donkey Kong's carriage and came to the outside of the cave. The sky radiated away and found a large golden tree.

This golden tree is very hard. It is difficult to cut without a knife.

But Shen Cong rolled up his sleeves, reached into a fist, and stood in front of the big tree.


His fists waved, his fist whistled, and he hit the trunk of the golden tree.



Bang, bang, bang ...

Quick combos, seeing no fists, only fists. There were about a hundred hits, and the leaves of the golden tree fell down, as if green snow had fallen.

Shen Cong raised his fist again, turned abruptly, and kicked.

Accurately pinch where the Golden Tree was hit.


The big tree trembled like an electric shock, and the parts hit by the fists and feet were deeply sunk into it.

Shen Cong rolled a circle in the air by the reaction force, and when he landed, he made a move to hang his wings and stood for three seconds.

This was the expressionless expression of his hands and feet, then turned around and walked back. As soon as he left, the large golden tree suddenly made a clicking noise. Immediately afterwards, the golden tree that could not be embraced by one person began to crack from the part hit by the fist.

Slowly, slowly, this golden tree suddenly broke down.

Shen Cong has returned to the cave.

There is no fluctuation in interrupting a tree, and he knows his physical fitness in detail, although it is difficult to judge the extent of it because of the vague standards. However, he knows how much effort he can cause. The set of moves just used half of his strength.

If he explodes with a full blow, even a golden tree that is half-embraced by one person can be interrupted.

Wutian Iron Man is on the top of the food chain on land, and there are no evolutionary individuals on the land that have exceeded nuclear level. Besides, he also has equipment and wisdom.

"My current strength, bare-handed, is enough to hit me ten before. The talent has been improved by as much as 08h, and it is still improving. I have not felt where the limit is. The super five talent is definitely promising ... , It ’s more wonderful, but the possibilities are too low. "

Improved strength and more self-confidence.

Now he can move around the green hill cave without wearing **** outfits, because he is confident that as long as he doesn't touch the behemoth, the flesh alone can no longer hurt himself.

Metallization, not just talking about it.

His skin and meat gold defense strength can absolutely resist missiles. The super gold nucleus stimulates the sharpening reaction, and it may not necessarily hurt him seriously.

"But be careful, I am strong now, but not the strongest. I do n’t want to say that the humpback whale in the sea, but I can fight the spirit of the tinder. The spirit of the tinder is a special life transformed by the fragments of the tinder. The earth is so big, there are definitely other places where the Tinder Spirit exists. "

The Tinder Spirit, buried deep in the ground, showed great power as soon as it came out, fighting the golden beast alone. Coupled with Shen Cong's constant attack of mushroom arrows, and its changes, it was completely eliminated. If the Tinder Spirit appears elsewhere, there is no containment by Shen Cong, or if it is born very early, the Tinder Spirit will definitely grow rapidly.

"The Tinder Spirit is very likely to be the future direction of the evolutionary individual, but for the time being, the Tinder Spirit is our natural enemy! I must be careful that this type of life has a Ting Spirit and can even develop higher intelligence. "

Think of Fire Spirit.

Shen Cong blinked for a moment.

After entering the Donkey Kong compartment, converging to the nuclear level of excitement, he immediately opened the door of the laboratory compartment and began to observe the situation of the fire spirit.

The fire spirit heart has weakened to a certain extent, and there is no bright brilliance. Many stars even show signs of extinction, and the radiation fluctuations have become very weak.

For a while, the activity and the energy radiated from the tinder fragments finally starved the fire spirit heart to death.

"It's time for a wave of alloys to completely establish a more peculiar connection of consciousness than the heart mark!" Shen Cong's eyes flickered, and he had guided Donkey Kong, quickly turned to activity, and came to the alloy fire heart.

The repulsive force encountered is almost impossible to check.

This time the alloy was very smooth, sing along all the way, fast alloy successfully fired the outer part of the spirit heart. The familiar consciousness withdraws from the body and enters the fire spirit heart.

Time flies, a strong sense of hunger hits the whole body.

I just feel that the whole person is extremely weak ... This is certainly not the feeling of Shen Cong, but the feeling of fire spirit. Shen Cong was well prepared for this, and a strong willpower burst, quickly suppressing this feeling of weakness and hunger, pulling his consciousness back and returning to his own body.

It's just that after being pulled back, the consciousness seems to span two bodies, half of which is the feeling of strength and burstiness, and half of the feeling of hunger and weakness.

"The Fire Spirit is like ... the brain avatar."

Shen Cong couldn't bear to feel this peculiar state, and continued to explode willpower, guiding Donkey Kong to make persistent efforts, and quick alloy fire spirit.

Little by little.

Donkey Kong ’s alloy advances steadily, and the closer it is to the center of the Fire Spirit, the greater the repulsive force.

But the fire spirit heart has weakened to the extreme, no matter how strong the repulsive force, it can not stop the alloy of Donkey Kong, for a moment, or as long as a century.

The most central area of ​​Fire Spirit Heart was declared occupied.

Shen Cong only felt that the strong light was coming, and his consciousness fell into a drowsiness and ignorance. Just a moment, everything returned to normal. Shen Cong's consciousness reunited with aura and became active, and this time, consciousness has a completely new experience.

This experience is mysterious.

The external senses exist in the form of a sky-eye radar active wave, enabling him to feel everything around him, from the Qingshan cave to the vast forest outside the cave.

He can feel the sweltering heat in the cave ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ can feel the coldness of his body, can feel the king of the half-beast that locks his hands and feet, can feel the diamond ants carrying food in and out, I can feel that the four-legged dragon is basking in the sun on the top of the mountain, and I can feel that I am no longer in human form.

"What did I see? I seem to have become a Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong is really my body at this moment, and all perceptions become clear ... Fire spirit embraces my consciousness, so that I can think and perceive the whole Donkey Kong and the outside world. "

Shen Cong perceived sweeping "his body", he saw every part, every line, every material of Donkey Kong, and the body of "Shen Cong beast" sitting in the laboratory compartment.

That is also his body.

Suddenly, Shen Congshou opened his eyes, looked at Huo Lingxin, and uttered a sentence in his mouth: "I will form the head!"


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