Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 539: The patron saint is with you (Thank you

The disgusting Rat Man brought a rapid outbreak of infectious disease, directly burying the huge advantage of the Eastern Theater. Numerous Golden Man soldiers fell ill, affecting not only the living force of the army, but without the Golden Man Warrior, there was no effective attack method to resist the rat. Human offense.

The uninfected triathlon also scored manpower to take care of these patients.

"Command, I am 017 car Zhang Dacheng. All the gold men in the car are in a coma, twitching, vomiting and diarrhea. There is no fighting power. I ca n’t take care of it alone and ask for support!" Super iron man Zhang Dacheng, driving his own Armored tanks report to the command anxiously.

His chariot carried a hundred soldiers of the Golden Man, but almost all of the Golden Men were infected with the virus. Fortunately, the command issued a retreat in time. Before the virus was completely infected, the soldiers supported each other and returned to the chariot. No one left.

However, all the soldiers lost their fighting power, and the guns, ammunition, and bows and arrows that were stored in the car were not used. The original driver also fell ill. Zhang Dacheng had to drive an armored vehicle by himself and was unable to fight at all.

While reporting, a rat rushed over with the beast and Zhang Dacheng had to slam in the direction to avoid the bite attack of the beast.

But the gold-cored javelin shot by the rat still hit the armor and hit a large hole.


The rat and beast haven't been thrown out yet, and another rat and animal rushed over there, ramming and almost knocking over the armored vehicle.

"Car 017, hold on and retreat to the moat. Our support forces are laying up defense along the moat and return to the moat as soon as possible!" Han Shoucheng heard a voice from the radio.

Zhang Dacheng heard anxious: "Can't stand it, Commander Han! I can only be passively beaten now, I can't fight back at all! These rats blocked my retreat, I can only circle around here!"


Another rat and beast slammed into it, knocking the armored car out of a huge depression.

Zhang Dacheng wanted to desperately want to collide with the beast, using the armored vehicle's defense, and collided a few times a single pair to kill the beast. But he couldn't do this. Once he was entangled by rats and beasts, he would fall into a siege. When the rats and beasts bit by bit, the armored vehicle would definitely be scrapped.

Now I can only find a chance to escape and retreat to the moat.

The crisis is not just Zhang Dacheng. There are more than 150 armored vehicles on the battlefield, which are distributed in the north, west, and south directions of the Rat Man City, but there are more than 1,000 rat and beasts. Most of these rats and beasts are intermediate and advanced gold beasts, and only a few are super gold beasts. Their single combat power is not very powerful.

Why fight more and fight less, and all the Golden Warriors fell ill, the armored vehicles could not exert their combat power, and they could only be left to slaughter.

There are also a large number of rat soldiers to assist, and the rats will interfere with their weapons, which will increase the power of the rats and beasts.


哐 Dang!

Finally, Zhang Dacheng's armored vehicle failed to carry on. When he was hitting a direction, he was hit by a beast, the angle was very tricky, and he just rolled over.

After the rollover, Zhang Dacheng took a deep breath, pushed open the flip of the armored car, picked up the gold nuclear lance, and rushed out.

"I hate mice the most in my life!"

The Super Ironman's fighting ability is very strong. One person will kill a rat general, then turn around and jump, flash around, and kill another rat general. Unfortunately, his fighting power broke out, but the armored vehicle could only be slaughtered. Those rats and animals couldn't catch him and destroyed his armored vehicle.

Zhang Dacheng had to rescue the armored car, otherwise the Golden Soldier in the car would not be completely protected. Once the damage was severe, he would lose his life.

This time, he immediately fell into the attack circle of the rat soldiers and overwhelmed the javelin projection. Rao was wearing natural vehicle armor and was still hit by countless javelins. He was dizzy for a while.

The Super Iron Man is not a super evolutionary beast, and his lean body defense is much weaker.

"Can't I die here today?"

Zhang Dacheng shook his head, and he had countless unwillingness. He had a wife and his son was gestating. Although he had only been together for a few months, he cherished the family. "If I want to run away, I don't want to die here ... but What if I run away, my armored vehicle will die ... and, I am a soldier! "

The idea of ​​shaking was fleeting, and Zhang Dacheng suddenly aroused his spirit and forgot the fear.

The spear provoked and hurriedly rushed to a rat attacking the clamshell of the armored vehicle. The gun trembled, and the rat's head was instantly shattered, and Bai Huahua's brain was scattered everywhere.


Suddenly Zhang Dacheng felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. The joint position of the natural vehicle armor had been pierced by a gold-core lance and stuck in his bone.


Zhang Dacheng exclaimed, stretched out his hand to pull out the gold nuclear lance, but with such a delay, more than a dozen gold nuclear lances with flashing brilliance flew over.

He could only wield a spear in his hand to barely block the attack, but a previous shot had cost him at least half of his combat power and he was unable to maintain the situation at all: "It seems really dead!"

Frustrated, only pain and fatigue hit.

At this moment, the radio in the armored car suddenly shouted loudly, and Han Shoucheng shouted, "Everyone stick! The patron saint is here!"

With such a simple shout, Zhang Dacheng shook his spirits. All the negative thoughts disappeared, and his heart was ecstatic: "Yes, Commander Hu joined us in the battle! He came from the side of Taihu! Yes Hope it! "

Fatigue swept away, Zhang Dacheng laughed, re-emerged, and resisted the attack of Rats and Beasts.


The four-legged dragon and the giant rat and beast scrambled together. The two extremely golden beasts were on par with each other.

The four-legged dragon has participated in various wars with Shen Cong. The fighting skills and fighting consciousness ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ are definitely top-notch. But the giant rats and beasts were obviously artificially trained, and all kinds of fighting skills did not fall in the slightest.

In addition, the Rat King was on the side, assisting the giant rat beast to attack, but gradually suppressed the four-legged dragon.

This four-meter-tall rat king is completely upright. The sharp knife of the gold core in his hand flashes a brilliant brilliance. It is definitely made of high-quality gold core. And its explosive power is also very powerful, even more fierce than the Super Ironman's explosive power, this is a Super Rat Man.

The Ultimate Rat Beast cooperates with the Super Rat King, and there is a tacit existence. The four-footed dragon that swept the Rat Man first is now howling.

The woman who was nestling in the rat king's arms just now has transferred to another rat animal, stepping on the animal's head, and the gorgeous animal skin seems as if she is the ruler of the rat people.

The woman looked at the situation on the battlefield with a cold smile on her mouth.

With a hoarse voice, he calmly said to himself: "The cholera pathogen has finally shown its power. The little obedients have bitten all the **** in the eastern theater, and when Dabao and Daobir kill this long-legged snake, When the Eastern Theater completely broke! "

His eyes flickered with resentment.

The woman looked at the good situation. The resistance of the eastern theater forces became weaker and weaker, and the smile grew stronger: "Sooner or later, my obedient army will conquer the world ... all human beings should be damned, you dirty things! God doesn't make it Beauty, do n’t exterminate human beings, I ’ll do it myself! ”

With a smile, Ma Jintu's eyes were suddenly attracted by the situation in the distance: "That's ..."


It was a huge steel chariot, standing against a towering pillar. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. )