Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 538: Sickly

On the big screen, the pictures transmitted by the drones have an overview of the entire battlefield, and collisions everywhere are like science fiction movies.

Later, after the real siege battle was staged, it became even more tragic. The previous confrontations in the eastern theater have never used hot weapons, but they are reserved for use at this time. The artillery rang out, Rao was the super thick wall of the Rat Man City, and was bombarded by bombs as well.

But none of this shocked the four-legged dragon.

This snake-like lizard, cutting the city wall is like cutting tofu. Hula a huge gap, and another hula, a huge gap. The wall of the Rat City is in front of it, no different from that of paper. In fact, the effect of the fortifications does not work in front of the behemoth.

The wall collapsed, and the Rat Man once again fell into hand-to-hand combat with the teams in the eastern theater. Thousands of beasts rushed this time, knocking the armored car over and over.

More than a hundred rats and beasts came to besiege the four-legged dragon.

However, the four-legged dragon followed Shen Cong and learned the exquisite fighting skills. After finding that hard resistance is not a good way, he decisively started the walking tactics. Around the Rat-Man City, they ran from east to west, and then returned from north to south. When they met the group of rats and beasts, they ran, and when they encountered a single rat and beast, they were directly bitten and killed.

There are four-legged dragons, the ultimate golden beast that affects balance, and there are a dozen or twenty super iron men. Even with more than 100,000 rat people, they still cannot compete.

As Shen Cong expected, the war would be won without him.

The Libra gradually fell to the eastern theater, and the buildings in Rat Man City collapsed one after another. The crypts were also exposed to the field of vision with the efforts of various pets coming from the eastern theater.

"The siege battle came to an end." In Zhang Changde's armored car, someone spit out a long breath, and the tense work was finally over.

The others said, "The difficulty is a little more difficult than the last time, but it is within the range of tolerance. The Rat Man is better than the beast at using tools, but it is limited ..."

Han Shoucheng said in a deep voice: "Before you can relax, carefully monitor to prevent rat-human counterattacks. At present, the number of dead rat-humans is about 100,000, and there are at least 60,000. Any negligence is fatal!"

The voice did not fall.

A staff member sitting in front of the monitor screamed immediately: "Head! The moat has changed, and a large number of rat people have climbed out of the moat!"

"Cut the picture over!"

Cut the screen, Han Shoucheng frowned, because he clearly saw the appearance of the rat-man from the screen, and found that this was a rat-man species that had never been seen before.

The rat-man was festering, his eyes had a pathological red light, white foam spewed from the corners of his mouth, and he drew thin **** while running. The body is almost the same size as the rat slave, and it rushes towards the eastern theater team from the rear.

"Head, how do you arrange it?" The staff asked.

Han Shoucheng made an immediate decision: "Unsurprisingly, he had been paying attention to the problem of the moat. According to the original plan, one regiment and two regiments continued to attack. The mobile unit was carefully prepared. The three regiments withdrew from the siege battle sequence and went to the rear to block the moat Rat-like shock. "

This order came out of the horn of the armored combat vehicle and informed the ears of each of the three regiments.

Soon the three regiments retreated from the city in an orderly manner, came to the original wall location, and began to resist the moat. However, long-range weapons have been exhausted and can now only be used in close combat.

"I depend, why is it so smelly."

"The mice are disgusting and stinking!"

"Are they shit?"

"Pus is running all over, how could there be such a zombie."

The three regiments complained when they saw the Moat Rats. These rat-men were disgusting and horrible, and before they rushed over, the stench first wiped out half of the combat effectiveness of the three regiments.


Combat contacts.

I did not expect that these disgusting rat-humans were even weaker than the mouse slaves. In the face of the three regiments, they were not enough to look at, one for each knife and one for each shot. Most of the disgusting Rats fell under the roots of the wall and became a pool of sick rotten meat. A few Rats crossed the line of defense and continued to rush to the city.

Han Shoucheng once again issued an order: "The two regiments change their formations and destroy the moat rats who rushed into the city!"

The two regiments immediately turned their muzzles and rid the remaining disgusting rat people. In a matter of moments, these tens of thousands of rat men rushing out of the moat were killed, without causing any losses in the eastern theater.

"The muskrats are too weak to have any lethality. The muskrats are muskrats, and they become a group of rubbish." The staff ignored the "ambush" bursting out of the moat.

It was just that Han Shoucheng frowned, feeling abnormal, that the IQ of the Rat Man shouldn't be so low, no matter how he arranged at least some Rat Beasts as ambushes. Actually, using some disgusting rat people better than rat slaves as ambush, this is basically no different from tickling.


Under the water of Tai Lake, Shen Cong in the Vajra Fortress frowned.

He also noticed that these disgusting rat-humans had a poor combat effectiveness, which delayed the offensive in the eastern theater by only three or five minutes, which had almost no effect on the battlefield.

"The performance of Rat King should not be so simple." Shen Cong has not seen Rat King, but according to a series of actions of Rat Man, we can see that Rat King definitely has no less than the IQ of ordinary people.

Building cities, organizing troops, building equipment, digging moats, and even enslaving human survivors all require a high IQ as the basis.


Shen Cong can only guess that no matter how much a mouse can evolve, it can't be human. If you learn tactics from humans, you can rest easy.

But soon, this speculation was rejected by reality.

Because in the picture, the Eastern Theater soldiers who had just killed the Moat Rat Man suddenly indirectly stooped and vomited, and some even fell directly to the ground and twitched. More and more soldiers seemed to be caught off guard by a sudden illness.

"Is this an infectious disease?"

Shen Cong raised an eyebrow, and suddenly understood the role of the moat.

This moat was not intended to ambush soldiers, but to send these sick rat men to the troops in the eastern theater, and to infect the soldiers in the eastern theater.

Is there any virus in the new world? Shen Cong doesn't know, since he hasn't been sick again since his evolution started. I haven't seen the evolutionary sick, but ordinary people occasionally have headaches and brain heat, and there are sick people.

But now, there is an infectious disease that has allowed the evolutionaries to begin to get infected.

This is extraordinary.

Soon, more and more evolutionaries on the battlefield could not afford to fall.

It seems that Han Shoucheng issued an order to retreat, and the undeveloped evolutionary quickly lifted the infected patient into an armored vehicle and prepared to retreat first. At this time, Shen Cong found that basically the weakest evolutionaries were infected, and the powerful evolutionaries were rarely infected.

No cases of iron man infection have been identified.

However, relying solely on iron men, the battlefield failed, and the Rats who retreated to the underground caves came out in large numbers and began to hunt down the soldiers in the eastern theater.

The four-legged dragon also fell into the siege of the mouse and beast ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ an infectious disease that instantly reversed the disadvantage of the mouse man, and even made Shen Cong frown when the convoy of the eastern theater troops retreated to the moat, Hundreds of rats will ride on the beasts, rush out of the moat, intercept the troops in the eastern theater, and begin to kill without fear of death.

In an instant, the offensive eastern theater was about to fall into defeat.

At this time, in the center of the Rat-Man City, the earth suddenly trembled, and the soil turned over. A rat animal about the size of a four-legged dragon emerged from the ground. On top of this rat and animal, stood a big mouse wearing animal skin armor, about four meters tall, holding a magnificent golden-cored sword in his hand.

Obviously, this big mouse is the rat king on the side of Shen Congyuan.


Shen Cong made the drone's picture freeze on the top of the giant rat and beast, adjusted the focus, and suddenly his face became iron-blue: "A mouse ... stood beside Rat King?"

It is indeed a woman, a human being, wearing gorgeous animal skins.

There was no sign of being coerced, but there was a posture of contempt and contempt for the entire battlefield. The woman turned her head and looked at the drone hovering in the sky, nestled in the arms of Rat King, slowly extended her left hand, and raised a middle finger.

On the enlarged screen, Shen Cong seemed to be able to see that the corner of the woman's mouth had a dark smile.

The four canine teeth flashed silver, all revealing weirdness.


"Looks like this secret way exits, you don't need to keep it." Shen Cong looked at the Rat King and the woman who had driven the giant rat and beast to kill the four-legged dragon, and his eyes burst into two gods. "Is love across races, It is really touching ... but you are anti-human, do you know! "(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. )